Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 11:41 PMPosted by Enekie
...have you actually played through Redridge?

Nope, and it doesn't matter, because I can't. Which is the entire point. Horde has no quests there. Or the Wetlands.

10/30/2018 11:41 PMPosted by Enekie
And again with the screaming insults and namecalling.

It's what you get for being entitled. The devs aren't out to crap on Alliance players, and there isn't a vast conspiracy to hurt your feelings.
Alliance have been good guys since WC1 and it's revealed that in vanilla WoW, the Forsaken were put on the Horde because the devs saw them as the bad guy faction.

One faction being more morally good than the other isn't favoritism and isn't forced writing, it's been core to the factions since the first game came out.

Nope, and it doesn't matter, because I can't. Which is the entire point. Horde has no quests there. Or the Wetlands.

It actually does matter because the Redridge quests are notoriously just one big pop culture reference. And it's one big pop culture reference because Blizzard didn't bother writing any real quests for it. And they didn't bother writing quests for it because they were busy writing quests for the Horde.
10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Why does Blizzard hate the horde so much? We NEVER got a raid against them, but they get TWO raids against us? You also kill off our warchiefs faster than characters in Game of Thrones while only Varian died in Legion. Alliance crys about losing Darnassus when NO ONE went there when we lost our iconic Undercity which was second to Orgrimmar. I could forgive that if you didn't always make us the bad guys when it's obvious the alliance is worse with exiling people for no reason and taking the most reckless and foolish race of all time (Void Elves). Seriously, THROW US A BONE FOR ONCE!!!

Because the horde are evil. /thread.
10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Okay, you're just a blatant liar. Congrats. Forsaken "story" was dropped after the initial content after the Wrathgate. Everything after that is basically "Alliance of super justice and goodness".

Arthas is more tied to the Forsaken than Stormwind, none of that is a lie. And the Story of Sylvanas continued up to the last 3 ICC instances. The final attack was made by a neutral party. Sure pretend that because Tirion is human he's automatically Alliance.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Ah, yes, the baseless and made up fanon that liars like you spout to validate your constant pity party of how poor and "mistreated" you are, while you get all of the heroics, all of the character developments, and all of the actual faction pride.

Faction Bias At Blizzard ā€“ 3:24:50

Sure, call the Dev a liar then. That's a developer's words, not mine.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Blatant lies. They didn't even use Thrall, or any of the big racial leaders, until mid-Wrath. No one was "sick" of Thrall, certainly not during Wrath or before that. Thrall was practically worshipped by Horde players back then. People don't like "Go'el" because they ruined a perfectly good character just for "change".

So, yeah, you're talking from your butt.

I'm talking about Cataclysm, it's literally written on the post.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Really? !@#$ing REALLY? This is the depth of fail you will dredge up to whine? Pathetic. The Horde was given that zone to make up for the questing imbalance that the Horde had suffered from the Alliance loving devs.

Alliance never got anything like that, not even close and you can't even come up with an example.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Gee, so you got a taste of what the Horde had already been beaten with, and threw a childish temper tantrum over it? Shoe's on the other foot, time for your medicine.

The Horde was never underdeveloped to that point and there's no proof of that, even saying that Vanilla was "better for the Alliance" Both got pretty much the same amount of content, horde's was just more repetitive.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
You mean where the Horde lost all sense of pride in itself? I don't see you Alliance players losing characters or suffering an identity crisis. Until then, Alliance have nothing to complain about. Ever.

The entire expac was based about "what's the horde identity?" and answering that question, not my fault you can't understand the narrative. As for characters, I already talked about that up there.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
They cut that because Alliance players, like you, threw a tantrum because you didn't want to be lead by a Human. Especially after the Tyrande scenario.

The Tyrande scenario was part of it lol, they couldn't have cut that after that because that's the only thing they developed (alongside blood in the snow) and released. Had nothing to do with Alliance players complainig but fleshing out the Horde content so they just gave us a cat.

10/30/2018 11:34 PMPosted by Kelisaria
I really want to know what you are smoking to get to this conclusion. The Alliance got their usual storyline of being the good guys of pureness and light and the Horde got turned into evil monsters for the glorious Human Alliance to destroy for "justice".

The Horde got nothing out of the Siege but the destruction of our entire identity, meanwhile the Alliance got their power bolstered and got to put the Horde on a leash.

