Alliance Bias

Also in WoD the Garrisons were clearly designed to favor the alliance.
And in legion they got that extra quest with anduin
In bfa they don't have to take a flight path to the table
And soon they will kill the zandalari king, sink the zandalari ships (thus making our alliance with them pointless) and steal the staff (making our entire war campaign almost pointless)

And YET alliance cries horde bias.
I really don't get these alliance crybaby
10/30/2018 12:55 PMPosted by Mooncherries
You've given exactly zero sources. Checkmate.

PS: they rewrote the night warrior crap so you have yet another OP demigod elf !@#$%. Grats.

It is pretty objective at the moment that Alliance need attention when it comes to mythic raid and Mythic+ leaderboards, the person you handwaved as a "dum-dum" is absolutely correct on that matter.

Ya, story improvements are nice, doesn't help much with our PvE situation being the suck but still, sure.
“The Story” is literally the only thing Horde has ever had to complain about, so its the fulcrum they always use to try to preserve their “special” status by arguing that “the story” is justification for all their little bonuses.

It isn’t.

But it’s funny because the story is so bad at this point I don’t understand why anyone still pays attention to it.
10/30/2018 12:37 PMPosted by Rendlayn
10/30/2018 12:34 PMPosted by Enekie
What's a shame is that there are actual issues with the Horde's story that they could bring up. But somehow, it always eventually becomes a Horde player screaming insults and namecalling.

The correct response is to not entertain a Horde player at all and just push their buttons instead.

Apparently you can entertain Alliance players the same way.

I like how one of the complaints given is Horde/Alliance ratio. I'm not sure what you think Blizzard can do to force people to play a faction they have no interest in.
I can tell you now, I'd not play or quit if told I had t play one or the other. If they told me I had to switch to Alliance to even it up.
10/30/2018 12:57 PMPosted by Kungfopanduh
The majority of the content in that expansion as a whole was cut. Horde did get the short end of the stick with the garrison location though. That really sucks though.

Good thing we're not talking about Garrison locations then.

Try and keep up. A poorly placed Garrison doesn't equal getting enough story cut that what you do get doesn't make any sense.
10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
They raid orgrimar
to help you clean your city

10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
They are the cause that we lost the undercity
technically sylvanas is the reason you lost undercity because it was only attacked in retaliation for teldrassil and sylvanas was also the one who blew it up
10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
They raid undercity in the past
again to clean up your mess, we spent our time killing forsaken traitors like putress
10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
They ignore the fact that in classic alliance had more quest to do
because it has not been classic for like 13 years now

10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
We lost almost all of our original racial liders
what the hell is a lider?

10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
They claim that cataclysm was a horde expansion because of thrall but in reality it was a thrall expansion.
it doesn't help that the horde won up and down during the battles.

10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
If they want to claim that cataclysm was horde they must admit that legion was a alliance expansion, yet they don't
two of the major questing zones joined the horde, 1 joined the alliance and the rest of the major zones went neutral. the most you could say is that it was a neutral expansion, the only time we act in the name of the alliance was in stormheim
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde:

alright let's see how this goes

10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie

I'll give you that one. Our lord an savior Thrall was not a great storyline

10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
the second half of MoP,

Ahhh yes. Sieging our own city, dealing with our new evil warchief, and crippling the Horde as a whole. Some real good Horde bias there.

10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
the entirety of BfA.


Listen. Lets talk a couple things

1) You skipped over all of Legion, the beginning of MoP, WoD being one massive Orc genocide, and did I mention ALL OF LEGION.
2) Do you think the Horde really enjoys being the bad guys all the time? The only Hordies who like the direction the Horde is going are the ones who just want to beat up on Alliance. If we could switch storylines with the Alliance going off the deep end and the Horde getting a sob mother-daughter story, we would in a heartbeat.

Say what you will about "Horde bias" gameplay-wise, but right now the Horde is getting the very short end of the stick in the story. Don't dress yourselves up as the story victims because you aren't being the center of attention enough.
10/30/2018 01:03 PMPosted by Rendlayn
10/30/2018 12:55 PMPosted by Mooncherries
You've given exactly zero sources. Checkmate.

