Alliance Bias

10/31/2018 01:06 AMPosted by Justfrosty
That is my point it was heavy alliance side before.

Vanilla was the last time the Alliance held a population advantage. For a few expansions EMfH went untouched and more and more players switched to human for it in PvP, but that was the only time the Alliance has had an edge in any degree since vanilla and there's been nothing since.

10/31/2018 01:22 AMPosted by Justfrosty
The horde has been nothing but a punching bag since MOP and still they held heads up high.

What a joke. You weren't the ones who had to have an entire city burned with a thousand civilians who burn alive, with you facing utter defeat and unable to save them.
10/31/2018 01:22 AMPosted by Justfrosty
Sorry let just disagree and call it a day. Equal no matter how you spin is equal. Once that was done. they it boiled down to player. far I am concerned if alliance still had op perks like it had from the first two expansion horde still be doing better. See horde had a massive culture shift at end TBC. They started to really just say ok fine. We do what alliance said and get good. Method an dither alliance just jump on the band wagon.

The horde has been nothing but a punching bag since MOP and still they held heads up high. No matter how people spend it. Horde have not be given anything but you are evil and thus made into a revolving door. Yet no ones has broken their sprit to be the best. For some reason no one can see this.

"Alliance might have had better 'perks,' 14 years ago, so that justifies 8 years of unfavored development cycles."

Did I read this right?
10/31/2018 01:27 AMPosted by Johaìs
"Alliance might have had better 'perks,' 14 years ago, so that justifies 8 years of unfavored development cycles."

Did I read this right?

This was also during the time nobody really knew anything, and the Horde had the best guild at the time. So nobody took advantage of it.
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm, the second half of MoP, the entirety of BfA.

I switched from Horde to Alliance this expansion because Alliance has much more favor during BFA.

Your claim is nuts and I honestly don't get it.

But, but. Horde haz kewl mounts omg

*rolls eyes*
For a few expansions EMfH went untouched and more and more players switched to human for it in PvP, but that was the only time the Alliance has had an edge in any degree since vanilla and there's been nothing since.

Please note: that EMFH was only really good in WoD after a few horde racials got nerfed, and it got nerfed halfway through the expansion because of horde complaints.

It's now !@#$, and I don't bother putting it on my action bars in pvp anymore. And remember that it was basically Will of the Forsaken, which still exists.
maybe the devs are playing the stock market lol

blizz devs: okay, this is the expac where we cause the stocks to drop so we can buy them cheap thru a friendly buyer.


blizz devs: okay, this is the expac where we cause the stocks to skyrocket so we can sell them for alot thru a friendly seller.


blizz devs: okay, this is the expac where we cause the stocks to drop so we can buy them cheap thru a friendly buyer.


rinse, wash, repeate' into a comfy retirement nest egg and luxurious vacations. hey if ya gotta get old, might as well live in comfort.
10/30/2018 01:25 PMPosted by Zaisun
10/30/2018 01:16 PMPosted by Enekie

Actually, I do. You rarely hear of Horde players complaining to Blizzard. In fact, the only time they did was because they were being forced to not be evil and wanted an option to remain evil.

Which Blizzard immediately and unquestioningly gave them.

If you were really sick of being evil, you'd be protesting alongside the Alliance instead of trying to silence them.

Horde players don't cry on the forums.

No? Then what would you call this post?
in the next raid, there isn't horde or alliance bias.

-horde are turned into the scourge ultra super villains
-horde players are FORCED to kill rasthakan as humans or whatever alliance race.
-their entire war effort has been denied, so not only they are evil, they are losers
(just like the alliance losing teldrasil)
and they literally depend in derek retcon/deus ex somehow.

-Alliance has to put one of their leaders into a comma (mekkatorke) and has to have the "defeat jaina proudmoore" aotc and having her drop a water elemental mount lol.
(but i admit that this sounds extremely fun because well, she doesn't die)

Then even after we have our big victory, i bet that something extremely stupid will happen after this patch to justify that the horde isn't defeated.
so even after we win, we gain nothing, is a turn-based war. and next is going to be our turn.

Guys, we are both screwed and humiliated. we should demand the end of it.

this war is garbage :D i literally don't care if the alliance and horde are destroyed, i just care about like 5 characters.
After reading page after page of this thread, the one thing I notice is most predominant is that Alliance are making concise, realistic statements about horde bias and the effect on the game, while most of the horde responding are simply coming back with excuses and insults.

Replies of telling everyone that the imbalance is Alliance players faults, that they have brought this on themselves by not being good players, that they need to
'git gud' 'quit crying' ect, only make the horde players seem like entitled children.
10/31/2018 05:36 AMPosted by Hypêrspace
maybe the devs are playing the stock market lol

blizz devs: okay, this is the expac where we cause the stocks to drop so we can buy them cheap thru a friendly buyer.


blizz devs: okay, this is the expac where we cause the stocks to skyrocket so we can sell them for alot thru a friendly seller.


blizz devs: okay, this is the expac where we cause the stocks to drop so we can buy them cheap thru a friendly buyer.


rinse, wash, repeate' into a comfy retirement nest egg and luxurious vacations. hey if ya gotta get old, might as well live in comfort.


