Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids
All of that is just more evidence of Alliance Bias.
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Horde community is the definition of privilege obliviousness.
10/30/2018 12:04 PMPosted by Sydarar
They make these disingenuous troll threads so the community managers can point and roll their eyes and say, "See, both sides complain about this." This is part of that obnoxious theater designed to gaslight.

But numbers don't lie. Look at the mythic raid achieves. The 120 population is so severe I wouldn't be shocked if it ends up favoring Horde 70/30 or 80/20. Warmode is borderline unplayable. If you check the dev's Twitter accounts a majority play Horde and/or show disdain for the Alliance (these are people in charge of producing content for them). If you check, one of the original devs for vanilla even admitted that they all played Horde, with the exception of Metzen. One of their writers is erping with Sylvanas.

They won't even acknowledge this is a problem. Just another reason to find a better game.
Couldn’t have said it better.
10/30/2018 12:09 PMPosted by Hamstar
and the entirety of WOD too.

Um no. Do you remember your Alliance zones, stories, and AU characters? Both sides had their own individual stories and content.

Sure, we do. We remember Maraad, Taylor, and Baros Alexton all dying while the AU draenei never actually join us, leaving us down three characters and not getting anything in return.

What "enhanced attention"? Both sides are getting equally developed.

Really? Which faction got a choice not to betray their leader because they complained? Which faction has a lead writer's self-insert? Which faction got their concerns ignored?
When exactly did the Alliance destroy Undercity? As far as I remember the Horde burn down one capital city and then blew up another. Neither was destroyed by the alliance.
10/30/2018 12:13 PMPosted by Averyx
Horde community is the definition of privilege obliviousness.
When you’ve been the favored-child for so long, equality starts to feel like oppression.
10/30/2018 12:09 PMPosted by Hamstar

Um no. Do you remember your Alliance zones, stories, and AU characters? Both sides had their own individual stories and content.

Sure, we do. We remember Maraad, Taylor, and Baros Alexton all dying while the AU draenei never actually join us, leaving us down three characters and not getting anything in return.

So you are saying that MoP was Alliance bias because horde lost characters there and got nothing in return? Is that how it works?
10/30/2018 12:16 PMPosted by Wrathu
When exactly did the Alliance destroy Undercity? As far as I remember the Horde burn down one capital city and then blew up another. Neither was destroyed by the alliance.

Those were nerf brand rocks you were chucking at it? Anyways Alliance won that battle, drove the horde to Arathi, and in a future warfront continues to push us towards SIlvermoon.
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Sure, we do. We remember Maraad, Taylor, and Baros Alexton all dying while the AU draenei never actually join us, leaving us down three characters and not getting anything in return.

So you are saying that MoP was Alliance bias because horde lost characters there and got nothing in return? Is that how it works?

I must have imagined the Horde gaining a faction of hozen, part of the playable pandaren, control of the story, and getting to replace a leader that a lot didn't like with one that they did, while destroying an Alliance city and killing the Alliance counterpart to Saurfang.\

10/30/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Hamstar
10/30/2018 12:16 PMPosted by Wrathu
When exactly did the Alliance destroy Undercity? As far as I remember the Horde burn down one capital city and then blew up another. Neither was destroyed by the alliance.

Those were nerf brand rocks you were chucking at it? Anyways Alliance won that battle, drove the horde to Arathi, and in a future warfront continues to push us towards SIlvermoon.

Drove the Horde to Arathi? The Alliance fell back to Arathi and fortified there and the Horde built a new base to counter them.
10/30/2018 12:09 PMPosted by AlfgerĂ°r
PRoof 100%% Horde bias = Blizzard's fromnt lobby; what do you see there?
That, and the Horde bike is AWESOME; the Alliance wheels look like something that lost a contest
oh wait

We actually just have another horse...
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
Cities gained by the horde

in-game we only got a tiny bit of Suramar, the rest remains hostile to us, and Alliance still has free roam of Thunder Totem, it's still a neutral area.

Meanwhile mag'har don't even have their own place.
Honestly though, the bias swings both ways.

Did you even read? Lore wise no alliance is going to step foot on either thundertotem or suramar because they would most likely get the spear to the gut treatment, blizzard can't make it all hostile to a faction because they would then have to cut out all that content for ONE faction. Yeah maghar don't have a place and yet it's better than void rock zone with nothing interesting on it and magic space ship we never see again.

10/30/2018 12:12 PMPosted by Swiftraven
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
And the the nightborne got triggered because the Kaldorei leader asked a simple question "can we trust you."
it makes sense that they chose to ally with the blood elves over the night elves because it was easier, Tyrande gave them the cold shoulder and they were in desperate search of allies, the Sin'dorei welcomed them. It really isn't that hard to understand.

Tyrande gave them the cold shoulder? what, she was more than willing to spill the blood of her people to save Suramar because it was also HER home, night elves died to free the nightborne from under elisande and the legion and a simple question was more than enough for them to turn around and walk away. I guess the blood spilled by the kaldorei was meaningless to the nightborne who apparently only started to question sylvanas actions after she rezes a man they have never heard of or met before but burning the home of the people that helped you out wasn't, same goes for the H-Tauren who where more than okay with invading the city of the people that aided them in their darkest times.

