Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.

- You wouldn't be whining if it was alliance about to be forced into supporting a traitor.
- If we had that, we wouldn't have our main BFA city raided in the next raid.
- Dark Iron is OP so GIT GUD
10/30/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Iyoma
I must have imagined the Horde gaining a faction of hozen, part of the playable pandaren, control of the story, and getting to replace a leader that a lot didn't like with one that they did, while destroying an Alliance city and killing the Alliance counterpart to Saurfang.\

Um then you also gained a faction of Shadowmoon Orcs and all the AU people in WoD,...

Only an Alliance would say replacing a horde warcheif was a good thing while ignoring how it got that way as well.

Horde did not control the story. Did you even play MoP? It starts with us trying to find the Alliance price, Alliance wins the Isle of Thunder, and then the Alliance purges the horde from Dalaran. Horde controlled a small portion of the story after that which just happened to last 14 months because it was the last content added.

Ignores all the horde alliance killed.

10/30/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Iyoma
Drove the Horde to Arathi? The Alliance fell back to Arathi and fortified there and the Horde built a new base to counter them.

The Alliance didn't "fall back", the horde lost Undercity and fell back. How do you consider pushing horde out of one of our zones and confronting them at their rally point to be "falling back"?
10/30/2018 12:30 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Bludthundur

Both Darnassus and Theramore were GHOSTTOWNS when they were blew up. We lost Undercity which had more than 5 people in it at a time.

Then you agree that Echo Isles, Thunder Bluff and Bilgewater Harbor should be destroyed.

I wouldn't care if I could get Undercity back.
10/30/2018 12:32 PMPosted by Bludthundur

- You wouldn't be whining if it was alliance about to be forced into supporting a traitor.
- If we had that, we wouldn't have our main BFA city raided in the next raid.
- Dark Iron is OP so GIT GUD

What's a shame is that there are actual issues with the Horde's story that they could bring up. But somehow, it always eventually becomes a Horde player screaming insults and namecalling.
1 Like

Sure, we do. We remember Maraad, Taylor, and Baros Alexton all dying while the AU draenei never actually join us, leaving us down three characters and not getting anything in return.

So you are saying that MoP was Alliance bias because horde lost characters there and got nothing in return? Is that how it works?

Yeahg you lost GARROSH
lotsa salt shed there NOT
10/30/2018 12:33 PMPosted by Bludthundur

I wouldn't care if I could get Undercity back.

Then you agree that the Alliance should get Darnassus, Theramore and Southshore back.
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10/30/2018 12:30 PMPosted by Halodin
Cities lost by the alliance
-Southshore Not only a city but a complete territory.
Cities Lost by the horde
-Camp Torajo

Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Oh but I can hear you all right now! "How can highmountain and suramar be horde cities when alliance players can go in there!" Well they used to be neutral cities then the highmountain forgot they fought alongside the kaldorei and even met Malfurion in his younger days and got blessed by cenarious so they went and joined the horde. And the the nightborne got triggered because the Kaldorei leader asked a simple question "can we trust you." You know considering it was the highborne (AKA nightborne) who summoned demons, made deals and enslaved their own not once but twice so they got triggered and went with the horde.

So yeah, neither suramar and highmountain are neutral cities anymore and anyone that considers them so needs to get their brain checked, no alliance race is going to be allowed in that is unless sylvanas gets triggered and goes and blights them or something.


FYI alliance has regained Gilneas lore wise. Also the alliance lost it in the 2nd war, not in WoW. The pre-alliance Worgen lost it before they even joined the Alliance, just like the Goblins lost their island.
10/30/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Varukisas
Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.

"This is a sharding issue"

How do you propose they properly shard two factions where one faction grossly outnumbers the other?

I see two solutions to provide fairness:

1) If you are a member of the outnumbering faction, you will probably go into a shard with an enemy population of zero.

2) If you are a member of the outnumbering faction, you will go into a Warmode queue.

Pick one of those, 'cause you're not getting NPCs, and as long as the outnumbered faction is outnumbered, they're not going to turn warmode on.
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10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm, the second half of MoP, the entirety of BfA.

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Two boss-level NPCs from Alliance cities became instance bosses in Cata.
10/30/2018 12:34 PMPosted by Enekie
What's a shame is that there are actual issues with the Horde's story that they could bring up. But somehow, it always eventually becomes a Horde player screaming insults and namecalling.

The correct response is to not entertain a Horde player at all and just push their buttons instead.

Also, what's obnoxious about this is that there have been numerous complaints about the Night Warrior quest line on how and why it's stupid from a lore perspective on down to the basic creative writing aspect, as well as cost effective (or completely free) ways to fix it. Red shirt guy made a very good blog post on this. To my knowledge, it was all ignored.

Are you really that butthurt about that when we lose an entire city? So what if your waifu got beat up?

You don't actually lose the city, though. The entire raid is about the all powerful Horde showing up and chasing the Alliance away.

Because Alliance is meant to appear powerful, suddenly lose, and then barely get away. It's fanfiction. And more than that, if you believe the leaks, this is all a set up for a massive Alliance loss in the next patch where they will lose Stormwind. So our big victory patch is a Pyrrhic victory in which we lose a racial leader, Jaina almost dies, and, again, Alliance wins... basically nothing. This is all to kill some troll dude who showed up a month ago, and, I might add, his writing is cringeworthy, too.
10/30/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Varukisas
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.