The other idea is that all of WoW's even numbered expansions are cursed to fail, much like the odd numbered old Star Trek movies prior to JJ Abrams ones.
10/30/2018 12:56 PMPosted by Artanu
Horde actually has a story this time, unlike in legion, which means alliance players are going to cry horde bias.

yeah heres your story...
1. Sylvanas starts something.
2. alliance reacts.
3. sylvanas runs away.
4. rince, repeat.

lets face it, we're BOTH Getting the shiv hrere
1 Like
I think blizzard realizes they went too far, with sylvanas burning the tree, and they're scrambling to find a way to even things out so they can justify continuing this war beyond the current state of rage the alliance is in. Lets face it, ythat attack was a very polarizing event; united our side like nothing else, with the only result possible is the HOrde total demise or ours.

So they're scrambling frantically and not very well, tbh.
My personal wishj is for GEnn to slap some sense into the little king, or maybe Dad appears in a dream or ....something! BIT to be all this reasonable and conciliatory after all that's happened?
Wrong; especially with Varians death zs it was. Anduin should be FROTHING, not all hand-wringy and nice.
10/30/2018 11:47 AMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 11:43 AMPosted by Bludthundur

We didn't gain anything in Cata, we were the BAD GUYS in the second half of MoP, and we are losing a city in 8.1. You are just butthurt you lost Darnassus when you never went there.

Bones thrown to the Horde in BfA:
-First access to warfronts + an additional week of access to rares
-Blizzard bending over backward to give Horde players a choice not to betray Sylvanas
-Complete control of the direction of the story
-Flat 10% bonus to XP and Azerite
-Enhanced racials
-Near-complete control of mythic raids

So if you're willing to give up all that to be the good guys, roll Alliance.

LFD racials are p good yeah?

And you can play in WM for 10% XP/AP too :)
yeah I really wish who ever thought burning that tree was a good idea was not with company. Alliance players can not handle that kind of defeat. It sent them over the edged with out any amount of reasoning. Alliance has been for ever the ones who gave out the punishment and smite evil. Alliance players never had to really take anything from horde player. This shock was not a good one.

UC falls not a whole lot of screaming. Despite it is central to a holiday them. Horde players just go on and continue to play the game. Not really caring that much. Alliance players has some deep issue with loss. Look at that one fort town. They been going nuts about that. that should been a red flag. Nope they went ahead and did this. Now if you even try to sound reasonable. \

Now they screaming and nit picking anything and everything. Racial which by large are still heavy in their favor are being axed in next patch for horde. Using one alliance guild as a example that all alliance left same reason. To justify this. Despite all this they still will not be happy.

yes I read arguments from both side. Some good. some are bad. But a whole lot of it is just harping on one thing, over and over. There will be and never has been horde bias in game.

They even got a major rewrite of next patch. They still going on it not in their favor. Citing this reason or that reason. Still using the tree as a excuse. It like they got handle a solid defeat for once in the game. Now its game over you can not do that to us. WE are the good guys and we can not be defeated. IT really sad that the dev are still doing everything to make them happy.

The changed one thing cause horde tired of the revolving revolution door. It is proof of bias. It not proof of anything. it shows that even horde players have a breaking point. That they sick of same plot line for the last 8 years. they actually like some kind of stability. But hey that one thing after all years of keeping quite iis proof of something.
10/31/2018 09:33 AMPosted by Dko
yeah I really wish who ever thought burning that tree was a good idea was not with company. Alliance players can not handle that kind of defeat. It sent them over the edged with out any amount of reasoning. Alliance has been for ever the ones who gave out the punishment and smite evil. Alliance players never had to really take anything from horde player. This shock was not a good one.

UC falls not a whole lot of screaming. Despite it is central to a holiday them. Horde players just go on and continue to play the game. Not really caring that much. Alliance players has some deep issue with loss. Look at that one fort town. They been going nuts about that. that should been a red flag. Nope they went ahead and did this. Now if you even try to sound reasonable. \

Now they screaming and nit picking anything and everything. Racial which by large are still heavy in their favor are being axed in next patch for horde. Using one alliance guild as a example that all alliance left same reason. To justify this. Despite all this they still will not be happy.

yes I read arguments from both side. Some good. some are bad. But a whole lot of it is just harping on one thing, over and over. There will be and never has been horde bias in game.

They even got a major rewrite of next patch. They still going on it not in their favor. Citing this reason or that reason. Still using the tree as a excuse. It like they got handle a solid defeat for once in the game. Now its game over you can not do that to us. WE are the good guys and we can not be defeated. IT really sad that the dev are still doing everything to make them happy.

