Alliance cheat premade AV

Last time I check, no one is queuing 40 people for AV either. Using Discord today is no different then the 40 people in AV all joining the same WoW in-game voice channel, or would that also be cheating?

Nothing stops players for using the 1 min before an AV starts to all join a WoW in-game voice channel together and it would be no different. No, the real problem the Horde just cannot stand to lose and want to find something the Alliance are doing to break the rules so you can get it taken away so you start winning again.

You are so intellectually dishonest. You can’t queue with a premade for AV. Blizz doesn’t want you to circumvent the system and enter AV with a premade raid group, which is why they already took action on this months ago.

40 randomly assembled players are in fact different from a premade group, even if you somehow get the 40 randoms in voice chat together.

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And now the insults begin… Terrific contribution Wooppee, shall we also start calling each other names too?

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You have zero interest in honest discussion, what’s your “contribution” here? It’s not about Horde losing, no matter how many times you repeat yourself. You can’t queue with a premade raid group for AV. Circumventing that is a no no. Blizz already indicated that quite clearly with changes to prevent it. If players have found a way around that, I expect they’ll take further action.


He has less than 0 interest in an honest discussion, If you have noticed like 10% of the people on the forums are, most are just here to rile other people up.

You apparently have no idea how this Discord thing even works do you? You honestly think that the Discord is full of specific 40 man teams that have been playing together and always play together. No, they are random people who join the discord, figure out what AV they are in and join the appropriate Discord channel.

And both of you have no idea how the discord even works, which is obvious from your posts.

It’s not even a grey area it’s not cheating at all. There’s nothing that says they can’t do this.

The tears coming up about this are actually hilarious LOL.

It’s very very clearly not intended, and you are using discord to circumvent their queue system, to pre-made with more than the intended number of people.

I don’t play AV so I honestly don’t care, but don’t pretend like it’s not semi cheating lol

It’s not semi cheating. They at no point said that anything even remotely similar to this is not allowed. The only reason you think it’s cheating is because it is going against your faction and you don’t like it lol.

Guess what having the majority of the servers be horde dominated by players who just want to have an easy going world pvp experience is also not intended. Is that cheating?

So wait, let me get this right, you do not play AV, nor have you joined the Discord to even know how it works, yet you come here and act like you are some expert on it and how it is cheating?

Yeah, any creditability you have on this subject just went right out the window. Talk about being disingenuous and not wanting to have an honest discussion. You cannot talk about something you have ZERO experience in, then criticize other people about it.

I literally just said I couldn’t care less about AV, if horde were doing this, I would call it out too

And you’d still be wrong.

Hard disagree

It’s not a matter of opinion.

It’s the equivalent of joining a game and linking a discord.

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There is no point arguing with you guys, literally a brick wall

Exactly! The Discord is no different than joining an AV, and everyone joining the in-game voice comms.

You have 2000+ people in the discord all moving from channel to channel based on which AV they are currently in. Sometimes when you all queue at the same time you get in the same BG and do not need to change channels, more often than not, you don’t and have to find a new channel for the AV you are in.

Idk about the current generation AV premades, but saying this would be pretty dishonest if its the same as the old versions. The AV premades required that you had a proper group comp before they would take a queue ensuring at least a reasonable number of healers and a tank or two which is a lot more than you could ever guarantee from just randomly joining a game and joining discord.

I know right