Alliance cities are always better looking than the horde

The horde mounts are recolors of MoP mounts.


Maghar orc, HM tauren, and nightborne.

Blizzard hates everyone equally

All of that is based on subjective-ness. And I love wolves more than raptors.

I think the worst Horde city design is Undercity. It was like it was designed by MC Esher.

Best is Ironforge.

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In a jewel in the jungle style, Dazar’alor is really nice. The vistas from around the Great Seal and from the harbor towards the bay islands are just amazing. Same for Boralus with the ice capped mountains and pines and bay surrounding it. As far as I’m concerned, for places that feel lived in and like actual capitals, those are the two best cities Blizzard ever made.

On the other hand I find Stormwind really flat, and I find Blizzard wasted a lot of potential by filling it with graves. That lake and graveyard behind the Cathedral and that giant Varian memorial that replaced the park could have been much better spent by giving Worgens and Gnomes actual districts of their own, the same way Trolls and Goblins do in Orgrimmar.

The horde mounts are not just more horses!

You got a Hyena, A blood tick, sever dinosaur/pterodactyl recolors, and several of the signature cool mounts only really fit with horde characters; such as Crawg, Brutosaur, etc.

Ruin stays in Nazjatar. Imagine every zone being Nazjatar. Thats how it is for alliance.

Mag’har orcs have been requested since BC. And you got a back straightening option for regular orcs.

HM tauren = LF Dranei in boringness. Nightborne both factions wanted and honestly I still would play if they were an alliance option. Sorr you dont appreciate them. To top it off you got the favorite race for BFA too when they gave you Vulpera and the Zandalari, requested since MoP AND dino druid forms.

Dont forget the corrupted Alliance wishes for: High Elf (goth void elves), Vrykul ( fat KT), Mechanognomes (Trash gnomes).

Its not even close dude but go on believing that.

Do…you not play Horde. ALl of the rep mounts already exist, and the mass majority are recolors of existing MoP stuff.

No no, WEE, got a hyena and blood tick. The alliance has access to those mounts. They weren’t cutout.

Don’t count remember? Be consistent.
None of the mounts the Horde received cannot be gained by the alliance.
On the other hand, the alliance have many unique mounts that a Horde player cannot touch.
The hippo and lion pvp mount cannot be used by the Horde.
The PvP elite mounts by the HOrde, can be used by alliance.
Horde also got screwed on the bike.
Alliance did not.

Maghar orcs were wanted as a customization option, not a separate race. The back straightening was wanted because other major orc characters including those in WC2 stand up straight..

NIghtborne don’t look anything like the NPC’s. The quality is bad. Hence I don’t appreciate them.

Meanwhile, the Alliance received the only unique model, and their response “lol fat humans”.
Save your “sorry you don’t appreciate” insincere comments for yourself mate.

Sorry you don’t appreciate stealing a core horde race that simply wasn’t white washed from the get go to your liking.
The only unique model in the game, and one of the most detailed races in the game.

Hey, at least what I said is supported.

The capital cities still reflect the time period they were developed in. I’m hoping that the fabled post-SL “time skip” means the cities will get facelifts.

Gilneas was created and then tossed away. We never got to use it.
Gnomeregan is limited by the tiled and dated way it was constructed,and – again – we have never been able to use it as a city.

Orgrimmar was lovely prior to the spikes. The different districts were far more distinct. It’s easy to get lost in Orgrimmar now or get turned around and lose your bearings because everything looks the same.

Undercity was one of my favorites, and at the time it was built, it looked sufficiently cool. Unfortunately, it has not aged well, and that’s a shame because it is an amazing place with a lot of character.

Thunder Bluff is creative and gorgeous, and it has held up extremely well.

Stormwind and Ironforge are both, by far, the easiest to navigate.

Darnassus was always a shame. They built this broken ancient city and gave it so much grandeur, but they never fleshed it out or used it. I spent a decade waiting for something to happen with Darnassus. I kept thinking surely they’d make stories there or make northern Kalimdor a viable travel hub for the Alliance so Darnassus could be made relevant and get a refresher.

But they burned it down and wiped out the Night Elves.

SO. All of this stuff is pretty subjective. People like what they like. But Alliance cities are not “always” better looking than Horde cities.

When it comes to the garrisons, however, I’m with you 100%. It’s not even close. Alliance garrisons were well laid-out and lovely. The Horde ones…yeah, not so much. We never lost the “huts in the snow” vibe.

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