This story makes as much sense as making rice paper forks to eat soup with.
10/30/2018 12:10 PMPosted by Hamstar
10/30/2018 12:09 PMPosted by AlfgerĂ°r
PRoof 100%% Horde bias = Blizzard's fromnt lobby; what do you see there?

Humans working in the building. ALLIANCE BIAS!

I can always count on a funny from you!

10/30/2018 12:16 PMPosted by Wrathu
When exactly did the Alliance destroy Undercity? As far as I remember the Horde burn down one capital city and then blew up another. Neither was destroyed by the alliance.

Both Darnassus and Theramore were GHOSTTOWNS when they were blew up. We lost Undercity which had more than 5 people in it at a time.
10/30/2018 12:15 PMPosted by Enekie

What "enhanced attention"? Both sides are getting equally developed.

Really? Which faction got a choice not to betray their leader because they complained? Which faction has a lead writer's self-insert? Which faction got their concerns ignored?

What's super obnoxious about this is that there have been numerous complaints about the Night Warrior quest line on how and why it's stupid from a lore perspective on down to the basic creative writing aspect, as well as cost effective (or completely free) ways to fix it. Red shirt guy made a very good blog post on this. To my knowledge, it was all ignored.

And like you said, the moment the Horde were slightly displeased... changed. But not just any change. They added an element (choice) which is completely novel to the game, simply for fanservice. Whereas Alliance aren't asking for fanservice, merely pointing out the bending of lore and logic to make Nathanos more super awesome and cool for his m'lady.
10/30/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Iyoma
I must have imagined the Horde gaining a faction of hozen

so was i just imagining those alliance jinyu? also a big chunk of our hozen were killed off btw and they hardly count anyway, just like your jinyu, because they aren't playable and aren't ever mentioned after aside from one who served as quest flightmaster.

"getting to replace a leader" yay, we lost one of our leaders, yipee? horde bias? and he was replaced with somebody who proceeded to do NOTHING and then get killed by some trash mob demon while Varian got an over-the-top heroic death and a whole section of SW rebuilt in his memory.
I don't see how any of that is horde bias.
We still don't even know what will become of Vol'jin at the end of his spirit quest, but he didn't even get to do anything as warchief and we have another one approaching the chopping block.

10/30/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Saadet
Tyrande gave them the cold shoulder? what, she was more than willing to spill the blood of her people to save Suramar because it was also HER home, night elves died to free the nightborne from under elisande and the legion and a simple question was more than enough for them to turn around and walk away.

You remember that world quest where Tyrande wanted you to arm citizens to use them as meat shields so she wouldn't have to use her own soldiers on the front lines (she openly states this is her intent)? Yeah, that was very nice of her. Remember Vereesa calling them mana addicts and talking down on them? Tyrande was there to fight the legion, not help the Nightborne, and showed nothing but mistrust (whether it was justified or not it still distanced them) against them, their choice to join the blood elves who were FRIENDLY and RELATED TO THEIR PROBLEMS is very logical.
10/30/2018 12:15 PMPosted by Enekie

Really? Which faction got a choice not to betray their leader because they complained? Which faction has a lead writer's self-insert? Which faction got their concerns ignored?

Also, what's obnoxious about this is that there have been numerous complaints about the Night Warrior quest line on how and why it's stupid from a lore perspective on down to the basic creative writing aspect, as well as cost effective (or completely free) ways to fix it. Red shirt guy made a very good blog post on this. To my knowledge, it was all ignored.

Are you really that butthurt about that when we lose an entire city? So what if your waifu got beat up?
Cities lost by the alliance
-Southshore Not only a city but a complete territory.
Cities Lost by the horde
-Camp Torajo

Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Oh but I can hear you all right now! "How can highmountain and suramar be horde cities when alliance players can go in there!" Well they used to be neutral cities then the highmountain forgot they fought alongside the kaldorei and even met Malfurion in his younger days and got blessed by cenarious so they went and joined the horde. And the the nightborne got triggered because the Kaldorei leader asked a simple question "can we trust you." You know considering it was the highborne (AKA nightborne) who summoned demons, made deals and enslaved their own not once but twice so they got triggered and went with the horde.

So yeah, neither suramar and highmountain are neutral cities anymore and anyone that considers them so needs to get their brain checked, no alliance race is going to be allowed in that is unless sylvanas gets triggered and goes and blights them or something.

10/30/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Bludthundur

Both Darnassus and Theramore were GHOSTTOWNS when they were blew up. We lost Undercity which had more than 5 people in it at a time.

Then you agree that Echo Isles, Thunder Bluff and Bilgewater Harbor should be destroyed.
Lol you're not even losing Dazar'alor, it'll just have a part of it that's turned into a raid instance but I've seen nothing to suggest the Horde will lose it or that the Alliance will leave any lasting damage to the zone after killing Rastakhan. (Who is actually killed by mistake.)

You could only dream of the Alliance doing as much horrific damage to the other side as the Horde does, but the Alliance simply isn't as evil as the Horde is to give in and do something like Teldrassil.