PS: they rewrote the night warrior crap so you have yet another OP demigod elf !@#$%. Grats.

It is pretty objective at the moment that Alliance need attention when it comes to mythic raid and Mythic+ leaderboards, the person you handwaved as a "dum-dum" is absolutely correct on that matter.

Ya, story improvements are nice, doesn't help much with our PvE situation being the suck but still, sure.

So what exactly are you !@#$%ing about? Racials? If they removed all horde racials tomorrow it wouldn't change a thing for me. Oh no, I can't dispel some water bubbles on my pally. I guess I couldn't eat dead corpses anymore? Total non-issue.
10/30/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Liara
Apparently you can entertain Alliance players the same way.

Sure, but between the two the Horde are more likely to pretend that that they're just too smart for those "dum Alliance kids" or whatever else they like to call us to make their faction sound more mature.

10/30/2018 01:13 PMPosted by Mooncherries
So what exactly are you !@#$%ing about? Racials? If they removed all horde racials tomorrow it wouldn't change a thing for me. Oh no, I can't dispel some water bubbles on my pally. I guess I couldn't eat dead corpses anymore? Total non-issue.

Can't find the lie in my post, goes back to "lol you're @#$%ing".

Stay classy, homeboy.
10/30/2018 12:30 PMPosted by Halodin


FYI alliance has regained Gilneas lore wise. Also the alliance lost it in the 2nd war, not in WoW. The pre-alliance Worgen lost it before they even joined the Alliance, just like the Goblins lost their island.

You have a valid point but that doesn't change a lot.
Plus if you compare Darnassus with Undercity we can say :

- Horde destroyed both cities giving the Alliance a bitter taste of victory if no victory at all.
- Sylvanas had the time to evacuate Undercity which is not the case of Darnassus where thousands have died.
- 2 homeless races compare to one = more hard on the moral of a faction.

For me the destruction of Teldrassil and Undercity are both Horde victory. So far BFA is largely Horde dominated on every part of the game going from the lore and cinematics to the gameplay, worldpvp, rep mounts, warfronts, mythic raiding and battlegrounds.

Everything in this game right now is shouting Horde big time.
But, hey, according to OP there is no bias unless it's Alliance bias.
10/30/2018 01:10 PMPosted by Seachrome

2) Do you think the Horde really enjoys being the bad guys all the time? The only Hordies who like the direction the Horde is going are the ones who just want to beat up on Alliance. If we could switch storylines with the Alliance going off the deep end and the Horde getting a sob mother-daughter story, we would in a heartbeat.

Actually, I do. You rarely hear of Horde players complaining to Blizzard. In fact, the only time they did was because they were being forced to not be evil and wanted an option to remain evil.

Which Blizzard immediately and unquestioningly gave them.

If you were really sick of being evil, you'd be protesting alongside the Alliance instead of trying to silence them.
Horde got to watch a cartoon of tree for our raid. Even alliance got to put out fires so they've been involved in all the raids against towns.
Kill Sylvanas, I won't even be mad. Garrosh is a thousand times better than her.
When the Alliance attempts to conquer the world several times like the Horde has tried to then we’ll talk about Siege of Stormwind.
10/30/2018 12:58 PMPosted by Heilot
They raid orgrimar
They destroy brill
They are the cause that we lost the undercity
They raid undercity in the past
They ignore the fact that in classic alliance had more quest to do
We lost almost all of our original racial liders.
They claim that cataclysm was a horde expansion because of thrall but in reality it was a thrall expansion.
If they want to claim that cataclysm was horde they must admit that legion was a alliance expansion, yet they don't
They have bonuses unlocking allied races
They have the most op racial in DiD
We have to see how blizzard butchered grommash for wod

If alliance got half the !@#$ the horde got they will cry nonstop

We didn't raid Ogrimar. We helped you liberate it. We were riding shotgun while you drove. Don't you even dare try to count that as an alliance victory over the horde.

We did destroy brill, but you've destroyed both Astranar and Darkshore so you're still one up there.

