Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 02:05 PMPosted by Bludthundur
1. horde stole my chance at getting silver covenant high elf allied race option for my alliance toons, then made fun of my butt hurt for a month when ion got on Q & A and told us to roll horde if we wanted "blonde haired high elves," (i assume he didnt notice belves also have black, brown and red hair?)

2. horde weighed in so heavily on allied races for the alliance we got the horde selection for alliance allied races, including dark iron dwarves instead of what alliance wanted - wildhammer dwarves, and void elves instead of silver covenant high elves. then made fun of our void elves have no lore. i mean really grinding it in.

3. horde stole my high elf silver covenant allie......oh said that already

4. horde complained and threatened to quit if alliance got to select their own allied races.

5. horde this horde that.. high elves this high elves that.

did i mention high elves?


It's the Alliance's fault for turning away the High Elves when they were in need.

what? okay the lore of the game: it was one guy. he was a lordaeron not a stormwindian. different kingdom entirely. prior to that event, the other horde races were their enemies. it makes zero sense to write off all humans because one human from a different kingdom is bad, and accept instead, a group that tried to genocide them several times . the lore reasons for belves going horde is TERRIBLE.
I’m just about at the point of not caring anymore because Blizzard obviously doesn’t. “There is no bias” is the company line and they’re toeing it to a man. And they’ve got a majority of the playerbase egging it on. I’m taking a dark pleasure in watching us struggle to unlock X-realm mythics because that is the ONE effect of the imbalance that actually affects and annoys the Horde.

And frankly, I hope that the Alliance fails to unlock it in a reasonable time frame so Blizzard has no choice to address it, no matter how lazy and ineffective their “fix” turns out to be.
10/30/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Zeropointt
10/30/2018 02:13 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Lol. I srsly love the alliance QQ. It makes me glad I don't play with those losers
Yeah, you’re glad the game is broken in your favor and don’t want to give it up, we get it.

Except it's not. You just like to hear yourselves whine. We get it.
10/30/2018 01:39 PMPosted by Hamstar

The new War Fronts heavily point to the Alliance winning in Arathi and Darkshore as well and Horde looks to be about to have another civil war while in a major conflict with the alliance.


Come back to me when they do more than "heavily point."
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Except it's not. You just like to hear yourselves whine. We get it.

But you're the angry one hurling insults at people right now, why so mad bro?
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Mooncherries
10/30/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Zeropointt
...Yeah, you’re glad the game is broken in your favor and don’t want to give it up, we get it.

Except it's not. You just like to hear yourselves whine. We get it.

high elves :p
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Zeropointt
unlock X-realm mythics because that is the ONE effect of the imbalance that actually affects and annoys the Horde.

How would you fix the imbalance?
10/30/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Varukisas

How does the Horde have complete control of the story? The writers are doing that. You can't conflate the Horde playerbase (those who benefited from the warfront issue) with the writers.

You're benefiting from the enhanced attention. You control the story. Your complaints got you the choice to not betray Sylvanas. The Alliance didn't get that.

Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.


The best way to lose an argument is to overstate your case. You make some valid points, but then you start dabbling in some pretty dubious claims.

If you were going to discard my argument because you don't like hearing some of it, then you were never really going to take it seriously.

I don't understand what you mean by we're "benefitting" from this choice. To my knowledge, the end-game is the still same, just with a nice bit of character agency in this one particular instance. The Alliance is famously united with little internal conflict; what choice would you like to see implemented? Basically, the story choice makes sense for the Horde and just because you haven't gotten something like it yet is no reason to believe you never will. Expecting the game design to have the exact same things happening at the exact same time for both factions is a ridiculous standard, and this particularly subject is a very weak topic to try to prove "favoritism".

Racials in organized PVP, sure. Racials in war mode? Come on. Context matters. The number of fights in war mode that have hinged on racials has to be miniscule; it's generally more about the number of players involved. Now if you're saying that the Alliance has a reduced number of players because their racials aren't as good, that's another conversation; however, I'd wager the majority of players are not in the group who care about this kind of min-maxing with racial abilities, but rather more about the feel of their faction.

