Alliance cities are always better looking than the horde

If you look at the architecture of all the alliance cities you will see that they are very detailed, sophisticated and just awesome. The cathedral of light perfectly captures the essence of the holy spirit priest theme. Orgrimmar on the other hand is mostly iron, cloth mud and sticks. Dazar’alor looks great with the troll theme but it still in the stone ages with 0 technology and the worshiping of dinosaurs and toads. Boralus on the other hand is a neat port city that really feels like the people live on the waters in it. It has a palace that looks great, many ships in the harbor, people fishing and more. There is even a area not controlled by the guards with thugs and thief’s, that really shows you how big it is. Feels like the defias gang in elywnn. All Dazar’alor has to show to a bunch of large triangles and primitive trolls. Alliance really does have better looking cities because we are actually united. I would like too see the forums view on the cities! (EXCEPTION SILVERMOON I FORGOT ABOUT THAT)


Stormwind is built on free labor.


You’re a paladin. You obviously have no class, no taste, or any idea what sophisticated even means.

And here we go.

You forgot our numerous amounts of spikes because we’re punk rock man.

Well that’s racist.

Oh, that’s cute.


I just wanna pop in to say that i hate Stormwind with every fiber of my being, it’s so annyoingly laid out and ugly.


When we compare Boralus to Dazar’Alor, I have to agree with you.


Most Alliance cities are yuck to me.

I’ve always hated SW, it’s layout is terrible, and it feels cold.

Horde cities are comforting, homey. Lots of fire, activity and warmth, and the space in Orgrimmar allows for such fun gatherings; players cast toys, sit around fires, and the discussions are great.

Boralas is horrible. (It remains unfair that the whole of Boralas is a rested zone whist only one room in Dazar’alor is rested space.) But I still prefer the ambiance of Dazar’alor.

I like Ironforge, it’s my favourite Alliance city. Exodar is terrible.

Silvermoon is by far the best WoW city of all.


Exodar would have been nice looking if the place had more than 7 polygons to it. Bring in that WoD/Legion Draenei/Naaru architecture in there and it’d be fantastic.


Looks to me like you are forgetting Silvermoon and Suramar.


Grim Batol is the best Alliance city. Now just let the wildhammers have it again.


I’d say Thunderbluff is my all time favorite followed by Ironforge. Ogrimmar isn’t all that bad however the new iteration feels somewhat cluttered. I preferred the old ogrimmar.


Boralus is brown and more brown. In no way is it better looking than Dazar’alor. More convenient? Sure. Better looking, I disagree


Alliance cities and their locations/how I feel I can get around easily is one of the big reasons I prefer alliance. I just want Darnassus back… :cry: lol


Suramar looks better than any Alliance city.


Yeah… you are forgetting Darnassus, The city that is so disgustingly layed out the on going joke is it was built by Darn assus and that is how it got it’s name.

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i love sw and do tend to prefer the alliance questing zones and themes more, but the horde does have good stuff too. thunder bluff is good, silvermoon is good, and while i didnt love the undercity due to the um ahem… death elevators, i do enjoy the forsaken architecture they have come out with since cataclysm. yeah dazaralor is cool but its the worst laid out city ever made vs boralus which makes plenty of sense. most of this is due to dazaralor being created first as a raid then a city, at least that’s what the devs said at some point.

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Stormwind feels homey, Orgrimmar doesn’t. The rest are a wash. Undercity is/was nice. Boralus is excellent and Dazar’Alor is okay but too spread out.

The Alliance cities outshine the Horde cities by far. It’s a shame considering I main Horde, but oh well. :heart:

Thunder Bluff is the best capital though? Also, Org is built into a Chasm. That is cool.


Silvermoon says hi and you’re wrong.


Suramar is the most magnificent in Warcraft let alone Horde vs Alliance.