Alliance communities do the same thing

Alliance communities sync groups, use addons or disc, drop games, beat up pugs, AFK matches, and anything else.

So why is it only the horde being attacked?

For the alliance who seem to be so angry, it’s especially weird. Alliance are already the dominant faction and sync/stomp pugs at various hours of the day; whereas horde communities play primarily during prime time hours. On top of that alliance can choose to merc to improve their queue times and/or win chances.

So what’s the goal here? No communities on both sides? No syncing on both sides? Or something else?

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Do you want more power points? The stage is set.

Are you able to answer the questions?

The alliance/toxics are trying to frame the issue as “evil horde communities do bad things” when they do the exact same “bad things.”

Why not just say what they want without all the drama?


A lot of the voices bringing it up are Horde. The people most affected by the behavior in question are Horde pugs, who often find themselves walking into massacres due to the massive holes left in their teams. Hell, half the time they’re missing a bunch of people and playing against an Alliance premade.


And you think the same doesn’t happen to alliance pugs?

What is it you want?

Assuming you’re horde, if horde communities disappear but alliance ones remain your chance at wins will drop like a rock.

What’s disappearing is pugs, and those premade “communities” will self-destruct as soon as their preferred targets are gone.

Incidentally, I play both factions. Alliance premades don’t queue dodge anywhere near as much as Horde do, because they don’t have to. The dead teams left behind by Horde queue dodging are easy pickings for Alliance premades.


The target of the attack is the act of “Dodging” and “Queue Dropping”, and NOT a specific faction or limited to a certain community/premade.

While AVM is being named here, they are not the only one. Perhaps we will see more whistleblowers from the Alliance side as this event progresses. We must keep the focus on the right target and let this brew.

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Given that AVM and DJL are Horde only and given that they BOTH dodge BSG (who usually queue as Alliance) it is by a large margin predominately Horde queues that are dodged.

What other Alliance epic communities other than BSG are even active right now? When do they queue? None that I’m aware of and BSG isn’t dodging. SPM is Alliance and idk if they have queued lately, but they don’t dodge.

AVM and DJL will lose to BSG so they feel they must dodge even if they pop 30+

That said this is a bait thread and you’re hiding behind a classic wow character


light on the global situation, does it matter that its AVM who was used as the subject?

As long as blizzard is looking in this general direction, they could do AoE damage.


I can confirm what the OP mentioned. I played as a Horde epic BG player for six years before recently switching back to Alliance. Having spent so much time in epic BGs, I believe my experience is fairly objective. From my perspective, Horde PUGs face far more premade teams than Alliance PUGs do.

I don’t understand why only Horde premades are being called out.

I’m also not a fan of the faction pride that some comments here seem to express, suggesting Alliance ebg players are somehow “better” (more skilled, more decent, or whatever). The idea that Alliance premades are stronger is nonsense. The reason Alliance premades have a larger player base is simple: when both teams play fairly, the Horde team wins more than 50% of the time.

Based on my own experience, Horde PUGs are generally more capable than Alliance PUGs. This is one reason why Alliance has more premades. When you lose a lot in solo queue, you’re naturally more likely to form a premade to improve your chances.

When both teams are PUGs, I won about 80-90% of the time while playing Horde. A few simple commands like “all go ROC” and Horde teams generally performed really well.

As a comparison, before I switched to Horde six years ago, I had a 50% win rate as an Alliance player, by doing the same thing in epic bgs. At one point, I was even mass reported by other Alliance players for “spamming,” and a Game Master ended up contacting me in game to suggest I faction change to Horde to avoid getting reported repeatedly and she even offered me a free faction change :confused:

So, it’s nonsense to boast about Alliance supremacy or target Horde premades as the sole problem. The reality is that Alliance has more premades than Horde.


Everyone joins both teams. Y’all acting like this is pretty cringe



that sounds insane

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It’s odd that you’re posting on a level 50 instead of your main. I’m so tired of the secretness and the spy accusations. Here I am posting on my main for all to see, because I’m not afraid of anyone.

There are people I love in multiple communities.

Alliance Premades are a HUGE problem in normal bg’s. They don’t even need to que at the same time to do it. They can just get a party of 5 together and completely dominate a bg. You can tell they’re premades because of the multiple crowns, the high honor levels and the target swapping.

The weird thing that this has caused is for me to do blitz instead of random, because blitz is what random used to be now.

You do normal bg’s when you want to premade and you do blitz when you want no premades. I was explaining to my friend who quit a few expansions ago how rated battelgrounds (blitz) are now the only way to avoid premades and she was SO confused.

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RR? TFS? those are 2 other alliance communities on ally side, despite what your trash talkin leader says. those are 2 active communities.

rr, tfs, mhoot, and a few other premades idk the names of are all on alliance as well.

Rolls with BSG

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idk what community doesn’t? to answer your question OP…BSG has this weird fetish for DJL+AVM just about every single thread in the BG forums has been made from a former member of BSG. and the one’s they post in often get deleted because of the trash talk.

They want fair fights, which is understandable and respectable…but perhaps they need to look at themselves in the mirror and stop FLAMING these communities? if they want the hate and mischief behavior about them to stop


People are attacking the Horde Comms more because they dodge the Alliance comms of the people who made that post.
While that post is informative, it’s highly bias.
There are so many more underlying issues going on that, shockingly, they didn’t talk about.

Why do communities dodge other comms in the first place? Why do through all that effort to make an addon that can see pops.

Years of harassment, that they just so happened to leave out of course.
While I don’t think it’s necessary to dodge, and I never would. I do see some of their points. These people are horrid to each other. There is genuine and real resentment and hate. People holding on to things that happened YEARS ago. A comm dying, someone leaving. Someone killing them. Someone playing with someone they didn’t like.

Seems so simple, yet it’s like thorns in the sides. Doesn’t make sense, but that’s the scene. It’s crazy behind the curtain. There is SO MUCH more than just, queing together with your friends. It’s personal to some, and they go out of their way to enact some kind of vengeance the only way they can.

The other day I heard someone calling someone a ‘lying rere’ (Use your imagination)
and that they are dumb, stupid, etc. Just throwing an entire urban dictionary at slurrs at them. In a discord this person isn’t even in. Why you ask?
Cause this person happened to solo que into an ‘enemy premade’ – TWO YEARS AGO.

That’s just one instance. There are hundreds. Thousands. And that’s just what I, I single person, can pick up on. I’m sure there is so much more that I don’t even know.
And I don’t even want to know. And neither do you, I can promise you that.


tbf, all the alliance premades, including yours, share players so it’s hard to track whos with who.

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All communities play with each other. For the most part.
Horde and Alliance.

There are very few ‘loyal’ (use that term loosely) players who only play with one community.

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