Alliance Bias

Well game play you would have either hijacking the tram by surprise with a mini boss fight or the longest gauntlet run ever made w/o or with a full boss I suggest rat catcher gnome and an army of rats.

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They actually have said many many times they like the horde more and find writing or do anything for the alliance boring.

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Only thing I have ever heard close to that is when Metzen said writing The Alliance is like writing Superman, which in itself does not translate to being boring.

You say this but than you make excuses for a raid on SW/IF.

Past blizzcons probably find on YT ghostcrawler and metzen pretty much since tbc-wrath and on to current with ion.

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He’s also delusional if he thinks Blizzard didn’t put effort into Jaina and Varians stories.

Varian has had so much alternative media dedicated to him, they even retconned Classic lore to make him the canonical slayer of Onxyia, lol.

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I gave you an idea how to actually make it work.

Why does blizzard hate alliance so much? We NEVER get to destroy their cities causing a massive amount of death, but they get to do that to TWO of our cities?

Edit: oops, necro.

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8.3: Beginning of Tyrande’s schism from the Alliance as she chooses to pursue vengeance against the Horde against the wishes of Anduin with some groups following her, which may or may not include Genn Greymane. The beginning of Alliance infighting and maybe even their own civil war.

A new raid that involves Sylvanas attack on Stormwind and we’re moving to oppose her. Sylvanas final boss in Stormwind Keep, or in the catacombs where the dead kings and queens of Stormwind are.

This could lead to the opening of the Shadowlands.

There you go, two different things for next patch that includes mostly Alliance leaning stuff happening. I don’t expect Blizzard to do any of it, but it’s still an idea.

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“Blizzard hates the Horde, that’s why the Horde is the central focus of the expansion, their leaders are the protagonists, and the conflict revolves around the intrafactional divide.”


Why don’t you form several massive 40 man raids and raid their cities? If you want the Horde to have something then make it happen.

Yeah but you played it anyways.
Totally off the point; it still had alliance v Horde, which IS the point of this current rant…thread.
I said thread.

So quit looking for a nit to pick on and stay focused on the REAL problem; the fact of Blizzard ‘writers’ being stick in a politically correct headspace that makes for very narrow predictable content.

Signing off.

Tyrande seems to have harsh feelings toward the Horde as a whole, Greymane is just obsessed with killing Sylvanas.

I’m sure they’d ally, but Idk if I could see Genn turning on Anduin, he looks at him like a Son.

Greymane doesn’t trust the Horde and he very much might think it’s a good idea to open up the can of worms again, partially because he might feel Teldrassil needs more justice or to make sure the Horde can’t hurt them again, or because he feels the worgen owe the night elves.

These feelings might conflict with his current role as Wrynn Family Puppy.


Well grom and the warsong killed cenarius chopped up the forest almost killed malf then got corrupted by mannaroth and corrupted felwood brought the legion to hyjal.
Then pretty much a stalemate between elves and warsong over lumber for 15yrs and to current events genocide of darn and malf again almost dying to a cheap shot.
As for gen he wasnt “at war” with the forsaken the blew the gate up invaded and plagued his city killed him people and son.

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Judging by some datamined texts, he could easily be influenced into making war on the entire Horde or at least the Forsaken, seeing as the “Scarlet Brotherhood” sees him as a possible tool. Greymane has also gone behind Anduin’s back numerous times to make war, and sees Anduin as naive. It’s doubtful he wouldn’t side with Tyrande over Anduin, especially if he thinks Tyrande is in the right on exterminating the entire Horde to “prevent” another Teldrassil.

Because we’re the good guys. Duh?

Genn does not care about the horde And Tyrande according to the comments of the Night elves is simply Hunting Sylvanas and Nathanos.

In any case, they do not have to end hostilities with the horde and treat them as friends.

I remember how they got heroic level gear with Against all Odds at the beginning of a patch.

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And increased xp for leveling too along with increased as rewards