Alliance cities are always better looking than the horde


That’s also the reason they had to completely redo the world in Cataclysim to make it flight capable.

That is purely a subjective statement as aesthetics cannot be viewed through any lense other than each individual beholder, who will of course have different opinions barring some funky Aqir like hivemind going on.

Stormwind is cool, and is a good glimpse into Warcraft 3, Orgrimmar is awesome and tells clearly its history from its canyon outcroppings to the edits made by spiky tyrants, Teldrassil looks better now, Gilneas is awesome and the rainy victorian vibes are extremely cool, I wish it was a real city. Undercity is dead, Silvermoon ha strong magical vibes, I just wish they would turn the spires up to 11 and actually make it all accessible and bring flying to it, it’d be col to see the whole city from the air and maybe even finalyl clean the dead scar, and make the sunwell revamped uninstanced, maybe make it where the city leader is so people have a reason to go there and defend (do people still defend city raids? I guess I really don’t know, seems like kinda a under the radar thing lately)

I think Exodar would be better if they made it repaired and levitated it slightly off the gorund, maybe make one of those argus style portals port players up to the city proper (it’d just be a front gate like thing, so even horde could use as it would provide no tactical advantage).

But again, all this is subjective and different people might have differing views on what seems cool.


There are places in Dazar’alor that feel lived in, but the problem is that there is no real reason to go to those places. Basically you spend all your time in the great seal or at the docks, which are just kind of mediocre.

Orgrimmar is a big disappointment when they remade it to be all iron and spikes. I wish they could have gone with the Nagrand architecture, with the domes and such, at least for part of it. The whole “war machine” vibe seems like a weird thematic mismatch for the Horde to me.

Dazar’alor also has areas not controlled by guards, with cultists and thugs and stuff.

Dazar’alor feels like a much bigger city to me, but only because it’s annoyingly spread out and inefficient. There’s lots of areas in boralus that I never fly over because there’s no need to. Not the same for dazar’alor

Oh really?! Well I see why they didn’t completely finish Cata either.

We need another world update. They should have a team working on that right now, starting with Ashenvale, Darkshore, the new NE city, and the Plaugelands.


They really should have turned suramar into a horde player city hub.


Everyone is allowed to have an opinion… Even if those opinions are WRONG.

And that is the reason why the cities of the alliance always end up destroyed like Gilneas, Theramore and Darnassus, when the Horde tries to expand their territories.

Have Mercy

I love storm wind because I get to gank and one shot people.

Look all you one minded players, I enjoy the architecture of both factions so nah nah boo boo !

Azeroth IS great !
:heart: + :blue_heart: = :purple_heart:

I second this opinion–and I mostly play Horde. When I’m on an Alliance char in Boralus, I feel more relaxed, due to the seaside atmosphere… Still, as others have pointed out, various other cities are great, as well. I, too, appreciate Iron Forge and Suramar.

Has to be the most bizarre opinion I’ve ever read on this forum.

Orgrimmar cozy…lol

Technically Boralus does as well. There’s the slums area where there are hostile NPCs

Suramar and SIlvermoon roflstomp everything the Alliance possesses.
Let alone Ogrimmar and its spikes clearly knows how to party.

We really brightened up Darnassus for you guys

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As an alliance player.

Whoopee. Imagine having an actual population in wpvp, unlimited grouping options, Allied Races you actually asked for, and the unlimited love and attention of the devs that the Horde get.

No way does boralus look better than the pyramid. Your argument is weak if that is your stance.

I’d have loved the lack of attention if it meant that Vol’jin wasn’t killed off.

Dazaralor was meant to be a raid instance, that is why its so pretty. They didn’t have enough time to give the Horde a city though.

Boralis was meant to be a city. Hence why it is much more practical.

Even if you got nothing but wolf re-color mounts, get swarmed in wpvp, all of your allied races were corrupted into horrible ideas? Careful there.