I’m sorry that you don’t like logic and facts, you’re right arguing against logic and facts is like arguing with a brick wall because you aren’t going to change anything to fit your narrative. When you hold an opinion like joining a discord is cheating then yeah, you sort of out yourself as someone with a dishonest and bias opinion.
Yeah yeah, “BUT IDC ABOUT AV” you clearly do, your illogical opinions and discussions seep through what you’re actually saying.
Should hold up a mirror because what you’re complaining about is exactly what Horde were whining about since Classic started. You don’t even see the toxicity on your end and the demands to fundamentally change a game because a bunch of min/maxers rolled a faction with broken racials for pvp. Now that’s toxic.
This is the first time in my several years of playing WoW that I have ever paid attention to the forums. And that’s only because I’m curious when HvH BGs are going to be reinstated.
The amount of toxicity in most of these threads is insane… from both alliance and horde. There is no meaningful discussion happening here. Just a bunch of people telling each other that they are wrong. I’m going to close out this tab and never come back.
Horde can, do, and always have premade. I have been on both factions. Nothing prevents horde from doing it except their attention spam, coordination abilities and willingness.
lemme tell ya man leveling as an alliance in tbc classic was nearly the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had. Horde gatekeeping dungeons, camping summon stones. Waiting at the end of long escort quests to gang people so they have to restart over and over. Not to mention the however long horde has won literally every AV.The amount of griefing myself and anyone who has leveled alliance on most of these vastly horde populated servers right now has had to experience is why your in the position. Alliance found a way to give back to the community what they’ve received and I hope it lasts a while. See ya in AV.
dude, its ally, cancel culture mindsets from kids who never did arena etc. its nto all of us, its funny how they farm every gy like they need honor like they cant just premade other bgs, the problem with ally and AV is we dont get marks fast, but with this we can, instead they farm every gy as if they are horde and have long queues, its just weird. typical ally stuff tho, if they lose its racials, horde play av like a premade would and they are pugs, these guys literally use disc to win and rub it in all crazy lol.