Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 01:28 PMPosted by Halodin
In fact there is only two subjects you will see Horde complaining in masses while rotating between the white and black knight shirts.

- Alliance complaining (for obvious reasons)
- Horde lore

And for both they have the unconditionnal support of the Blizz team.

I have to agree here. The horde don't complain on the forums because they have nothing to complain about.

They've got all the PvPers, all the PvEers, and the better story most of the time. They've got enough free time on their hands to dissect alliance QQ posts about bias to the point that they're bringing up how unfair it was for them in vanilla because there are so few modern examples of their content getting cut or going live unfinished.

I mean, the #1 horde complaint post on the forums right now is how there aren't enough alliance in warmode for them to complete their weekly PvP quest.

The #2 is how the alliance are taking forever to fill their mythic G'huun leaderboard so that they can unlock cross-realm raiding.

Meanwhile, any time the alliance complains that there is a population imbalance that prevents us from making warmode fair enough to actually turn on, and how we're starting to have trouble forming raid and mythic+ groups all you see from Horde toons is mocking "git gud" posts.

How can there be so much disconnect on the horde side?
If you genuinely believe the title, I have good news for you:

The Alliance is waiting for you.
10/30/2018 01:54 PMPosted by Tyierin
You guys could’ve had something a tiny bit morally grey with the Vulpera purge squads but you complained so much that they ended up changing it to “we’re placing these totems down, don’t help the Horde again or else!”

Sorry, but it’s true. Being the morally greyer faction just means you’ll be more interesting. The Alliance has always been about humans and human paladins, so yeah, it’ll always be the boring faction.

This coming from the guy that whined about Void Elves void-corrupting dinosaurs in another thread.
10/30/2018 01:57 PMPosted by Tyierin
Yes. Because when they do try and do something interesting, the Alliance complains until it gets changed. Does that make more sense now?

Perfect sense.

Remind me, which faction complained about having to betray their faction leader to the point that they got an entire secondary quest chain put into the game allowing them to not betray them if they don't want to?

The level of cognitive dissonance you are displaying is just astounding.
10/30/2018 01:57 PMPosted by Tyierin
10/30/2018 01:56 PMPosted by Zeropointt
...The players are responsible for the writing and game design.

That’s what you just spent a paragraph trying to make someone believe.

Yes. Because when they do try and do something interesting, the Alliance complains until it gets changed. Does that make more sense now?
No, it makes less.
10/30/2018 01:54 PMPosted by Tyierin
You guys could’ve had something a tiny bit morally grey with the Vulpera purge squads but you complained so much that they ended up changing it to “we’re placing these totems down, don’t help the Horde again or else!”

I'd love to see a source of this "complaining". Most of us were pretty happy the little vermin were getting acquainted with the business end of an incendiary weapon.

Yes. Because when they do try and do something interesting, the Alliance complains until it gets changed. Does that make more sense now?

Isn't that exactly what Horde just got through doing and now have a "I wont betray my Warchief" option for their upcoming War Campaign?

The only difference is when the Horde complain, more often than not Blizzard actually listen.
10/30/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Ollin
10/30/2018 01:57 PMPosted by Tyierin
Yes. Because when they do try and do something interesting, the Alliance complains until it gets changed. Does that make more sense now?

Perfect sense.

Remind me, which faction complained about having to betray their faction leader to the point that they got an entire secondary quest chain put into the game allowing them to not betray them if they don't want to?

The level of cognitive dissonance you are displaying is just astounding.

Lol. It’s like two extra quests where you go to Sylvanas, she thanks you for being loyal, and you miss out on the toy. The end results are exactly the same.
10/30/2018 01:45 PMPosted by Myavatar
10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Why does Blizzard hate the horde so much? We NEVER got a raid against them, but they get TWO raids against us? You also kill off our warchiefs faster than characters in Game of Thrones while only Varian died in Legion. Alliance crys about losing Darnassus when NO ONE went there when we lost our iconic Undercity which was second to Orgrimmar. I could forgive that if you didn't always make us the bad guys when it's obvious the alliance is worse with exiling people for no reason and taking the most reckless and foolish race of all time (Void Elves). Seriously, THROW US A BONE FOR ONCE!!!
dumbest comment in the history of words , if anything blizz has always favored the horde . I would call ya a troll but you probably already play one .

Is someone butthurt that I'm pointing out your privilege?
10/30/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Vandren
10/30/2018 01:54 PMPosted by Tyierin
You guys could’ve had something a tiny bit morally grey with the Vulpera purge squads but you complained so much that they ended up changing it to “we’re placing these totems down, don’t help the Horde again or else!”

