Alliance cheat premade AV

Blizzard arbitrarily decided they didn’t want people queuing 40 mans for AV, there is no real reason since they’re totally fine with pug stomping in the other BG’s.

Now answer, are alliance queuing 40 mans for AV, yes or no?

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Man all you alliance players are salty as hell about AV STILL lmao

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Yeah we are real salty about this new meta. What am I going to do with all these AV marks??? Bliz needs to let us turn in 3 marks for honor


You’re literally saying that in a thread made about a horde player being salty about AV.

Anyways, that was simply how it was and how it most likely will return to being.


HAHAHA man you really had to do gymnastics to find a way to answer that in a way that wasn’t “40 man premade groups with instant queues are bad for the integrity of the game”

You are still not answering the question, are alliance queuing as 40 mans, yes or no?

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Every post about it it’s alliance players saying “ROFL kek that’s what you deserve because we had to deal with losing all the time!!! :’(”

Why don’t they allow more than 5 to queue, then?

Also, folks are organizing cross-realm before a match starts. How’s that fair?

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/shrug it’s as fair as the AV map and only possible because horde abused their map advantage and drove so many alliance away from AV.

You’re being semantic again.

No, they’re not literally grouping in one raid group and queueing altogether at once. Obviously.

But they are organizing groups and getting into the same bg together, AND discord, which is effectively the same thing as a 40 man premade. That’s the problem at least as far as I can tell

Except it’s not effectively the same thing, it’s only possible because of how few alliance are queuing. A problem created by horde.

Which will solve itself when horde go back to a zerg meta for awhile.

You keep saying abused like it wasn’t a part of the game.

You’re blaming and angry at the players instead of blizzard.

Tell me how it’s different. 40 people all queuing at the same time, getting in the same call, in the same bg.

What’s the difference between that and a premade? (I bet you say a semantic one like “well they just got placed as separate groups together not all one big group hur dur”

No i’m pointing out that it’s a player created problem that is seeing a player solution.

If horde don’t like it they can simply play the zerg meta.

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A player created problem that a bg map is one sided?


Horde can play zerg meta if they don’t like what is currently happening, that is a player choice.

Or blizzard could randomize the starting locations but despite what you claim you know horde really really don’t want that.

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We will see how blizzard feels about it. They already ended these shenanigans once before.

Alliance probably going to mess the insta queues up for themselves

Horde literally wouldn’t care at all. I’ve never once heard a horde player say “man, sure glad we start on this side of the map” LMAO

Alliance can only win against a massively less organized and less geared opponent through abusing insta queues and “not premades” and the fact that y’all incessantly bring up the map layout is just proof

Bliz can’t do anything because this time only 20-25 organized players are getting into the same AV. There is no issue of games not starting. The only issue is that the Horde don’t get to farm disorganized players who have 10 AFKs. The pre-made squad gets everyone motivated and mobilized to win.

If Bliz takes an action on this then whats next? Removing BG chat so there’s no coordination at all on Alliance side? Get a grip


Short of getting more alliance to queue there is little blizzard can do.

Now sure they could address the map issues but blizzard has roundly refused to do that.