Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 02:46 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Lorash

They fixed the Darkshore scenario after all the Alliance complaints. Btw how do we know they didn't already have these things planned out? Development comes in layers. They tested the bare bones first and then added the flair and flavor in later for all we know. It was still in PTR. It's not like they changed anything in live. PTR content is still in development.

We know they didn't have it planned this way because, originally, Nathanos was supposed to die and be resurrected by a Val'kyr. The lead writer who loves him so much allegedly intervened and said that wasn't okay, so now he beats Tyrande and Malfurion effortlessly so he doesn't have to lose.

No, that was never the intended scenario. It was always the Valkyr getting killed.
10/30/2018 02:33 PMPosted by Striff
This one player issue. Yeah you might try to say otherwise. But no one try's to help teach on alliance side. I have seen this and been part of it. alliance don't recruit and help other players. I can not for life understand why. really would like to know why. Look at trade chat. It not we need people and help them feel up our raid team. it always we looking for a well geared person to fill spot. total opposite on horde side.

You've got it backwards.

You say "alliance doesn't try to help teach others on the alliance side" and that's just not true.

You try to say that "alliance don't recruit other players", which is also not true.

You're trying to say that the alliance guilds and raids don't try to fill spots like it's a player deficiency in our faction. You're trying to say that it's our fault and not the devs'.

The alliance problem in raiding is that there aren't enough players in our faction. Almost all of the high-end raiders have gone horde at this point.

It's not that alliance doesn't teach, it's that we can't. There either aren't enough teachers, or there aren't enough students. Mythic raiding on the alliance side is a ghost town because they all faction changed.

It's not that the alliance don't recruit, it's that they can't recruit. All of the good recruits faction changed.

Your post reads like you're trying to blame the alliance. Your post reads like a "git gud" post when the problem is that every time some of us do, there's a good chance that they get frustrated with the lack of population and faction change.
10/30/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Ollin
10/30/2018 02:33 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
oh man both factions have the potential for some awesome storylines upcoming:

for horde: nerzhul is controlling sylvannas thru the lich king. the real warchief of the horde is freakn' nerzhul!!!! theoretically.

for alliance: tyrande is controlling the raised night elves. she's going to use them as an army of the dead inside sylvannas troops. she's gonna make sylvannas look kinda tame. theoretically.

I want Gen to recruit the surviving Sons of Arugal, the feral worgen, and use them as a "less than ethical" strike force to put some kind of divide between him and Anduin. I want him to remind Anduin that he is also a king, and I want it to come out that he considers himself the king of all Worgen. Not just the sane Gilnaens who got rescued by druids. I want the devs to explore the alliance's "wild side".

I want the druids of the pack to make an appearance on the NElf side and have them join the Worgen (specifically the Worgen) as fast allies. And I'd like Worgen druids to get a Wolf-form feral glyph.

I'd like it to come out that the Gilneans have been pursuing covert military action against the Forsaken for years. I'd like to see the Night Elves join them specifically because of Dark Shore and Teldrissil.

I'd like to meet alliance noble families that are against Anduin as high king. Anduin's father performed the feats of strength. Anduin did not and, therefore, should not be High King.

I'd like the alliance to become an alliance of various factions with various leaders again rather than a single faction with a single leader.

I'd like to see the alliance make moves to re-settle the kingdom of Arathi since it's, literally, the first and oldest human kingdom on Azeroth.

There's so much they could do...

10/30/2018 02:49 PMPosted by Lorash

No, that was never the intended scenario. It was always the Valkyr getting killed.

Right, but originally the Val'kyr sacrificed herself to resurrect Nathanos. Now she just dies for reasons so that they wouldn't have to write Nathanos ever showing weakness.
10/30/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Lorash
10/30/2018 12:07 PMPosted by Enekie
You're benefiting from the enhanced attention. You control the story. Your complaints got you the choice to not betray Sylvanas. The Alliance didn't get that.

They fixed the Darkshore scenario after all the Alliance complaints. Btw how do we know they didn't already have these things planned out? Development comes in layers. They tested the bare bones first and then added the flair and flavor in later for all we know. It was still in PTR. It's not like they changed anything in live. PTR content is still in development.

It would mean that they, once again, started and completed the horde side of things first since the horde side scenarios were all complete, which is why it looked like maybe Nathanos just kicked super-sayan Tyrande in the teeth.

In which case, the devs are still prioritizing horde content.

And yes, while we were probably QQing about incomplete content rather than poorly-written content, in almost any other game the devs would have immediately address the complaints in some kind of forum post or blog just to mollify their players so that they could focus on giving actual good feedback rather than focusing on something that wasn't actually a problem.

