Alliance Bias

So much horde ownage and alliance butthurt in this thread. Just like in-game. I love it.
I love these threads. So many angry bitter alliance players just gobble that bait up.
10/31/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Mooncherries
So much horde ownage and alliance butthurt in this thread. Just like in-game. I love it.

We aren't owning, but they are butthurt for sure.
10/30/2018 08:37 PMPosted by Hypêrspace


Content is designed around Method's play habits. If they stay Horde, more raids will be designed with Horde racials in mind. The longer we play Alliance, the less content we get.

Okay, the bolded is just a conspiracy theory.

The reason they say that is because the horde racial abilities are active, while alliance racial abilities are re-active. It's easier to have an impact on content with an active racial ability because active abilities that let you do cool things give you something called "agency". They let your decisions have a direct impact on your state. For things like AI it describes decision making.

For people it describes feedback. In short: Horde racial abilities are more likely to have a noticeable impact on boss mechanics, and they tend to be more fun.

It works like this:

In order for a racial ability to have a noticeable effect on a boss fight, it has to be able to impact a player's performance on a mechanic. A player's ability to have an impact of some kind depends on two things.

1) The possibility that an ability can have an effect on a fight mechanic.
2) The player's ability to match an ability's performance and a fight mechanic.

If you have an ability that cannot impact a mechanic it doesn't matter what you do, you're not going to be able to squeeze more performance out of that ability. You can have a thousand method raiders playing humans against Zul reborn, and none of them have a button they can push to make the fight any easier.

If you have an ability that can impact a mechanic, it doesn't matter what that ability can do if you don't use it properly. You can have a thousand blood elves against Zul Reborn, and none of them is going to make the fight any easier if they don't push their AT button to purge the adds.

The second important part of this is active vs reactive (not active vs passive). Active abilities will always have a larger impact on performance because they tend to be a solution looking for a problem while reactive abilities are the reverse.

An active ability is useful when you can make it useful.

A reactive ability is only useful when the devs make it useful.

Most people will claim that EMFH is far more powerful than War Stomp, for example (I chose these two because they both deal with stunning). However, it is far easier in BFA dungeons to make use of an AoE stun than it is for a stun-break because mobs in BFA dungeons don't have a lot of stuns, but there are a lot of caster mobs that can be stunned and you can't have too many interrupts. Go and try to make good use of EMFH just in dungeons. It sucks compared to War Stomp just by way of how often you can make effective use of the button you need in order to put the ability on your bar.

Finally, there's a difference between damage advantage, and mechanical advantage. Damage advantage racials tend to be more "fun" to most players while mechanical advantage racials tend to break bosses.

Trolls are the most common mage race in the game because of berzerking. It's a fun damage advantage button.

OTOH, Goblins broke the Tichondrius encounter badly enough that guilds faction swapped to go goblin and Blood Elves make Zul so much easier guilds are faction swapping for AT.

This is also why DiDs, LFD, and VEs aren't going to be closing any gaps between the alliance and the horde despite the number of horde players QQing about how OP their racial abilities are. All they do is more damage. None of them are capable of breaking encounters badly enough that any horde guilds are going to swap to alliance.

Horde racial abilities tend to be active, fun, and mechanical.

Alliance racial abilities tend to be reactive, boring, and damaging when they are active.

Horde have better racial abilities.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Why does Blizzard hate the horde so much? We NEVER got a raid against them, but they get TWO raids against us?

Its because all the infighting in the horde that they have a tough time getting anything together.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
You also kill off our warchiefs faster than characters in Game of Thrones while only Varian died in Legion.

Last time I checked, Vol'jin is in BFA. They will probably turn him into a Loa like Bwonsamdi.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Alliance crys about losing Darnassus when NO ONE went there when we lost our iconic Undercity which was second to Orgrimmar.

Our night elf capitol was burnt down. Undercity was gassed by your own Warchief.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
I could forgive that if you didn't always make us the bad guys when it's obvious the alliance is worse with exiling people for no reason and taking the most reckless and foolish race of all time (Void Elves).

Don't worry. Vulpera are incoming. Not confirmed but highly likely. Plus your quests are arguably better in Zuldazar versus Kul'Tiras.
Last time I checked, Vol'jin is in BFA. They will probably turn him into a Loa like Bwonsamdi.

I'm calling this one:

Bwonsamdi is going to get (or already has been) corrupted by N'Zoth and will be replaced by Vol'jin in the third or fourth raid tier. Once Vol'jin replaces him, he'll strike a bargain with Silvanus allowing her to raise new forsaken, but only to replace fallen forsaken.

In a future expansion she'll abuse the wording of their deal by actively hunting down the remaining scourge across Azeroth and counting them as forsaken when her forces destroy them allowing her to raise more forsaken at the expense of the remaining scourge.

Vol'jin will be annoyed by this, but will let it slide.
10/30/2018 11:41 PMPosted by Enekie

Meanwhile, Horde players don't have any quests in Redridge or the Wetlands, while Alliance got quests in Hillsbrad in Vanilla.

...have you actually played through Redridge?

Or: you're a whiny and entitled brat that thinks the entire game should cater only to Alliance players like the "good old days" of Vanilla. In fact, it still mainly caters to you, yet you invent reasons to throw pity parties about nonexistent "ORDU BIASU!", despite none of your characters being killed off or your faction never having to suffer an identity crisis.

And again with the screaming insults and namecalling.

