Alliance communities do the same thing

Wow… just came back from a trip to this mess. Totally agree—the community leaders and their fanboys seem like narcissists. It’s all about them, and they hate each other, but it’s like they’re staring in a mirror. The constant need for attention and validation is exhausting.

That said, in my experience, most of the rank-and-file players are cool. I also feel compelled to give credit to Auggy and Cinco for leading their groups well—they take steps to keep things respectable. Not sure if Cinco’s still around though, haven’t seen her in a while.

That says it all right there …


Ruthlessbro and his 13 healers are fighting a PUG in AV right now. Players on the PUG team are expressing their frustration in the BG chat.

Some of the PUG players don’t realize they’re up against a premade. Instead, a few of them are trying to report players like Enfers for being AFK. So sad.


all i know is i have pugged into premades and faced them many times, i can safely say none of those games were fun in the least. it’s just a boring beat down. but each their own opinion on that.


I’m not going to miss out on an opportunity to compliment Psalms. Agreed 100 % !


That’s the thing… most people who play in community epics don’t even know anyone from other communities enough to “hate” them; people usually just go by the stories they hear. It’s very easy to put people in the same box depending who they play with.

We see this play out in real life with politics/race/religion. Of course you will see it in a video game where it gets competitive.

Psalms is a better person than I am. I need to change my vindictive ways, coz vengeance is not mine. :saluting_face:


when poeple want to feel fear but not actually be in danger, they ride a roller coaster. this concept is what should apply to wow. everyone is busy trying to calm down, but instead everyone should let loose, its a game and the stakes don’t matter. IRL if we had a gang war, the results would be disastrous with a lot of people dead, but in wow we can just keep talking :poop: and do it again the next day like a living sitcom.

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Na, your ‘gang’ of narcissistic man-children would dodge 100%.


I mean… so would everyone. Most people aren’t degen enough to go brawl in the streets. You only engage in that behaviour if you have nothing to lose. You just aren’t understanding what inemia is saying.

And you’re just defending your fellow community member. I stand by what I said, regardless of what he meant.

May be a little off topic - my colleague mentioned that there is research around this area where AI is used to setup the stage tailoring to each player’s preferred experience based on their past behaviors trending and pattern and is showing some success. In another word, instead of the match making system currently used by WoW (which logic most likely is ‘fixed’ and require manual human tweaking), AI could be better evaluate the capability of all players and their preferences, to create a match (Epic BG) that would maximize the enjoyment for all players that is participating within the bound of the game rules.

It might be too large a job for Blizz but the option is there. While this won’t apply to everyone, but I think if the game can guarantee a certain level of enjoyment, then people wouldn’t depend on Premading as much.

you need to read a lot more scifi

“player 226B, you have failed to have maximum enjoyment for the 5th time, please prepare for subject termination, thank you have an have a nice day, don’t forget to tip your executioner.”

Well, seeing as the enjoyment of premades is derived from facing the PUGs they loathe, I don’t see how it would create an enjoyable queue for one side without ruining the game for the other. It’s definitely a good idea, though. Given that Blizzard is choosing to let them kill the mode, it can’t be any worse.

Well that is what he usually does.

He’s been pretty active in the epics I see him in. Maybe he’ll be “inactive” if he gets in with djl or something but the dude has game & has been playing. Dk, hunter & priest.

:rofl: Lol , anyway I think the problem is else where and us the customer must not throw our rights way.

We could start by defining the characteristics of a fun game. For me, it’s matches that have come back, surprises and close wins. AI will be very good for this.

The behaviour of people enjoying overpowering opponents in Epic BG is largely cultivated by game design. It could be investigated to deliver a sense of achievement and satisfaction through other means. But if people must, then without the player’s awareness, the system could match these players against AI players who have personalities and are just as convincing as real ppl (if done right), and these human players would never know :wink:

I don’t think any of these will happen with WoW considering Blizz’s attitude, but would be happy to be proven wrong.


Literally in your post you’re being toxic and using targeted harassment while saying someone else is falsely accusing you of toxicity. Self-reflect much bruh?

Love how this Rogue doesn’t even address your reply, just jumps in another ad hominem thinking everyone else is the ‘toxic’ one. Wow…

How is killing people in pvp being “toxic” and “targeted harassment”?

What? HAHA

My dude…I replied to a specific post. How about you read that specific post for context prior to knuckle dragging your keyboard over to where I am?