I didn't discard your argument, I identified the parts where I felt you were trying to pile on with some pretty weak points. I already said in my original post that I believe the Alliance has a legitimate beef with how they handled the warfront scenario and I agree that the situation with the very high-end players being mostly Horde can't feel great for team blue (although again, achieving absolute parity is a very difficult standard). But that doesn't fit your victim-of-Blizz-bias narrative, so you just ignored it. For the record, I think either side complaining about favoritism is absolutely pathetic, and feels like a petulant child complaining about what their sibling got. I'd be thrilled for the Alliance if they got some more interesting writing and some story choices, because both factions having compelling stories benefits the entire community.
10/30/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Liara
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Zeropointt
unlock X-realm mythics because that is the ONE effect of the imbalance that actually affects and annoys the Horde.

How would you fix the imbalance?

good question! but the devs dont read the forums. and if they do, they certainly dont care what people playing alliance toons say. it's sorta weird. like, if i get on my horde toon and say it, will it suddenly matter?

10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Zeropointt
And frankly, I hope that the Alliance fails to unlock it in a reasonable time frame so Blizzard has no choice to address it, no matter how lazy and ineffective their “fix” turns out to be.

I want cross realm raiding for Uldir to unlock after the next raid comes out.

I mean, the alliance pretty much won't be able to take advantage of it at all, and watching the horde complain makes me happy since they "won" and now they're complaining about it.

I want it to come out that there are horde guilds selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for gold.

I want a horde guild to get banned for selling spots on the alliance leaderboard for real money.

I want Blizzard to understand what a bad state the game is actually in right now, and I don't want them to be able to ignore it anymore.
10/30/2018 02:29 PMPosted by Varukisas

I don't understand what you mean by we're "benefitting" from this choice.

You complain and get what you want.

We complain and get ignored.

Racials in organized PVP, sure. Racials in war mode? Come on. Context matters. The number of fights in war mode that have hinged on racials has to be miniscule; it's generally more about the number of players involved. Now if you're saying that the Alliance has a reduced number of players because their racials aren't as good, that's another conversation; however, I'd wager the majority of players are not in the group who care about this kind of min-maxing with racial abilities, but rather more about the feel of their faction

You can wager as much as you like. The max level Horde population is still much bigger than the max level Alliance population.

I'd be thrilled for the Alliance if they got some more interesting writing and some story choices, because both factions having compelling stories benefits the entire community.

Then protest alongside us.
10/30/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Liara
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Zeropointt
unlock X-realm mythics because that is the ONE effect of the imbalance that actually affects and annoys the Horde.

How would you fix the imbalance?

Step 1: Admit there is a problem. Publicly.

We're not even past step 1 yet.

EDIT: If anyone reads this and is going to Blizzcon, ask about faction imbalance during the WoW Q&A panel. I can't go, but it's the only question I want answered.

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You're benefiting from the enhanced attention. You control the story. Your complaints got you the choice to not betray Sylvanas. The Alliance didn't get that.

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If you were going to discard my argument because you don't like hearing some of it, then you were never really going to take it seriously.

I don't understand what you mean by we're "benefitting" from this choice. To my knowledge, the end-game is the still same, just with a nice bit of character agency in this one particular instance. The Alliance is famously united with little internal conflict; what choice would you like to see implemented? Basically, the story choice makes sense for the Horde and just because you haven't gotten something like it yet is no reason to believe you never will. Expecting the game design to have the exact same things happening at the exact same time for both factions is a ridiculous standard, and this particularly subject is a very weak topic to try to prove "favoritism".

Racials in organized PVP, sure. Racials in war mode? Come on. Context matters. The number of fights in war mode that have hinged on racials has to be miniscule; it's generally more about the number of players involved. Now if you're saying that the Alliance has a reduced number of players because their racials aren't as good, that's another conversation; however, I'd wager the majority of players are not in the group who care about this kind of min-maxing with racial abilities, but rather more about the feel of their faction.