And the devs didn't do anything like that. Instead, they wrote a new set of quests for the Horde to give them the choice (something that HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE) to not betray Sylvanus if they didn't want to.

So, first off, they failed completely to improve their communication (something they've stated they wanted to improve), and second they decided to do something completely new for one faction at the same time the other is, in some cases, literally on fire in ways they are still refusing to address at all (major population imbalance proven undeniably by blizzard-provided mythic leaderboards).

Ian: "We know our communication has been poor, and we're looking into improving it"'ve failed spectacularly.
10/30/2018 02:55 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 02:49 PMPosted by Lorash

No, that was never the intended scenario. It was always the Valkyr getting killed.

Right, but originally the Val'kyr sacrificed herself to resurrect Nathanos. Now she just dies for reasons so that they wouldn't have to write Nathanos ever showing weakness.

No, that was never in the PTR. That was what Night Elf players wanted to happen. From the moment it was available on PTR the only one that died was one of the Valkyr while Nathanos and the PC escape.
10/30/2018 02:55 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 02:49 PMPosted by Lorash

No, that was never the intended scenario. It was always the Valkyr getting killed.

Right, but originally the Val'kyr sacrificed herself to resurrect Nathanos. Now she just dies for reasons so that they wouldn't have to write Nathanos ever showing weakness.

eh let him have his fun (the writer i mean). the concept that tyrande would be over powered by nathanos is not real. she faked that. she doesnt want them to realize how powerful she actually is because it would alert sylvannas that raising night elves is a very bad idea. theoretically.
10/30/2018 02:30 PMPosted by Ollin

I want it to come out that there are horde guilds selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for gold.

I want a horde guild to get banned for selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for real money.
Let that sink in.

We all know it’s happening
10/30/2018 03:08 PMPosted by Zeropointt
10/30/2018 02:30 PMPosted by Ollin

I want it to come out that there are horde guilds selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for gold.

I want a horde guild to get banned for selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for real money.
Let that sink in.

We all know it’s happening

you mean horde are playing alliance guilds on the leaderboards? wouldn't that be normal that people play both factions? can you explain this a bit better?
10/30/2018 02:25 PMPosted by Rendlayn
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Except it's not. You just like to hear yourselves whine. We get it.

But you're the angry one hurling insults at people right now, why so mad bro?

Horde on the GD forum

I swear there is no Horde bias. Now can we talk about removing the factions?
10/30/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Varukisas

Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.


If you truly believed this, you'd have no issues with rerolling Alliance.
10/30/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
you mean horde are playing alliance guilds on the leaderboards? wouldn't that be normal that people play both factions? can you explain this a bit better?

It means that we're not competitive as a faction. The raiding imbalance is so bad the horde can afford to fill their leaderboard, and then leverage our leaderboard for profit to push them even further ahead in the next tier.

It's a sign of how unhealthy the alliance faction is due to long-term dev neglect.
10/30/2018 02:13 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Lol. I srsly love the alliance QQ. It makes me glad I don't play with those losers

You're calling people losers on the internet...seriously?
Horde bias crying about Alliance bias..

Who cares it a game.
True. But my alliance could get the rares. not warfront.

No you couldn't no alliance could get the rares when they first came out. I even and went and checked.
10/30/2018 03:08 PMPosted by Zeropointt
10/30/2018 02:30 PMPosted by Ollin

I want it to come out that there are horde guilds selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for gold.

I want a horde guild to get banned for selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for real money.
Let that sink in.

We all know it’s happening

Got any proof?
10/30/2018 03:50 PMPosted by Andrin
10/30/2018 03:08 PMPosted by Zeropointt
...Let that sink in.

We all know it’s happening

Got any proof?

There isn't any, which is why I say "I want it to come out".

I want them to do it because it would help point out how ridiculously imbalanced the two factions are at the moment.

I want them to do it publicly. Just, post an invite thread on GD and try to organize it here where it cannot be ignored. Just to see what Blizz does.
But it's not Sunday....

(leaves a little plate of cookies for all to enjoy)
10/30/2018 03:40 PMPosted by Ollin
10/30/2018 03:13 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
you mean horde are playing alliance guilds on the leaderboards? wouldn't that be normal that people play both factions? can you explain this a bit better?

It means that we're not competitive as a faction. The raiding imbalance is so bad the horde can afford to fill their leaderboard, and then leverage our leaderboard for profit to push them even further ahead in the next tier.

It's a sign of how unhealthy the alliance faction is due to long-term dev neglect.

eek. its worse than i thought and i already thought it was bad.