Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.
The reason why you Horde players don't get to raid an Alliance city is because every time you really attack one you either Burn It To The Ground entirely or Blight it beyond habitation. There's nothing left to raid.
24 hours and not a single response.

C'mon hordies. It's only back one page. Try and convince me that horde racial abilities aren't the primary reason for the faction imbalance. Try and convince me that your racials aren't the source of all our faction problems.
11/01/2018 10:55 AMPosted by Bludthundur
11/01/2018 08:08 AMPosted by Sephiram
I can't believe this bait got so many bites.

This isn't bait though. I'm just pointing out the blatant favoritism the Alliance are getting.

Be prepare. You will surely pass out when we will have our nice new bee mount.
I'll be Halobee the honeyseeker. ;-)
11/01/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Ollin
24 hours and not a single response.

C'mon hordies. It's only back one page. Try and convince me that horde racial abilities aren't the primary reason for the faction imbalance. Try and convince me that your racials aren't the source of all our faction problems.

They are, but that doesn't solve the favoritism the Alliance get. The racials are due to their incompetence, but 2 raids on horde cities is intentional bias against the Horde.
11/01/2018 11:31 AMPosted by Bludthundur
11/01/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Ollin
24 hours and not a single response.

C'mon hordies. It's only back one page. Try and convince me that horde racial abilities aren't the primary reason for the faction imbalance. Try and convince me that your racials aren't the source of all our faction problems.

They are, but that doesn't solve the favoritism the Alliance get. The racials are due to their incompetence, but 2 raids on horde cities is intentional bias against the Horde.

Also Incompetence but of the writers. The story isn't good for both side you know. Even Alliance is not happy about this because everytime we raid a Horde city Blizz use us as a tool to revamp their story.
11/01/2018 11:31 AMPosted by Bludthundur
11/01/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Ollin
24 hours and not a single response.

C'mon hordies. It's only back one page. Try and convince me that horde racial abilities aren't the primary reason for the faction imbalance. Try and convince me that your racials aren't the source of all our faction problems.

They are, but that doesn't solve the favoritism the Alliance get. The racials are due to their incompetence, but 2 raids on horde cities is intentional bias against the Horde.

It's not bias against the horde. Having two of your cities get turned into raids is bias for the horde. And I'm stunned you can't see it.

Know why there has never been an Ironforge raid?

Because Blizzard doesn't care.

Know why there was never a Darnassus raid?

Because Blizzard doesn't care.

Know why they felt okay with deleting Darnassus before leveraging it as a raid?

Because they don't care.

You have to care about a place in order to turn it into a raid. Dungeon and raid designers don't think "You know what? I hate that place. It's boring. Lets BURN IT TO THE GROUND!" because that's not how raids and dungeons work. When you turn an area into a raid or dungeon, you take a snapshot of that place in time and make it immortal.

The design team's thought process on the SoO was actually, "Ogrimar is the most awesome city in all Warcraft, and everybody on both factions deserve to be able to see it, and enjoy it, and play in it!"

Garrosh could have been brought down in an epic counter attack by the desparate alliance forces defending the siege of stormwind!

But that's not what happened, because Blizzard doesn't care about Stormwind.

They care about Ogrimmar, which is why it was chosen.
1 Like
11/01/2018 11:51 AMPosted by Ollin
11/01/2018 11:31 AMPosted by Bludthundur
They are, but that doesn't solve the favoritism the Alliance get. The racials are due to their incompetence, but 2 raids on horde cities is intentional bias against the Horde.

It's not bias against the horde. Having two of your cities get turned into raids is bias for the horde. And I'm stunned you can't see it.

Know why there has never been an Ironforge raid?

Because Blizzard doesn't care.

Know why there was never a Darnassus raid?

Because Blizzard doesn't care.

Know why they felt okay with deleting Darnassus before leveraging it as a raid?

Because they don't care.

You have to care about a place in order to turn it into a raid. Dungeon and raid designers don't think "You know what? I hate that place. It's boring. Lets BURN IT TO THE GROUND!" because that's not how raids and dungeons work. When you turn an area into a raid or dungeon, you take a snapshot of that place in time and make it immortal.

The design team's thought process on the SoO was actually, "Ogrimar is the most awesome city in all Warcraft, and everybody on both factions deserve to be able to see it, and enjoy it, and play in it!"

Garrosh could have been brought down in an epic counter attack by the desparate alliance forces defending the siege of stormwind!

But that's not what happened, because Blizzard doesn't care about Stormwind.

They care about Ogrimmar, which is why it was chosen.

You are REALLY stretching to spin this against Horde aren't you?
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Alliance gets to raid Horde cities because the Horde cannot be allowed to win the war. If the Horde ever won, it would be the end of the war forever, because the Horde would simply eradicate the Alliance. If the Alliance wins, they'll find another stupid excuse to let the Horde off with a sternly worded warning, and the war (and the game) can go on.