I didn't discard your argument, I identified the parts where I felt you were trying to pile on with some pretty weak points. I already said in my original post that I believe the Alliance has a legitimate beef with how they handled the warfront scenario and I agree that the situation with the very high-end players being mostly Horde can't feel great for team blue (although again, achieving absolute parity is a very difficult standard). But that doesn't fit your victim-of-Blizz-bias narrative, so you just ignored it. For the record, I think either side complaining about favoritism is absolutely pathetic, and feels like a petulant child complaining about what their sibling got. I'd be thrilled for the Alliance if they got some more interesting writing and some story choices, because both factions having compelling stories benefits the entire community.

oh man both factions have the potential for some awesome storylines upcoming:

for horde: nerzhul is controlling sylvannas thru the lich king. the real warchief of the horde is freakn' nerzhul!!!! theoretically.

for alliance: tyrande is controlling the raised night elves. she's going to use them as an army of the dead inside sylvannas troops. she's gonna make sylvannas look kinda tame. theoretically.
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares

True. But my alliance could get the rares. not warfront.

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas

They also did more alliance. they completely rewrote and redesign a whole section in ptr. So that make alliance happy. they still complain because it was not 100% their way. That set back patch release by at least three week.

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite

This is just I say a problem I never get. I see war mode on all time buy both side. Alliance even leveling I see a ton of them. Mostly its heavy one side or other.

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
-Enhanced racials

I look at all racial. with the exception two races iron dwarf who are really op. Looking at orc that might be close. That it. Most are useless. in less you count the one BF ability that only good for one boss. Really was dumb they changed it.

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

This one player issue. Yeah you might try to say otherwise. But no one try's to help teach on alliance side. I have seen this and been part of it. alliance don't recruit and help other players. I can not for life understand why. really would like to know why. Look at trade chat. It not we need people and help them feel up our raid team. it always we looking for a well geared person to fill spot. total opposite on horde side.

Now to issue. Let be real here. We going to lose our third war chief in row. We are going to lose anther lore character. WE lost a major city that was central to a lot of lore and quest. We looking like we going to be anther raid on org.

To favor one side or the otehr means advantge. If looking at it with open eyes. You see most advantge are given to allince. they get to raid two horde cities in this exspanion. UC at begining and new troll city they kill the guy we sent to recruit. Allince one gets away in the riad on her. That a major advantge your new hero who focused here lives our dies.

Allince recaputers in next patch their city area. Horde does not. In fact not one thing is being focused on UC. it all focused on allince next patch. with a few quest for horde. Not a major focus like going on for allaince.

I can go on but alliance just cant se they getting everything and then some. They want more. Nothing has satisfied them. It was this way leading up to Cata. when Devs shifted focus to horde for changed and shifted right back to alliance because of the out pour.

So sorry but you guys are making it hard to sympathies when so many things are handed to you. While the Horde just took it and did better. No one likes a whinnying person. That is the reason everyone with any common sense did. They went were people worked for crap. I bet most people who switched side saw that too.
10/30/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Liara
10/30/2018 02:23 PMPosted by Zeropointt
unlock X-realm mythics because that is the ONE effect of the imbalance that actually affects and annoys the Horde.

How would you fix the imbalance?
It can’t be fixed quickly and short-term, that’s the bottom line. It isn’t just about racials anymore, it’s about the recruitment pool. If you play Alliance and either ARE in mythic progression or aspire to it, you almost HAVE to be Horde at this point, and many former Alliance guilds are on record as saying that this was the primary reason for them switching. The problem is (obviously), NOBODY on the Horde wants to have to faction-change...yet maintain competitiveness.

Blizzard knows this, so they’re in the position of having to fix it without *overly* angering the majority of their playerbase. So instead of meaningful changes like giving Alliance something OP (like Dark Iron Dwarves), you see DI getting nerfed before anyone has a chance to play them because of Horde qq’ing on the forums.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that ignoring the problem isn’t it. You can’t change a problem if you can’t even admit there is one.
10/30/2018 02:30 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
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How would you fix the imbalance?

good question! but the devs dont read the forums. and if they do, they certainly dont care what people playing alliance toons say. it's sorta weird. like, if i get on my horde toon and say it, will it suddenly matter?


