Alliance Bias

'Cause if the alliance doesn’t get their way they cry non-stop.

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…says the Horde player who dug up a thread from LAST YEAR.

edit sees the date)
Ok so I can talk.
But it WAS on the front page, somehow.

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Wc1 wc 2 wc 3 sacking of sw strom ironforge burning of darn sacking of alterac the siege of silvermoon the raid on durnholde and the rest of interment camps.
As for the deaths pretty much even at this point.


Stockades, siege of Boralus.

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faster than characters in game of thrones, exaggerations at most, but also thats what happens when the story is mostly based on horde. The problem with this games story is that it tries too hard to be somethings its not. It needs a simpler story instead of trying to have all these twists and turns (which it fails at even doing)

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RTS is not a MMO. Its past time to allow the horde 14 months of sieging an alliance city… don’t worry also we’re going to say it’s alliance biased at the end also.

Oh yeah it’s definitely bias for us when we get entire cities and towns and fortresses destroyed instead of merely raided, what happened to Teldrassil, Theramore, Southshore, that fortress in the Barrens and the Druid school in Stonetalon again?

Teldrassil was possibly our most unique looking city, your claim that no one went there is a false one, or at least dishonest when you’re complaining about undercity.


Nice try, Your Horde it is expected your leaders die for a faction that thrives on chaos and war its expected, When your leaders die in battle you should celebrate not whine. Maybe the Horde is becoming weak or even worst civilized. Hmmm interesting.

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By that reasoning all shadow priests should’ve been banned from both factions a long time ago

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Threads like this make me realize just how incapable Blizzard writing teams are at keeping up an equal story across two factions. I can’t wait for factions to be a thing of the past (or at least split up where there is no real reason for favoritism or the accusation thereof) so we can have a single story with variations based on either race or class.

The way I see it currently: The Horde is the main driving force behind the story and the Alliance are support characters. I totally understand others feeling different, which is the problem with the two faction system and why games that lack it have much better story arcs.

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The developers of WoW made the Horde races the outcasts… They poured all their energy into making Alliance the cool kids they despised growing up. Irony is that the people who play the factions are the inverse of this most the time.
If you rolled alliance to play anything other than hard mode you are doing it wrong. Blizzard made it clear day one they favored Horde.


We kicked Jaina’s but in BoD, which was odd with the Alliance playing pretend and killing their own champion.

A Siege of SW or IF would be nice though, can’t do much with a smouldering tree.

The High King of the Alliance actually says he set the Horde on the path to capitulate to his whims. And they do. The Horde even even lets him lecture them in Org.

The Alliance even gets its own exclusive Bee mount AND access to 2 Horde mounts!

BfA will forever bee the Alliance expac.

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Please, how we forget the choppergate, the worgen rebellion, the Sin’dorei gift, heck you even got to destroy 2 capitals cities this expax what more you want pretty much every cinematic was for you guys in BFA. You get plenty from the devs.


Not once but twice: Thrall and Nathanos.

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TBH siege on either would be pointless due to direct link to eachother that the horde would have no way of stopping the supply lines troop movements.
Ironforge is a literal super fortress with back doors to the north with farmlands in the hills and an airfield and tanks not to mention cannon positions or possible positions.
SW would be the only viable target other than darn technically the draenei have a super weapon ship they could recall apparently.

Than do a combined raid, there are no underground areas in SW I know off, so raid starts in SW, makes it’s way through the Deeprun Tram and ends in Old IF.

Choke point DOA tram would be horrible and yea the gnomes can shut it off so long run in a single direction lol.

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Just use it as a means to get from SW > IF, maybe place some enemies at either end to guard the place.

If there’s one thing the factions have it common, it’s screeching whiners who think Blizzard likes the other one more.

Like entitled children, really.