Alliance Bias

You alliance cry babies always try to make it about yourselves.
It's because all the Alliance does is complain.

They wont be satisfied unless they have constant victories.

Ignore the children.
10/30/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Eleroleron
It's because all the Alliance does is complain.

They wont be satisfied unless they have constant victories.

Ignore the children.

I agree. The only reason Alliance is far behind Horde in competitive content is that the Horde players are just better. They could get more Cutting Edge guilds if they would actually try gitting gud instead of whining.
10/30/2018 04:23 PMPosted by Bludthundur
You alliance cry babies always try to make it about yourselves.

lol unreal

/shakes head
10/30/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Eleroleron
They wont be satisfied unless they have constant victories.

describe constant victories?

are you sure you're a fan of blizzard? lol
10/30/2018 02:05 PMPosted by Bludthundur
1. horde stole my chance at getting silver covenant high elf allied race option for my alliance toons, then made fun of my butt hurt for a month when ion got on Q & A and told us to roll horde if we wanted "blonde haired high elves," (i assume he didnt notice belves also have black, brown and red hair?)

2. horde weighed in so heavily on allied races for the alliance we got the horde selection for alliance allied races, including dark iron dwarves instead of what alliance wanted - wildhammer dwarves, and void elves instead of silver covenant high elves. then made fun of our void elves have no lore. i mean really grinding it in.

3. horde stole my high elf silver covenant allie......oh said that already

4. horde complained and threatened to quit if alliance got to select their own allied races.

5. horde this horde that.. high elves this high elves that.

did i mention high elves?


It's the Alliance's fault for turning away the High Elves when they were in need.

Oh, for crying out loud...this again??? The Alliance that "turned" the helfs away was the Lordaeron Alliance. Y'know, the guys that are on the Horde faction...the forsaken? Those guys? Not to mention, the helfs basically abandoned the Alliance first. Heck, they didn't want to join it really at all, at least until Orcs started burning things down.

For that matter, the reason they didn't get help was because Lordaeron was dealing with the scourge themselves and couldn't help the helfs. That's what you get from living in a bubble, if you don't pay attention to the world around you, there may not be any world around you to help if you need it.

And, as you might note, Garithos was, again, part of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Y'know, the forsaken the belfs are so buddy buddy with now? Yeah. That Alliance. And outside of the fact that he was a xenophobe to start out with, he had a mad on for helfs because he held them responsible for the deaths of his family. So he was a special sort of jerk. But again, not a member of the current Alliance.

If you Hordies want to keep going on about how all of this utter devastation that the old Horde did wasn't part of the new Horde, you have to accept that the Alliance that caused problems with the helfs was the old Alliance, and not the new. Man. That and Camp Taurajo. Y'all can't stop prattling about it, can you?
10/30/2018 04:30 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Eleroleron
It's because all the Alliance does is complain.

They wont be satisfied unless they have constant victories.

Ignore the children.

I agree. The only reason Alliance is far behind Horde in competitive content is that the Horde players are just better. They could get more Cutting Edge guilds if they would actually try gitting gud instead of whining.

Put your toon where your mouth is and faction transfer. C'mon, show us how it's done. Get yourself on the alliance leaderboard.
10/30/2018 04:40 PMPosted by Ollin
10/30/2018 04:30 PMPosted by Bludthundur
I agree. The only reason Alliance is far behind Horde in competitive content is that the Horde players are just better. They could get more Cutting Edge guilds if they would actually try gitting gud instead of whining.

Put your toon where your mouth is and faction transfer. C'mon, show us how it's done. Get yourself on the alliance leaderboard.

Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?
10/30/2018 04:44 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 04:40 PMPosted by Ollin

Put your toon where your mouth is and faction transfer. C'mon, show us how it's done. Get yourself on the alliance leaderboard.

Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?

no excuses
10/30/2018 04:44 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 04:40 PMPosted by Ollin

Put your toon where your mouth is and faction transfer. C'mon, show us how it's done. Get yourself on the alliance leaderboard.

Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?

So, you're saying that you won't?

What? Can't carry? I thought we were scrubs?

Or maybe it's because you like "winning" so much you don't want to see faction balance.
10/30/2018 04:50 PMPosted by Ollin
10/30/2018 04:44 PMPosted by Bludthundur
Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?

So, you're saying that you won't?

What? Can't carry? I thought we were scrubs?

Or maybe it's because you like "winning" so much you don't want to see faction balance.

winning is good. competitive game is competitive. but not if it's just handed to us. cant claim victory if the deck is stacked.
"The Alliance aren't satisfied unless they have a stream of constant victories. Now quiet down so I can go back to enjoying my stream of constant victories, which I am very satisfied with."