Yes they do. But there's no real sense in saying more because it wouldn't be believed anyway.

Try it and see? See if anything you want gets answered and then you'll know.

You have the Horde bias thoughts, so nothing I or anyone can say will change your mind.
10/30/2018 02:33 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
oh man both factions have the potential for some awesome storylines upcoming:

for horde: nerzhul is controlling sylvannas thru the lich king. the real warchief of the horde is freakn' nerzhul!!!! theoretically.

for alliance: tyrande is controlling the raised night elves. she's going to use them as an army of the dead inside sylvannas troops. she's gonna make sylvannas look kinda tame. theoretically.

I want Gen to recruit the surviving Sons of Arugal, the feral worgen, and use them as a "less than ethical" strike force to put some kind of divide between him and Anduin. I want him to remind Anduin that he is also a king, and I want it to come out that he considers himself the king of all Worgen. Not just the sane Gilnaens who got rescued by druids. I want the devs to explore the alliance's "wild side".

I want the druids of the pack to make an appearance on the NElf side and have them join the Worgen (specifically the Worgen) as fast allies. And I'd like Worgen druids to get a Wolf-form feral glyph.

I'd like it to come out that the Gilneans have been pursuing covert military action against the Forsaken for years. I'd like to see the Night Elves join them specifically because of Dark Shore and Teldrissil.

I'd like to meet alliance noble families that are against Anduin as high king. Anduin's father performed the feats of strength. Anduin did not and, therefore, should not be High King.

I'd like the alliance to become an alliance of various factions with various leaders again rather than a single faction with a single leader.

I'd like to see the alliance make moves to re-settle the kingdom of Arathi since it's, literally, the first and oldest human kingdom on Azeroth.

There's so much they could do...
10/30/2018 12:07 PMPosted by Enekie
You're benefiting from the enhanced attention. You control the story. Your complaints got you the choice to not betray Sylvanas. The Alliance didn't get that.

They fixed the Darkshore scenario after all the Alliance complaints. Btw how do we know they didn't already have these things planned out? Development comes in layers. They tested the bare bones first and then added the flair and flavor in later for all we know. It was still in PTR. It's not like they changed anything in live. PTR content is still in development.
10/30/2018 02:42 PMPosted by Lorash

They fixed the Darkshore scenario after all the Alliance complaints. Btw how do we know they didn't already have these things planned out? Development comes in layers. They tested the bare bones first and then added the flair and flavor in later for all we know. It was still in PTR. It's not like they changed anything in live. PTR content is still in development.

We know they didn't have it planned this way because, originally, Nathanos was supposed to die and be resurrected by a Val'kyr. The lead writer who loves him so much allegedly intervened and said that wasn't okay, so now he beats Tyrande and Malfurion effortlessly so he doesn't have to lose.

<span class="truncated">...</span>

good question! but the devs dont read the forums. and if they do, they certainly dont care what people playing alliance toons say. it's sorta weird. like, if i get on my horde toon and say it, will it suddenly matter?


Yes they do. But there's no real sense in saying more because it wouldn't be believed anyway.

Try it and see? See if anything you want gets answered and then you'll know.

You have the Horde bias thoughts, so nothing I or anyone can say will change your mind.

dear, i watched the horde select allied races for both the horde and the alliance. so now when i get on my horde toons, i get the option to play toons horde wants. and when i get on my alliance toons, i get the option to play toons the horde wants. seriously. alliance wanted wildhammer dwarves. horde wanted dark iron dwarves FOR the alliance. alliance wanted silver covenant elves. horde didnt want that so blizz gave us void elves, which we get made fun of for since they have no lore and are blue. lol was called count chocula today lol. (i dont care about the lore or blue thing, i 'm just irritated since i play both factions, i dont get the difference in quality).