The changed one thing cause horde tired of the revolving revolution door. It is proof of bias. It not proof of anything. it shows that even horde players have a breaking point. That they sick of same plot line for the last 8 years. they actually like some kind of stability. But hey that one thing after all years of keeping quite iis proof of something.

They haven't stopped crying about Darnassus despite it being a ghost town.
Horde bones thrown too:
Guaranteed extra mount by doing daily quests
2 guaranteed extra mounts during cata for almost a year
first shot at guaranteed 370 gear and consistent guarantee of 340 gear
Better racials until allied races came into being
lowered cost for vendor bought gear with goblins
better written story lines
more char development in faction leaders
Lore based favortism by you clearing out most old raids cannonically
10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
We NEVER got a raid against them, but they get TWO raids against us?

And you have destroyed more Alliance cities then we have Horde ones, not to mention driven two races from their home lands.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
You also kill off our warchiefs faster than characters in Game of Thrones while only Varian died in Legion.

You lost TWO warchiefs, neither of which the Alliance killed. Try and remember that a previous warchief Thrall killed Garrosh. Vol'jin died in the same battle as Varian to the Legion.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Alliance crys about losing Darnassus when NO ONE went there when we lost our iconic Undercity which was second to Orgrimmar.

The value isn't in how popular the city was, if it was we could nuke all the capitals expect Orgrimmar and Stormwind and call it a day. It is the fact it was the in game home to the NEs and the deaths they suffered that upset players.

10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
obvious the alliance is worse with exiling people for no reason and taking the most reckless and foolish race of all time (Void Elves).

They didn't exile anyone, I am sure you will try and twist the Forsaken into some abandoned peole but that isn't as cut and dry as you want to believe. And they took in the Void Elves because they are being lead by an Alliance hero, who happens to be one of them.
10/31/2018 09:43 AMPosted by Eladrick
Horde bones thrown too:
Guaranteed extra mount by doing daily quests
2 guaranteed extra mounts during cata for almost a year
first shot at guaranteed 370 gear and consistent guarantee of 340 gear
Better racials until allied races came into being
lowered cost for vendor bought gear with goblins
better written story lines
more char development in faction leaders
Lore based favortism by you clearing out most old raids cannonically

You have that too
You have that too
Git Gud
Git Gud
+10% rep is far better
Not True
Not True
10/31/2018 09:36 AMPosted by Bludthundur
10/31/2018 09:33 AMPosted by Dko
yeah I really wish who ever thought burning that tree was a good idea was not with company. Alliance players can not handle that kind of defeat. It sent them over the edged with out any amount of reasoning. Alliance has been for ever the ones who gave out the punishment and smite evil. Alliance players never had to really take anything from horde player. This shock was not a good one.

UC falls not a whole lot of screaming. Despite it is central to a holiday them. Horde players just go on and continue to play the game. Not really caring that much. Alliance players has some deep issue with loss. Look at that one fort town. They been going nuts about that. that should been a red flag. Nope they went ahead and did this. Now if you even try to sound reasonable. \

Now they screaming and nit picking anything and everything. Racial which by large are still heavy in their favor are being axed in next patch for horde. Using one alliance guild as a example that all alliance left same reason. To justify this. Despite all this they still will not be happy.

yes I read arguments from both side. Some good. some are bad. But a whole lot of it is just harping on one thing, over and over. There will be and never has been horde bias in game.

They even got a major rewrite of next patch. They still going on it not in their favor. Citing this reason or that reason. Still using the tree as a excuse. It like they got handle a solid defeat for once in the game. Now its game over you can not do that to us. WE are the good guys and we can not be defeated. IT really sad that the dev are still doing everything to make them happy.

The changed one thing cause horde tired of the revolving revolution door. It is proof of bias. It not proof of anything. it shows that even horde players have a breaking point. That they sick of same plot line for the last 8 years. they actually like some kind of stability. But hey that one thing after all years of keeping quite iis proof of something.

They haven't stopped crying about Darnassus despite it being a ghost town.

in you opinion.
TB and silvermoon are also way quiet so phoo on that 'point ' of yours.
10/31/2018 09:57 AMPosted by Bludthundur
10/31/2018 09:43 AMPosted by Eladrick
Horde bones thrown too:
Guaranteed extra mount by doing daily quests
2 guaranteed extra mounts during cata for almost a year
first shot at guaranteed 370 gear and consistent guarantee of 340 gear
Better racials until allied races came into being
lowered cost for vendor bought gear with goblins
better written story lines
more char development in faction leaders
Lore based favortism by you clearing out most old raids cannonically

You have that too
You have that too
Git Gud
Git Gud
+10% rep is far better
Not True
Not True

*BAthes in the Horde tears*
All this thread and too many others, is Horde crying over not getting enough. You like the little princess at holiday time who'se all 'is this all im getting'?
Lets face it, we BOTH been shivved; your 'warchief' runs away every chance she gets, while we get stuck with lil' orphan andy who still thinks he can be all diplomatic.

current Blizzard writing is awful.