Alliance communities do the same thing

Most of us get bored if it’s a full pop, but a 10-15 pop is perfect because it’s an equal balance of challenge and fun. If we’re a full raid we just steamroll them like comp stomp and even though it’s ended as soon as the game allows it, there’s no pride in that. Sometimes leads will stagger the queues so we don’t get huge pops, or if a group is still in an epic the groups that are out will get into q.


I can imagine it is boring to play with 4 evokers 12 boomies 72 mistweaver and 34 hunters, every. single. game.

Pop everything,

Make a couple of LoS walls with evokers.

Starfall to death.

big yawn.

BSG need to loosen up.


Point is. BSG doesn’t need 20+ or 30+ to take a que. they take as small as a 5 man.

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I bet those 5 man have more fun than being fully stacked.

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That’s what they’re saying, yeah. It’s why they do it.
While they try to get into big pops, and will take the 20+ if they can get it. BSG takes whatever pops, and sometimes it’s tough games and losses vs pugs. Though you’ll never heard that side, hah.

No one wants to play them cause they’re toxic. Even against the people who they say they are cool with. It’s a strange environment.


No one wants to play with or against any of these sync queue groups. They are all equally toxic, and no one is buying their ‘better-than-thou’ attitude.


Yeah. I would hope to get a bg without the main team. Otherwise it’s comp stomp.


The disrespect toward non-community players is astonishing. The level of delusion has reached a point where they genuinely believe EBGS wouldn’t exist without them. The “screw the pugs” attitude, shared by RR-DJL and AVM, is outrageous.

Yet, the other communities aren’t any better. BSG often engages in “hunting” behavior, stalking other communities and dropping out of queues if they don’t get the matchups they want, leaving the game in disarray for everyone. A prime example: a Wintergrasp match with 16 players on Alliance and 17 on Horde. BSG queued as Alliance, while AVM was on Horde. AVM dodged, and BSG dropped, leaving the game severely unbalanced until long after the initial fight.

There are countless examples like this, yet all these groups do is adopt a “holier-than-thou” attitude, constantly blaming others while taking no responsibility for their actions. All I want is for them to stop lying and admit what everyone already knows. It shouldn’t be that hard—though it seems it is for them.


All i have to say is that we’re all hypocrites in our own way. some more than others :smirk: :smirk:

Well, you’re not wrong.

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Lol that’s wild

Aye this would be a healthier approach. The more stacked comms can easily go in with a 5 man team in prime time and do just fine imho. They aim to dominate tho so u rarely see that approach lol. A relatively “fair” fight is more fun both sides. A concept lost on most of the premaders. Stacked premades vs pugs gets pretty boring fast imho depending where your standards are.


It happens quite often, especially as a split. And other communities sure take those pops and love to brag about winning vs 5 of us after focus targeting us all game :melting_face:. Happens. Win or lose. Gg go next.


You should try what me and nutshots do. We do some crazy stunts and it’s fun :rofl:

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I’m too much of a noob lol; wish I had those skills m8. Rogs are nasty af lol; does look fun!

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I don’t think you’re a noob tho bro. You actually do great and are one of those you need to watch out for lol


Too kind :100:. I have my moments & tricks but can confirm I am one of the least talented lol. :v:

Also just want to say this >> I was making toxic comments towards bsg (and other premade comms) especially @ the start of TWW. It cost me the friendship of someone I like & respect; trying to earn that friend back. So I do apologize for my in game actions. I respect many of the players in the comms but am weary af of premades. Sorry @ yall.


Understandable! Pug games can really be fun and spontaneous!


i honestly think most players don’t. even if you enjoy challenges, you want variety in your games. even in arena R1s push for their ranking and then switch to an alt to play in lower ratings with less pressure. people don’t want every single game to be super sweaty, but they do want some games to be super sweaty.