We raided undercity, you set stormwind on fire.

Nothing in classic counts anymore. If having more vanilla quests still counts, then having illidan and kael'thas become raid bosses counts. As does all four horsemen in nax since they were all alliance lore characters, and fandrael staghelm and benidictius. Remember, pre MoP the horde had one lore character become a raid boss: Saurfang's son. Alliance, OTOH, lost lore characters to raid bossery left and right. For a while we barely had any lore characters at all.

You lost a large number of racial leaders. Meanwhile, it took Blizzard 14 years to have most of ours actually do anything of note. I'm not sure which is better.

If you're going to whine about losing racial leaders, you don't get to then whine about cata being a thrall expansion. He's your original faction leader, and was effectively your faction leader in exile during Cata and MoP. He's your character. He wasn't effectively neutral. Alliance in Cata were, again, just riding shotgun while the horde drove the game down the road. If you removed the alliance from cata completely, you would barely notice.

Legion would have been an alliance expansion if the writing was half as hamfisted on the horde side as it usually is on the alliance side. By that time the writers were getting savy enough to not have an entire faction just riding sidecar so the horde lucked out. We'll see how well it holds up the next time we actually do get an expansion that's primarily driven by a single faction based on how well the other faction gets written. Pre-legion the alliance rode instead of drove. Legion was not an alliance expansion because the writers figured things out, finally.

Know why you QQ about human diplomacy? Because it's one of the best racial abilities we've got. The fact that you're not laughing at that means you're clueless.

DiDs have our only good racial.

At least they bothered to butcher gromash for WoD. They didn't even bother to complete Yrel's storyline. Imagine if Gromash went from being an edgy leader that most of the horde didn't like, straight to getting killed by Thrall in a mok'gora. That's what happened to Yrel. We never got our SoO because it got cut.

We don't have half of the things to cry about that the horde has. We've got way more.
10/30/2018 01:16 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 01:10 PMPosted by Seachrome

2) Do you think the Horde really enjoys being the bad guys all the time? The only Hordies who like the direction the Horde is going are the ones who just want to beat up on Alliance. If we could switch storylines with the Alliance going off the deep end and the Horde getting a sob mother-daughter story, we would in a heartbeat.

Actually, I do. You rarely hear of Horde players complaining to Blizzard. In fact, the only time they did was because they were being forced to not be evil and wanted an option to remain evil.

Which Blizzard immediately and unquestioningly gave them.

If you were really sick of being evil, you'd be protesting alongside the Alliance instead of trying to silence them.

Horde players don't cry on the forums.
Sure, but between the two the Horde are more likely to pretend that that they're just too smart for those "dum Alliance kids" or whatever else they like to call us to make their faction sound more mature.

Which can be said for the Alliance as well. I've heard it from Alliance players.

I was Alliance when I first started playing, I heard all the time how Horde was all edgy 14 yrs old.

I've seen both sides say the other had more kids playing. It's not as exclusive as it's made to sound.

This thread mimics the million others we've seen except it's a Horde player stirring up the masses and pushing those buttons. Same arguments, same bias.
10/30/2018 01:25 PMPosted by Zaisun
Horde players don't cry on the forums.


They take it to twitter instead.
10/30/2018 01:10 PMPosted by Seachrome

2) Do you think the Horde really enjoys being the bad guys all the time? The only Hordies who like the direction the Horde is going are the ones who just want to beat up on Alliance. If we could switch storylines with the Alliance going off the deep end and the Horde getting a sob mother-daughter story, we would in a heartbeat.

Actually, I do. You rarely hear of Horde players complaining to Blizzard. In fact, the only time they did was because they were being forced to not be evil and wanted an option to remain evil.

Which Blizzard immediately and unquestioningly gave them.

If you were really sick of being evil, you'd be protesting alongside the Alliance instead of trying to silence them.

In fact there is only two subjects you will see Horde complaining in masses while rotating between the white and black knight shirts.

- Alliance complaining (for obvious reasons)
- Horde lore

And for both they have the unconditionnal support of the Blizz team.