That's the problem with a war where one side is waging a total war of annihilation and the other is waging a glorious war of honor and justice - also known as stupidity.

As long as the Horde leaders keep acting like monsters, they won't be allowed to win. Which makes the whole war kind of shallow and lame.

On the other hand, whenever Blizzard plans to shutter WoW forever, expect a Horde win, with the Alliance reduced to scattered refugees fleeing the ruins of their homeland in preparation for whatever the next installment in the Warcraft franchise happens to be.
11/01/2018 01:11 PMPosted by Craggar
Alliance gets to raid Horde cities because the Horde cannot be allowed to win the war. If the Horde ever won, it would be the end of the war forever, because the Horde would simply eradicate the Alliance. If the Alliance wins, they'll find another stupid excuse to let the Horde off with a sternly worded warning, and the war (and the game) can go on.

That's the problem with a war where one side is waging a total war of annihilation and the other is waging a glorious war of honor and justice - also known as stupidity.

As long as the Horde leaders keep acting like monsters, they won't be allowed to win. Which makes the whole war kind of shallow and lame.

On the other hand, whenever Blizzard plans to shutter WoW forever, expect a Horde win, with the Alliance reduced to scattered refugees fleeing the ruins of their homeland in preparation for whatever the next installment in the Warcraft franchise happens to be.

The only monster on the Horde is Sylvanis, so we should get a raid on an Alliance city after we kill her.
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11/01/2018 08:08 AMPosted by Sephiram
I can't believe this bait got so many bites.

I can't believe it either.
It takes a raid to take down horde.

Takes a cutscene for alliance.
11/01/2018 11:31 AMPosted by Bludthundur
11/01/2018 11:06 AMPosted by Ollin
24 hours and not a single response.

C'mon hordies. It's only back one page. Try and convince me that horde racial abilities aren't the primary reason for the faction imbalance. Try and convince me that your racials aren't the source of all our faction problems.

They are, but that doesn't solve the favoritism the Alliance get. The racials are due to their incompetence, but 2 raids on horde cities is intentional bias against the Horde.

Man, I feel so sorry for you considering org was spruced up and just fine after the raid while SW had a giant crater and looked like the projects for... how long?

Now my night elf doesn't even have a home and you're upset? Uh huh.
11/01/2018 02:36 PMPosted by Kirela
<span class="truncated">...</span>
They are, but that doesn't solve the favoritism the Alliance get. The racials are due to their incompetence, but 2 raids on horde cities is intentional bias against the Horde.

Man, I feel so sorry for you considering org was spruced up and just fine after the raid while SW had a giant crater and looked like the projects for... how long?

Now my night elf doesn't even have a home and you're upset? Uh huh.

Another whine about Darnassus? You only now care about it since it's gone but you didn't care at all before. If you really want to go there, there is an option to go there before it was burnt down.
11/01/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Bludthundur
You are REALLY stretching to spin this against Horde aren't you?

Try arguing against my point. You're not doing yourself any favors.

When you don't care/don't like a city, you burn it down off-camera.

When you don't care about a faction's story you cut their content and punt their major lore events into comics or novels. You farm them out to other storytellers because it's not worth your time to do the work yourself.

The wow devs have a limited number of man hours to make the game with. So they have to figure out what's most important and cut anything they don't have time to build.

What does that tell you about events like the Siege of Ogrimmar compared to the burning of Teldrissil? Where have you had fun? Where have you made memories? Which event out of the two did you spend more time with and enjoy more?

It's not spin. It's an observation that I literally just had. I've been, honestly, trying to avoid the SoO for a while because we DID get to siege your city...well, not really. You sieged your city. We were just kind of there.

...lending a hand. Because, again, Blizzard doesn't care about the Alliance.

I mean, while I did sort of enjoy controlling that cat...

...okay, that's a lie. The cat was total BS compared to the darkspear rebellion. Especially since it's what we got instead of Varian's Great Labors.

Did you know that Varian became High King of the Alliance just before the SoO?

I didn't. And I'm Alliance.
1 Like
10/30/2018 11:49 AMPosted by Joegnar
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Thutmose
Eehhh, horde is 100%_favored by the devs , remember how all ally got lvl 380 gear from arathi in like 4 mins ?me either

Still salty we got a shot at a -single- 370 drop with crappy stats before you eh?

You didn't get a shot you got a guaranteed quest drop you !@#$ing idiot.
I don't think I've seen it mentioned much, but Horde have a much easier starting for Siege of Boralus than Alliance do. Alliance have to either clear out 3-4 extra trash packs at the start, or jump off the side and take damage, and then jump across the water onto the bridge or die to sharks. Horde just start on that bridge, skipping the whole process and time loss.
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite

What is the 10 percent bonus the horde gets ?
11/01/2018 04:35 PMPosted by Dosao
What is the 10 percent bonus the horde gets ?

War Mode