You've got a point on the warfront issue for gearing alts; I very much agree that Alliance should've gotten the same opportunity during the first cycle.


How does the Horde have complete control of the story? The writers are doing that. You can't conflate the Horde playerbase (those who benefited from the warfront issue) with the writers.

Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.

The best way to lose an argument is to overstate your case. You make some valid points, but then you start dabbling in some pretty dubious claims.
This is really just more gaslighting. It’s a straw-man because nobody is blaming the Horde playerbase- we’re blaming the devs. And every time we do some Horde main jumps in and says, “why are you blaming me?” and turns it into a personal attack.
10/30/2018 12:35 PMPosted by AlfgerĂ°r

So you are saying that MoP was Alliance bias because horde lost characters there and got nothing in return? Is that how it works?

Yeahg you lost GARROSH
lotsa salt shed there NOT

You think the horde only lost Garrosh in MoP?
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.

Lol. Delusional AND butthurt. Nice.
There is no bias.
1 Like
10/30/2018 12:38 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Lol. Delusional AND butthurt. Nice.

Nah, factually correct and backed by well-researched sources.
1 Like
10/30/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Iyoma
I must have imagined the Horde gaining a faction of hozen, part of the playable pandaren, control of the story, and getting to replace a leader that a lot didn't like with one that they did, while destroying an Alliance city and killing the Alliance counterpart to Saurfang.\

Um then you also gained a faction of Shadowmoon Orcs and all the AU people in WoD,...

Only an Alliance would say replacing a horde warcheif was a good thing while ignoring how it got that way as well.

Horde did not control the story. Did you even play MoP? It starts with us trying to find the Alliance price, Alliance wins the Isle of Thunder, and then the Alliance purges the horde from Dalaran. Horde controlled a small portion of the story after that which just happened to last 14 months because it was the last content added.

Ignores all the horde alliance killed.

The Shadowmoon clan and the AU Draenei never join the Alliance. As a matter of fact, the Shadowmoon clan joins the Horde with the Mag'har alled race.

Pandaria starts on the Horde side with Garrosh sending a team to invade a newly discovered continent and "paint it red" in the the name of the Horde, not chasing the Alliance. Nobody wins the Isle of Thunder and Jaina's purge of the Sunreavers in Dalaran (which is portrayed as a negative thing so much that King Chin got to berate Jaina for it) doesn't even last an entire expansion as we see Blood Elves in the Dalaran forces with Khadgar in WoD. Everything about the destruction of the Vale, leading up to the Siege, and SoO is Horde run to the point that the entire Alliance story during that time is "control a robot cat".

10/30/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Iyoma
Drove the Horde to Arathi? The Alliance fell back to Arathi and fortified there and the Horde built a new base to counter them.

The Alliance didn't "fall back", the horde lost Undercity and fell back. How do you consider pushing horde out of one of our zones and confronting them at their rally point to be "falling back"?

The Alliance did fall back and the Horde only lost Undercity because Sylvanas decided to destroy it and try to kill the Alliance leaders.
10/30/2018 12:37 PMPosted by Ollin
10/30/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Varukisas
Regarding War Mode, we can't force the Alliance to turn it on. I'm not a population difference denier; the Horde has an advantage these days. But this is not a Horde issue, this is a sharding issue.

"This is a sharding issue"

How do you propose they properly shard two factions where one faction grossly outnumbers the other?

I see two solutions to provide fairness:

1) If you are a member of the outnumbering faction, you will probably go into a shard with an enemy population of zero.

2) If you are a member of the outnumbering faction, you will go into a Warmode queue.

Pick one of those, 'cause you're not getting NPCs, and as long as the outnumbered faction is outnumbered, they're not going to turn warmode on.

Another option that might be kind of broken is to give the outnumbered faction members a buff that increases damage and healing as well as reducing damage taken that is proportional to the disparity. If horde outnumbers alliance 2 to 1 on a shard, alliance players will deal 40% more damage, heal for 40% more, and take 30% less damage from horde players. 1/(1-0.3)*1.4 ~= 2 times the power.
10/30/2018 12:17 PMPosted by Zeropointt
10/30/2018 12:13 PMPosted by Averyx
Horde community is the definition of privilege obliviousness.
When you’ve been the favored-child for so long, equality starts to feel like oppression.

10/30/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 12:16 PMPosted by Wrathu
When exactly did the Alliance destroy Undercity? As far as I remember the Horde burn down one capital city and then blew up another. Neither was destroyed by the alliance.

Both Darnassus and Theramore were GHOSTTOWNS when they were blew up. We lost Undercity which had more than 5 people in it at a time.

OUR towns, not yours
And lil King Andy was going to OCCUPY sludgetown, renenber?
''oh lets finish this' and I'm all YEAH, they finally dtopped! Then he starts TALKING to little lady roadkill, who promptly blows the place up. Obviously, from the placement and totality of the charges, she'd been planning this for a long time.
SHe then ran off as usual.
Cant wait to see the Shu'halo reaction when they figure out she's been raising their dead