Alliance cheat premade AV

the alliance is real, and hordies are not human

The map has been fixed. What’s the excuse for people not queuing now?

Only one issue was addressed.

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What are the other issues

after two years? wow! guess they should wait until WOTLK releases to “fix” the premades and queue times I guess. :slight_smile: just be patient!

“found a way to make a massive discord” - aka communication. lol.

“you shouldnt need marks from all the winning” - dare i say, you’re a narcissist and completely unaware?

I mean if you can’t win Pug v Pug that’s a you problem

It’s obvious you are all still butthurt and want revenge against the evil hordie’s who hurt your feewies instead of fairness.

Very childish.

You mean when alliance were cheating in classic AV and running premades then too?

Blizzard is the one who disabled av premades, so I’d say this is clearly cheating

horde finally get their instant AV queues and now they are complaining about it. if the alliance are able to make a discord chat, why can’t the horde do the same thing?

using voice comms is not cheating and no one will get banned for doing so. otherwise arena and raids will also get affected, and even sitting around chatting in guild discord would become a punishable offense

nope. it’s pretty fair now. we all meet in field of strife, and both have the ability to post a link to a voice chat at the beginning of the match.

Horde just choose not to for some reason? kind of weird.

maybe don’t project so much? and post on your main? lol.

Other than the back door being busted again, I personally don’t know what the other issues are since I haven’t played AV in ages. I finally decided to queue up again last night and we won. No, it wasn’t with the discord thing, but it seems Alliance are finally switching gears to counter the Horde meta.

When BC first launched Alliance had the mind set that it would be a rush meta game like it was originally, but that wasn’t the case. I have no idea why Alliance continued to try to rush but they did. That’s just the way Alliance want it played I guess *shrug. Players like myself just stopped queuing because it was a colossal waste of time.

Last night the BG obviously wasn’t in discord, but they countered the Horde and played the way they should have been playing all along. We capped IBGY, stacked towers and did everything a pug is perfectly capable of doing. Hopefully Alliance has given up on rushing. We’ll see.

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I’ve had the same experiences. AV used to be dominated by Alliance on my battlegroup. I’m not sure why people don’t just play the damned game. It’s actually more fun. Instead, they insist on trying to game the system in dumb ways.

Breaking News!

Alliance players won an AV!

Horde most affected. Plz nerf.


blizzard, you know what you have to do.
sue discord for ruining your game -.-

This is the best post I’ve seen in any of these threads, thank you

Funny enough when queueing AV last night it was AV#1-13 which is way more than the normal bg amount i wonder why

Definitely not 5k+ online at one time. Also this has been going on since P1 Classic. Did you know horde can also make a discord premade? In fact, we challenge you to do that so we have some sort of competition.


its against t&s to communicate cross realm with the goal to win over the horde. anyone found violating these rules will have their racial abilities further nerfed.

perception no longer sees stealth.

Thank you.