10/30/2018 04:44 PMPosted by Bludthundur

Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?

10/30/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Swiftraven
You remember that world quest where Tyrande wanted you to arm citizens to use them as meat shields so she wouldn't have to use her own soldiers on the front lines (she openly states this is her intent)?

That's such a piss-poor spin on what was actually said. Tyrande wanted to arm the people so that there was a bigger force and thus better odds at winning. NOWHERE did she state that it was so that she could pull her own people out NOR to simply use the Nightborne as "meat shields". If you hadn't noticed, the Nightborne WANTED to fight. Arming and training them is the proper thing to do. That's why BOTH the Alliance AND the Horde did it.
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Thutmose
Eehhh, horde is 100%_favored by the devs , remember how all ally got lvl 380 gear from arathi in like 4 mins ?me either

Remember how any horde got that? me either.

What are you smoking.
And also, Alliance have 'Hordebreaker' and 'Conqueror of Orgrimmar' Titles.

I don't recall them conquering Orgrimmar. These titles are disgustingly biased against the Horde.

And as I have said before, Alliance were given an almost exact copy of the Horde's favorite, most popular Race.

This was a terrible decision, Blizz Devs should have altered the model in the same way they altered the Night Elf model for Nightborne.

Why they think it's ok for our Model to now be a part of the Alliance still astounds me.
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
Cities lost by the alliance
Cities Lost by the horde

Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Oh but I can hear you all right now! "How can highmountain and suramar be horde cities when alliance players can go in there!" Well they used to be neutral cities then the highmountain forgot they fought alongside the kaldorei and even met Malfurion in his younger days and got blessed by cenarious so they went and joined the horde. And the the nightborne got triggered because the Kaldorei leader asked a simple question "can we trust you." You know considering it was the highborne (AKA nightborne) who summoned demons, made deals and enslaved their own not once but twice so they got triggered and went with the horde.

So yeah, neither suramar and highmountain are neutral cities anymore and anyone that considers them so needs to get their brain checked, no alliance race is going to be allowed in that is unless sylvanas gets triggered and goes and blights them or something.

Theramore was a tiny quest hub and never a proper in-game city, give me a break.

We didn't gain Suramar or Highmountain as Horde cities because they're frozen in time. No one gets to use Suramar - not even Nightborne characters! - because it's still full of hostile mobs, and Alliance can stay in Highmountain all day long.

If you consider the un-updated Highmountain and Suramar are "Horde cities" then you need to get your brain checked.
1 Like
10/30/2018 04:57 PMPosted by Airc
10/30/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Swiftraven
You remember that world quest where Tyrande wanted you to arm citizens to use them as meat shields so she wouldn't have to use her own soldiers on the front lines (she openly states this is her intent)?

That's such a piss-poor spin on what was actually said. Tyrande wanted to arm the people so that there was a bigger force and thus better odds at winning. NOWHERE did she state that it was so that she could pull her own people out NOR to simply use the Nightborne as "meat shields". If you hadn't noticed, the Nightborne WANTED to fight. Arming and training them is the proper thing to do. That's why BOTH the Alliance AND the Horde did it.

dang straight. i was like oh these people are cool. some one necroed an old thread where some alliance guy wanted the nightborne for the alliance but the horde were like........we dont want more elves. they are just night elves. and alliance is jumping up and down flailing about wanting them (if you dont count the people who really wanted silver covenant). so who gets them? the people who didn't want them. who doesn't get them. the people that wanted them. hehe

i guess it makes sense that we wouldnt get two elven races as our first allied races. just funny that the horde players on the forum didnt want them and didnt want alliance to have them either, because they were just elves. haha.

ah this place is a constant string of laughs.

Theramore was a tiny quest hub and never a proper in-game city, give me a break.

it had a castle keep. an inn. a blacksmith. an archery range. several towers. docks with boats. a griffon master. it was on par with booty bay except it didnt have a bank. definitely bigger than most outlands cities.
10/30/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Eleroleron
It's because all the Alliance does is complain.

They wont be satisfied unless they have constant victories.

Ignore the children.

You clearly havent been playing a long time but i guess you missed all the crying about how the horde didnt have a choice to betray sylvannas or all the massive amounts of tears about every man for himself in warlords. Stop acting like horde is more mature when we ALL know it isnt.
10/30/2018 04:44 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 04:40 PMPosted by Ollin

Put your toon where your mouth is and faction transfer. C'mon, show us how it's done. Get yourself on the alliance leaderboard.

Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?

Its because you're a troll and aren't nearly as good as you say not to mention horde has plenty of bads. Also all you ever do is troll people can you add something constructive for once?