Alliance Bias

11/01/2018 04:36 PMPosted by Evark
11/01/2018 04:35 PMPosted by Dosao
What is the 10 percent bonus the horde gets ?

War Mode

Lol.. I see

Plenty of alliance with WM on too. Leveling and ganking . Trust me .

Hyperbole never helps the case
This topic has officially slid into pathfinder level of beating a dead horse.
11/01/2018 04:10 PMPosted by Ollin
I mean, while I did sort of enjoy controlling that cat...

...okay, that's a lie. The cat was total BS compared to the darkspear rebellion. Especially since it's what we got instead of Varian's Great Labors.

Did you know that Varian became High King of the Alliance just before the SoO?

I didn't. And I'm Alliance.

To be fair, did anyone really want to see more of that? you know, after Varian had to teach...

... the Worgen (who are pack hunters) unity
... the Night Elves (who live for thousands of years) patience
... the Dark Iron Dwarves (whose catchphrase is "EVERYBODY, GET IN HERE") camaraderie

And then they decided to quit while they were ahead rather than face the groans of incredulity after he taught the Draenei wisdom, the Gnomes ingenuity, Kurdran how to fly a gryphon, and beat Muradin in a drinking contest.
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10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm, the second half of MoP, the entirety of BfA.
He took the bait
11/01/2018 04:46 PMPosted by Tokyokid
This topic has officially slid into pathfinder level of beating a dead horse.

How long before it reaches High Elves for the Alliance dead?
11/01/2018 04:48 PMPosted by Lumineus
11/01/2018 04:10 PMPosted by Ollin
I mean, while I did sort of enjoy controlling that cat...

...okay, that's a lie. The cat was total BS compared to the darkspear rebellion. Especially since it's what we got instead of Varian's Great Labors.

Did you know that Varian became High King of the Alliance just before the SoO?

I didn't. And I'm Alliance.

To be fair, did anyone really want to see more of that? you know, after Varian had to teach...

... the Worgen (who are pack hunters) unity
... the Night Elves (who live for tousands of years) patience
... the Dark Iron Dwarves (whose catchphrase is "EVERYBODY, GET IN HERE") camaraderie

And then they decided to quit while they were ahead rather than face the groans of incredulity after he taught the Draenei wisdom, the Gnomes ingenuity, Kurdran how to fly a gryphon, and beat Muradin in a drinking contest.

this is fantastic. lol

<span class="truncated">...</span>

Content is designed around Method's play habits. If they stay Horde, more raids will be designed with Horde racials in mind. The longer we play Alliance, the less content we get.

Okay, the bolded is just a conspiracy theory.

The reason they say that is because the horde racial abilities are active, while alliance racial abilities are re-active. It's easier to have an impact on content with an active racial ability because active abilities that let you do cool things give you something called "agency". They let your decisions have a direct impact on your state. For things like AI it describes decision making.

For people it describes feedback. In short: Horde racial abilities are more likely to have a noticeable impact on boss mechanics, and they tend to be more fun.

It works like this:

In order for a racial ability to have a noticeable effect on a boss fight, it has to be able to impact a player's performance on a mechanic. A player's ability to have an impact of some kind depends on two things.

1) The possibility that an ability can have an effect on a fight mechanic.
2) The player's ability to match an ability's performance and a fight mechanic.

If you have an ability that cannot impact a mechanic it doesn't matter what you do, you're not going to be able to squeeze more performance out of that ability. You can have a thousand method raiders playing humans against Zul reborn, and none of them have a button they can push to make the fight any easier.

If you have an ability that can impact a mechanic, it doesn't matter what that ability can do if you don't use it properly. You can have a thousand blood elves against Zul Reborn, and none of them is going to make the fight any easier if they don't push their AT button to purge the adds.

The second important part of this is active vs reactive (not active vs passive). Active abilities will always have a larger impact on performance because they tend to be a solution looking for a problem while reactive abilities are the reverse.

An active ability is useful when you can make it useful.

A reactive ability is only useful when the devs make it useful.

Most people will claim that EMFH is far more powerful than War Stomp, for example (I chose these two because they both deal with stunning). However, it is far easier in BFA dungeons to make use of an AoE stun than it is for a stun-break because mobs in BFA dungeons don't have a lot of stuns, but there are a lot of caster mobs that can be stunned and you can't have too many interrupts. Go and try to make good use of EMFH just in dungeons. It sucks compared to War Stomp just by way of how often you can make effective use of the button you need in order to put the ability on your bar.