You shouldn't have even bitten at the obvious bait. He mentioned Southern Barrens. That should have clued you in that he's never played Vanilla barrens at all.
10/30/2018 11:45 PMPosted by Rendlayn
Alliance have been good guys since WC1 and it's revealed that in vanilla WoW, the Forsaken were put on the Horde because the devs saw them as the bad guy faction.

When and where was this "revealed"?
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite

Found the person who refuses to do war fronts but claims Horde Bias.
The Alliance has always gotten away with more stuff but you'll be damned if we give Horde just an ounce of attention. We come out of the most faction-sided expansion (Alliance) to an expansion where we can get equal and fair representation on both sides and Alliance players are kicking and screaming bloody murder.

God forbid Alliance isn't the center for just one expansion.
I love how no horde will touch my analysis of racial imbalance.

You basically need this:
for alliance racial abilities to be as powerful as most horde racial abilities.
10/30/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Rennekin

Thrall stepped down as Warchief but then became the main character during Cata and WoD and a leader for the Shammies.
I remember that after we defeated Garrosh in MoP he came back as the main antagonist/pusher of the next expansion.
Vol'Jin died.....but now he's a main driver for a whole string of quests only for Horde to play--literally extra content for the Horde
Nazgrim died as a raid boss but then he came back alive as a Four Horseman.

All major lore characters. You also forgot Cairne. We've lost everyone who was a character in the original RTS except for Sylvanas and she's next.

Yup Variann is still a pile of ash....Yup Liam Greymane is still dead and gone, not even a motivating spirit character....Yup Taylor is still dead to a maybe necromancer that was maybe scourge who followed into Draenor? Still confused on that one but resolution is too much work. Yup Amber Kiernan is still dead to a dreadlord.

Oh wait, i totally forgot. Alliance characters do come back to life though.
Derek Proudmore who's gonna be mind flayed into to kill Katherine
Delaryn and Sira got murdered retaking their homeland from the Horde but were immediately raised and "willingly" joined the Horde because reasons....

When an Alliance character dies it actually matters.

Literally no one on that list matters except Varian. None of them are major lore characters. Most of them only show up in the quest string where they die.
1 Like
10/31/2018 01:49 PMPosted by Ollin
I love how no horde will touch my analysis of racial imbalance.

You basically need this:
for alliance racial abilities to be as powerful as most horde racial abilities. is the real video.
10/31/2018 02:02 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/31/2018 01:49 PMPosted by Ollin
I love how no horde will touch my analysis of racial imbalance.

You basically need this:
for alliance racial abilities to be as powerful as most horde racial abilities. is the real video.

Yup. Point proven.

Thank you.
10/31/2018 02:32 PMPosted by Ollin
10/31/2018 02:02 PMPosted by Bludthundur
... is the real video.

Yup. Point proven.

Thank you.

You are more than welcome
10/31/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Mooncherries
So much horde ownage and alliance butthurt in this thread. Just like in-game. I love it.

Congrats, you became a parody.

10/31/2018 01:15 PMPosted by Zuleika
When and where was this "revealed"?

It is in the diary written by John Staats, one of the original designers behind vanilla Warcraft. In the diary he talks about how Undead were chosen for the Horde because of how the Classic team considered the Horde "the evil faction", and how the undead were considered "the most evil of them all".

Also here:

It is almost as if this dualism between "noble savage" and "merciless evil" has been present in the Horde since the very conception of World of Warcraft, and people just use the "good old days" fallacy to feel more justified in their toxic behavior towards the modern development team and Alliance players.

10/31/2018 01:19 PMPosted by Irrenhaus
God forbid Alliance isn't the center for just one expansion.

If you're talking about Legion, that's simply what happens when your faction is the one more likely to make underhanded power plays and commit slavery on their own allies during a war against the Legion while the Alliance are the real heroes taking the fight to the actual threat without having to commit reprehensibly villainous acts like that in order to do so.
11/01/2018 01:56 AMPosted by Rendlayn
10/31/2018 10:46 AMPosted by Mooncherries
So much horde ownage and alliance butthurt in this thread. Just like in-game. I love it.

Congrats, you became a parody.

10/31/2018 01:15 PMPosted by Zuleika
When and where was this "revealed"?

It is in the diary written by John Staats, one of the original designers behind vanilla Warcraft. In the diary he talks about how Undead were chosen for the Horde because of how the Classic team considered the Horde "the evil faction", and how the undead were considered "the most evil of them all".

Also here:

It is almost as if this dualism between "noble savage" and "merciless evil" has been present in the Horde since the very conception of World of Warcraft, and people just use the "good old days" fallacy to feel more justified in their toxic behavior towards the modern development team and Alliance players.

10/31/2018 01:19 PMPosted by Irrenhaus
God forbid Alliance isn't the center for just one expansion.

If you're talking about Legion, that's simply what happens when your faction is the one more likely to make underhanded power plays and commit slavery on their own allies during a war against the Legion while the Alliance are the real heroes taking the fight to the actual threat without having to commit reprehensibly villainous acts like that in order to do so.

Butthurt Alliance player spotted.
1 Like
I'm giving you about a 3/10.

This would normally be closer to a 1, but you get some points because you got 15 pages (and counting) out of it.
I can't believe this bait got so many bites.
11/01/2018 08:08 AMPosted by Sephiram
I can't believe this bait got so many bites.

This isn't bait though. I'm just pointing out the blatant favoritism the Alliance are getting.