Alliance Bias

Why does Blizzard hate the horde so much? We NEVER got a raid against them, but they get TWO raids against us (probably going to become three in SL)? You also kill off our warchiefs faster than characters in Game of Thrones while only Varian died in Legion. Alliance crys about losing Darnassus when NO ONE went there when we lost our iconic Undercity which was second to Orgrimmar. I could forgive that if you didn't always make us the bad guys when it's obvious the alliance is worse with exiling people for no reason and taking the most reckless and foolish race of all time (Void Elves). Seriously, THROW US A BONE FOR ONCE!!! Edit: Now they are making the Horde the bad guys for yet ANOTHER expansion by making Sylvanas the Lich King 2.0 except this time she destroyed the crown instead of wearing it.
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm, the second half of MoP, the entirety of BfA.
Eehhh, horde is 100%_favored by the devs , remember how all ally got lvl 380 gear from arathi in like 4 mins ?me either
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm, the second half of MoP, the entirety of BfA.

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Thutmose
Eehhh, horde is 100%_favored by the devs , remember how all ally got lvl 380 gear from arathi in like 4 mins ?me either

Still salty we got a shot at a -single- 370 drop with crappy stats before you eh?
your hungry, your angry when hungry.
have some chili fries.

/offers chili fries.
Yay, another Warchief thread. Guess you’ll just have to be content with your 10% faction bonus and a dev team devoted to everything Horde.
Cities lost by the alliance
Cities Lost by the horde

Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Oh but I can hear you all right now! "How can highmountain and suramar be horde cities when alliance players can go in there!" Well they used to be neutral cities then the highmountain forgot they fought alongside the kaldorei and even met Malfurion in his younger days and got blessed by cenarious so they went and joined the horde. And the the nightborne got triggered because the Kaldorei leader asked a simple question "can we trust you." You know considering it was the highborne (AKA nightborne) who summoned demons, made deals and enslaved their own not once but twice so they got triggered and went with the horde.

So yeah, neither suramar and highmountain are neutral cities anymore and anyone that considers them so needs to get their brain checked, no alliance race is going to be allowed in that is unless sylvanas gets triggered and goes and blights them or something.
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm, the second half of MoP, the entirety of BfA.

and the entirety of WOD too.
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur
we were the BAD GUYS

wowsrers this is the first time I've seen that as a complaint. Thought all you HOrdies were big on being 'bad'.
YOu want the hard rep, you do the hard deeds AND suck it up.
You're right, our cities are just outright burnt down or destroyed with their people completely slaughtered.

They make these disingenuous troll threads so the community managers can point and roll their eyes and say, "See, both sides complain about this." This is part of that obnoxious theater designed to gaslight.

But numbers don't lie. Look at the mythic raid achieves. The 120 population is so severe I wouldn't be shocked if it ends up favoring Horde 70/30 or 80/20. Warmode is borderline unplayable. If you check the dev's Twitter accounts a majority play Horde and/or show disdain for the Alliance (these are people in charge of producing content for them). If you check, one of the original devs for vanilla even admitted that they all played Horde, with the exception of Metzen. One of their writers is erping with Sylvanas.

They won't even acknowledge this is a problem. Just another reason to find a better game.
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.

You've got a point on the warfront issue for gearing alts; I very much agree that Alliance should've gotten the same opportunity during the first cycle.


How does the Horde have complete control of the story? The writers are doing that. You can't conflate the Horde playerbase (those who benefited from the warfront issue) with the writers.

Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.

The best way to lose an argument is to overstate your case. You make some valid points, but then you start dabbling in some pretty dubious claims.
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10/30/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Varukisas

How does the Horde have complete control of the story? The writers are doing that. You can't conflate the Horde playerbase (those who benefited from the warfront issue) with the writers.

You're benefiting from the enhanced attention. You control the story. Your complaints got you the choice to not betray Sylvanas. The Alliance didn't get that.

Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.


The best way to lose an argument is to overstate your case. You make some valid points, but then you start dabbling in some pretty dubious claims.

If you were going to discard my argument because you don't like hearing some of it, then you were never really going to take it seriously.
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PRoof 100%% Horde bias = Blizzard's fromnt lobby; what do you see there?
That, and the Horde bike is AWESOME; the Alliance wheels look like something that lost a contest
oh wait
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and the entirety of WOD too.

Um no. Do you remember your Alliance zones, stories, and AU characters? Both sides had their own individual stories and content.
10/30/2018 12:09 PMPosted by Alfgerðr
PRoof 100%% Horde bias = Blizzard's fromnt lobby; what do you see there?

Humans working in the building. ALLIANCE BIAS!
1 Like
None of us should seek to blame each other for WoD. All of us, Horde and Alliance, had to shoulder that mess.
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
Cities gained by the horde

in-game we only got a tiny bit of Suramar, the rest remains hostile to us, and Alliance still has free roam of Thunder Totem, it's still a neutral area.

Meanwhile mag'har don't even have their own place.
Honestly though, the bias swings both ways.

10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
And the the nightborne got triggered because the Kaldorei leader asked a simple question "can we trust you."
it makes sense that they chose to ally with the blood elves over the night elves because it was easier, Tyrande gave them the cold shoulder and they were in desperate search of allies, the Sin'dorei welcomed them. It really isn't that hard to understand.
10/30/2018 12:07 PMPosted by Enekie
You're benefiting from the enhanced attention. You control the story. Your complaints got you the choice to not betray Sylvanas. The Alliance didn't get that.

What "enhanced attention"? Both sides are getting equally developed.

10/30/2018 12:07 PMPosted by Enekie

Exactly what horde racial is so over powered in warmode?