Finally, there's a difference between damage advantage, and mechanical advantage. Damage advantage racials tend to be more "fun" to most players while mechanical advantage racials tend to break bosses.

Trolls are the most common mage race in the game because of berzerking. It's a fun damage advantage button.

OTOH, Goblins broke the Tichondrius encounter badly enough that guilds faction swapped to go goblin and Blood Elves make Zul so much easier guilds are faction swapping for AT.

This is also why DiDs, LFD, and VEs aren't going to be closing any gaps between the alliance and the horde despite the number of horde players QQing about how OP their racial abilities are. All they do is more damage. None of them are capable of breaking encounters badly enough that any horde guilds are going to swap to alliance.

Horde racial abilities tend to be active, fun, and mechanical.

Alliance racial abilities tend to be reactive, boring, and damaging when they are active.

Horde have better racial abilities.


pure gold.
i'm gonna tag my final observation on the end here:

i had to do all the same faction rep grinds as horde did for their allied races. THEN i had to do (what was it originally? like 2 months?), an additional month of rep grinding on argus, to get my allied races.(went faster because i was spending blood of sargeras for order hall rep so i could buy those void thingies for bits of rep.)

that was either not alliance bias or they were afraid too many people would make velfs and so bottlenecked it badly for alliance. while the horde were already running around on their allied races, most of the alliance still had 2 more months of rep grinding for theirs.
11/01/2018 06:05 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
i'm gonna tag my final observation on the end here:

i had to do all the same faction rep grinds as horde did for their allied races. THEN i had to do (what was it originally? like 2 months?), an additional month of rep grinding on argus, to get my allied races.(went faster because i was spending blood of sargeras for order hall rep so i could buy those void thingies for bits of rep.)

that was either not alliance bias or they were afraid too many people would make velfs and so bottlenecked it badly for alliance. while the horde were already running around on their allied races, most of the alliance still had 2 more months of rep grinding for theirs.

forgot about this one good example, if anyone still says there isn't faction imbalance just only plays one faction.
Every time we attack a city or fort town alliance goes into a melt down. they get so dad really. Horde had org raided, uc , two fort towns and already been confirmed silver city is next. Yet horde barely say a word. yeah maybe at beginning . No were nears the alliance still harping on years latter. That tree going to last till end of wow. First time horde gets a somewhat fist bump moment and alliance will not allow them that even. Nope hoard not allowed one.

Not once horde used yeeh we lost UC and deserve op perks, free transfer to our side an other things. Alliance loses a city need a major rewriting next patch and horde don't care. Horde got small one and alliance goes nuts send them over edge and states their rewrite is so wrong despite they get everything but one thing. alliance got a major rewrite in their favor and one with complete wipe of horde and horde get one thing and its game over. Not a word from horde about this.

horde has its new prosed allied town raided, loses major item, king and fleet. Nope still not much on horde side. Alliance side yeah well we did not get total victory or other excuse because they will not admit dev bias for them If did they know horde would raise up.

as long as horde gets table scrap alliance will scream and holler. don't mater there racial op for two first expansion. don't matter emfh was op for two whole expansion before its nerfed. nope we burned a tree and killed a city. its game over horde favoritism. Im sick of it. I play both side. alliance has issue and dev need to stop enabling them. Its not healthy. No I want stop playing or voicing my opinion. But sure will voice it even if I'm the only one brave to say. Wow has been and always will be heavy alliance favoritism.
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i dont know why people make these posts. you cant out victim the alliance. you just cant.
11/01/2018 07:10 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Butthurt Alliance player spotted.

Facts don't care about your feelings, friendo.
10/31/2018 01:15 PMPosted by Zuleika
When and where was this "revealed"?

It is in the diary written by John Staats, one of the original designers behind vanilla Warcraft. In the diary he talks about how Undead were chosen for the Horde because of how the Classic team considered the Horde "the evil faction", and how the undead were considered "the most evil of them all".

I went to the trouble of looking up the original AMA and actually it says that they thought of the Horde as the "evil faction" at first--but then they changed their minds. Here's the relevant part; search for the question from user Qayindo to see the whole thing. (Oh, and the quote actually comes from Bo Bell.)

But then, there was the epiphany that some people were into playing evil races/factions. Whereas a LOT more people wanted to play as these "evil races" (Forsaken not included) but as the good guys (Thrall's Orcs during WCIII).

