Alliance cities are always better looking than the horde

big true its a actual city lol

Thatā€™s like saying New York City looks better than a plains Indians village. Itā€™s all preference. I myself think teepees are cooler.


This is basically the same issues people had with Garrisons. Alliance garrisons were elaborate with multiple rooms, decorations and doodads and the horde garrison was just one big room with a fire pit.

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Grim Batol is good, there is a sense of it being a super Ironforge, but all the parts of Blackrock Mountain would be better as a capital (as long as the mole machines are still there).

Dazarā€™Alor leaves me wanting more to explore within the pyramid.

Considering some of the floating architecture in the blood elf starter zone, a revamp of Silvermoon incorporating those features would be astounding.

In think the best of the Alliance cities is Ironforge. It has the right amount of space and the lay out is great. SW is just OK. Darnassus was beautiful but after seeing the NE updated themes in Legion the new city needs to be redesigned utilizing these elements.

Silvermoon and Suramar outrank every other city.


Oooooh. See Iā€™ve been getting the name wrong. I thought it was Darn Ashes. And itā€™s construction is superb, Stormwind doesnā€™t hold a candle to it!

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You claim Dazarā€™alor is set in the stone ages with 0 technology, but the entire thing is built around a giant technological seal used by the titans to seal away an old god.

Itā€™s always a male human paladin, innit?


Never forget! :fist:

Also cities are overrated, all you need is a caravan.

Itā€™s literally a cardboard cut-out pretending to be a city.


While Iā€™ve never played Horde beyond level 30 or so, I actually have a lot of nostalgia towards old Orgrimmar. It used to have that one pretty lake that, as a kid, I could just fish in for hours. It was a rough, primal city. And it was beautiful for it. Too bad new Orgrimmar is the poo.

Silvermoon and Thunder Bluffs arenā€™t bad looking either.


When it came time to see WoD. Really see it I chose alliance. Technically the BE hunter has been my main. First real serious char, boosted her off package deal since I came in last month or so of legion to hit bfa, she did BFA first. And is currently my best geared char.

But the horde garrisonā€¦no. Tier 3 upgrade. Lemme guessā€¦more spikes and mud and rock? You know it commander.

For all the gold and time you spend to build up the placeā€¦lets have the garrison not look like butt. Could the horde not bring over 1 elven architect for a few elf buildings?

Canā€™t even fly there. Backwater elves if you ask me.

Thatā€™s pretty much every city in WoW though so it seems weird to just tack it on to Silvermoon.

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Although I agree that Alliance have better cities, this topic is completely subjectiveā€¦

One thing I donā€™t agree with is this, That is a 2D abomination.

Itā€™s been mentioned plenty already, but Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon, and Suramar
*chefs kiss

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Dazarā€™alor is by far the most beautiful city in this game, and youā€™re wrong if you disagree.

For the rest I agree though, in general, Alliance has more good looking places than the Horde, BUT Dazarā€™alor is the best.

Please use paragraph format.

But I do agree with you. I made an Alliance character and got it to Draenorā€¦

I immediately fell in love with their garrison over my own, Horde garrison.

No I mean the reason you canā€™t fly in Silvermoon is if you look at it from literally any angle other than from the streets you can clearly see that those arenā€™t real buildings.

No other city, aside from maybe the Exodar, is that bad.

Is that why they havenā€™t added flying in Silvermoon yet?