I'd love to see a source of this "complaining". Most of us were pretty happy the little vermin were getting antiquated with the business end of an incendiary weapon.

Use google to type in “Vulpera Purge Squads” and you’ll have all the sources you could ever want.
1. horde stole my chance at getting silver covenant high elf allied race option for my alliance toons, then made fun of my butt hurt for a month when ion got on Q & A and told us to roll horde if we wanted "blonde haired high elves," (i assume he didnt notice belves also have black, brown and red hair?)

2. horde weighed in so heavily on allied races for the alliance we got the horde selection for alliance allied races, including dark iron dwarves instead of what alliance wanted - wildhammer dwarves, and void elves instead of silver covenant high elves. then made fun of our void elves because they have no lore. i mean really grinding it in.

3. horde stole my high elf silver covenant allie......oh said that already

4. horde complained and threatened to quit if alliance got to select their own allied races.

5. horde this horde that.. high elves this high elves that.

did i mention high elves?

1 Like
10/30/2018 01:59 PMPosted by Vandren
10/30/2018 01:54 PMPosted by Tyierin
You guys could’ve had something a tiny bit morally grey with the Vulpera purge squads but you complained so much that they ended up changing it to “we’re placing these totems down, don’t help the Horde again or else!”

I'd love to see a source of this "complaining". Most of us were pretty happy the little vermin were getting antiquated with the business end of an incendiary weapon.

There isn't any, Alliance were mostly complaining that it comes out of nowhere and needs better set-up to establish why it was a sensible and pragmatic thing to do.

And in another thread he cried about it being an evil thing, not morally grey, so he's not posting in any good faith to begin with.
10/30/2018 02:02 PMPosted by HypĂȘrspace
1. horde stole my chance at getting silver covenant high elf allied race option for my alliance toons, then made fun of my butt hurt for a month when ion got on Q & A and told us to roll horde if we wanted "blonde haired high elves," (i assume he didnt notice belves also have black, brown and red hair?)

2. horde weighed in so heavily on allied races for the alliance we got the horde selection for alliance allied races, including dark iron dwarves instead of what alliance wanted - wildhammer dwarves, and void elves instead of silver covenant high elves. then made fun of our void elves have no lore. i mean really grinding it in.

3. horde stole my high elf silver covenant allie......oh said that already

4. horde complained and threatened to quit if alliance got to select their own allied races.

5. horde this horde that.. high elves this high elves that.

did i mention high elves?


It's the Alliance's fault for turning away the High Elves when they were in need.
10/30/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Artanu
Horde actually has a story this time, unlike in legion, which means alliance players are going to cry horde bias.

Both sides got stormheim and thats about it in legion alliance got just as much story as the horde did. everything else was neutral.
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Considering that you are including allied race cities, but literally none of the Alliance is kind of disingenuous.
10/30/2018 02:01 PMPosted by Tyierin
Lol. It’s like two extra quests where you go to Sylvanas, she thanks you for being loyal, and you miss out on the toy. The end results are exactly the same.

Don't move the goalposts. Not getting a toy doesn't invalidate that one faction QQs about something only to get it immediately fixed while the other, it can be argued, was complaining about something that wasn't done yet, only to get ignored because they weren't worth engaging with.

Which faction complained only for the devs to provide them with an option that didn't previously exist?
10/30/2018 01:25 PMPosted by Zaisun
10/30/2018 01:16 PMPosted by Enekie

Actually, I do. You rarely hear of Horde players complaining to Blizzard. In fact, the only time they did was because they were being forced to not be evil and wanted an option to remain evil.

Which Blizzard immediately and unquestioningly gave them.

If you were really sick of being evil, you'd be protesting alongside the Alliance instead of trying to silence them.

Horde players don't cry on the forums.

Yes and the earth is flat
Vulpera, lol, I don’t really care about the Allied Races because in the end, the only thing that will matter is who daddy Blizz decides to give them to, and with what racials. Because whether or not they have any true impact on gameplay for the vast majority of people is irrelevant- all it takes is people to perceive an advantage for it to have an effect.

And frankly, I would absolutely expect and put money on the bet that any truly new and unique race would be slated as a Horde race right from inception. Because everything else is just a reskin. WotLk and Legion saw two new hero classes and BfA gives us lvl 20 reskins that we have to grind up the old fashioned way if we want the neat new Xmog.

But I digress.
Lol. I srsly love the alliance QQ. It makes me glad I don't play with those losers
10/30/2018 02:13 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Lol. I srsly love the alliance QQ. It makes me glad I don't play with those losers
Yeah, you’re glad the game is broken in your favor and don’t want to give it up, we get it.
Called it.