So, Metzen needed to come up with something for the undead. We seriously considered dropping them, but every time we looked at concepts/in game assets we balked. Then he announced the Forsaken.

And there was much rejoicing. =)
[quote="207683800171"]Horde bones thrown too:
Guaranteed extra mount by doing daily quests
2 guaranteed extra mounts during cata for almost a year
first shot at guaranteed 370 gear and consistent guarantee of 340 gear
Better racials until allied races came into being
lowered cost for vendor bought gear with goblins
better written story lines
more char development in faction leaders
Lore based favortism by you clearing out most old raids cannonically

You have that too - you have it NOW. You got your ravasaur when you QQ'ed enough, now you have 2 vs our 1, your ravasaur and pterrodax
You have that too since when?
Git Gud: Says the dude 103
Git Gud: Says the dude 103
+10% rep is far better For what?
Not True: your aguement is persuasive...gonna actually do something besides say no?
LOL No: Again, say more than no or you are just saying no..
Not True: See above
11/01/2018 08:10 PMPosted by Piperap
Every time we attack a city or fort town alliance goes into a melt down. they get so dad really. Horde had org raided, uc , two fort towns and already been confirmed silver city is next. Yet horde barely say a word. yeah maybe at beginning . No were nears the alliance still harping on years latter. That tree going to last till end of wow. First time horde gets a somewhat fist bump moment and alliance will not allow them that even. Nope hoard not allowed one.

Not once horde used yeeh we lost UC and deserve op perks, free transfer to our side an other things. Alliance loses a city need a major rewriting next patch and horde don't care. Horde got small one and alliance goes nuts send them over edge and states their rewrite is so wrong despite they get everything but one thing. alliance got a major rewrite in their favor and one with complete wipe of horde and horde get one thing and its game over. Not a word from horde about this.

horde has its new prosed allied town raided, loses major item, king and fleet. Nope still not much on horde side. Alliance side yeah well we did not get total victory or other excuse because they will not admit dev bias for them If did they know horde would raise up.

as long as horde gets table scrap alliance will scream and holler. don't mater there racial op for two first expansion. don't matter emfh was op for two whole expansion before its nerfed. nope we burned a tree and killed a city. its game over horde favoritism. Im sick of it. I play both side. alliance has issue and dev need to stop enabling them. Its not healthy. No I want stop playing or voicing my opinion. But sure will voice it even if I'm the only one brave to say. Wow has been and always will be heavy alliance favoritism.

Strongest argument I've seen yet for why drugs should stay illegal.
There would be a riot at Blizzcon if the raid was on Boralus instead of Dazar'Alor.
11/01/2018 07:10 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Butthurt Alliance player spotted.

"Facts" don't care about your feelings, friendo.

Lol, fake facts.
10/30/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 12:16 PMPosted by Wrathu
When exactly did the Alliance destroy Undercity? As far as I remember the Horde burn down one capital city and then blew up another. Neither was destroyed by the alliance.

Both Darnassus and Theramore were GHOSTTOWNS when they were blew up. We lost Undercity which had more than 5 people in it at a time.

Darnassus was a beautiful dreamlike tree city. I miss going there. The undercity was a nasty underground green disease sewer. Not a fair trade! I dunno why you miss your green disease sewer so much, but I sorely miss my Tree city. If you really think no one ever went there, you are wrong.

The only upside is that now that the playable zombies are not so close to it, there is an opportunity to rebuild Gilneas. It is not likely, though.
11/02/2018 09:56 AMPosted by Dovesong
10/30/2018 12:28 PMPosted by Bludthundur
Both Darnassus and Theramore were GHOSTTOWNS when they were blew up. We lost Undercity which had more than 5 people in it at a time.

Darnassus was a beautiful dreamlike tree city. I miss going there. The undercity was a nasty underground green disease sewer. Not a fair trade! I dunno why you miss your green disease sewer so much, but I sorely miss my Tree city. If you really think no one ever went there, you are wrong.

The only upside is that now that the playable zombies are not so close to it, there is an opportunity to rebuild Gilneas. It is not likely, though.

Maybe you were one of the 5 people who liked it, but 99.99% of the Alliance never went there after Cata launch. The exception was when you needed to go there for class quests and learning exclusive weapon skills.
Honestly nobody truly liked Garrosh. He was a child in actions and mentality and Thrall stepped down. I liked Voljin and felt his death was complete bs. But overall I mean Horde seems to have the devs and various scenarios favoring them to the point where its an ongoing gag.
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