On a leash you say? funny how being on a leash didn't stop the Horde from attacking us in WoD and BFA anyway.

Either you get the moral high ground, or you get cool mounts. It's a trade off.

False equivalencies don't help your "argument".

You left out how Horde players got kicked in the junk storywise by forcing us into being "villains" for an Alliance-centric storyline. Again. We deserve a little compensation for Legion and having our image and characters slaughtered to prop up Alliance fist-pump moments.

Right, because the Alliance doesn't deserve anything after one of our races literally disappeared. How ridiculous.

"Everything is biased, everything is Horde, and you have to point it all out!"

And you can't even answer that.

Gee, it's almost like they are making the villains win a slew of early victories, in order to make the Alliance win utterly in the end. Just like with MoP.

And just like with MoP the Alliance will just "forgive" the Horde and get nothing you mean. The one thing we got, Dalaran, was returned to Neutral by legion, how laughable.

I'm a Nightborne.

I'm a draenei.

We also had far less characters to begin with. It's why killing so many Horde characters hurts far more: they never develop new Horde characters or leaders, and only ever develop Alliance characters.

Oh please Horde came out of warcraft III with all their roster directly into WoW. Stormwind was not even the humans we met back then, high elves got turned horde and Dwarves didn't get Muradin until Wrath. Meanwhile alliance related characters just become neutral like Khadgar or Illidan.

Horde always got more significant characters Blizzard just abandoned them to further Garrosh/Sylvanas/Thrall plot.

Thrall, Vol'jin, Cairne, Rexxar, Sylvanas, Varimathras, Baine were all in Vanilla while Alliance had Jaina and Tyrande.

It's really pathetic that they had to kill Vol'jin just to be able to "use" him as a character. Nazgrim is neutral.

Furthering Sylvanas' plot.

10/30/2018 11:42 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Good. The Alliance deserved to lose some characters, for once, considering the massive Alliance character bloat that has existed since Vanilla.

Not Alliance fault our characters are just inherently more interesting.
10/30/2018 09:24 PMPosted by Porschea
10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm

Here's an interesting factoid for you:

The Horde received all that content in Cata because IT'S WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

The original Vanilla devs admitted that they knew the Alliance was going to be the more popular faction and thus their content got the majority of attention, and the Horde was consequently severely shortchanged.

Essentially it took three entire expansions before our base Vanilla content was finally finished. So if anything, that's an example of Alliance bias.

Yep and the game rose to 12 mil subs. Then Cata started the long line of Horde First in development and WoW has been in decline ever since.

Maybe Alliance First is better for WoW since we may have lost 10 mil subs since Wrath if that 1.7 mil rumor is correct.
Sure, call the Dev a liar then. That's a developer's words, not mine.

And, yet, now the shoe is obviously on the other foot. Anduin and the Alliance are now the central characters of the game, yet you still bleat and whine about how awful you have it. All of the old devs are gone. There is no "Horde bias", and even the old devs, which at least liked the Horde, tried to give Alliance players something. Meanwhile, Alliance-favoring modern devs forgot the Horde existed for several expansions.

Alliance never got anything like that, not even close and you can't even come up with an example.

So, because you didn't get a zone turned into your Derp Lion, it's proof of evil bias? Kek. Pathetic.

Both got pretty much the same amount of content, horde's was just more repetitive.

The Alliance had hundreds of more quests, 2-3 more zones, and vastly more art assets than the Horde.

The entire expac was based about "what's the horde identity?" and answering that question, not my fault you can't understand the narrative.

I understand that that is the Horde "half" of the narrative. You do know that there are two separate narratives in this expansion, and not one, right? Alliance narrative is about how unified and perfect and morally righteous they are, and how the Horde needs to be exterminated. Horde narrative is... the Horde beating itself up. Again. We are getting a copy-paste plot from MoP. The Alliance is getting to be the heroes again.

On a leash you say? funny how being on a leash didn't stop the Horde from attacking us in WoD and BFA anyway.

Horde didn't attack you in WoD. PvP is non canon in general. BFA has you winning the war in the first patch.

False equivalencies don't help your "argument".

Oh, it's not a false equivalency. The super heroic faction gets horses, that's the price you pay for your glory and moral perfection. If you want ticks, raptors, undead horses, and wolves, the Horde is waiting for you. Because as long as you are the perfect and moral heroes, you don't get cool monster mounts, as good knights and hunters don't ride man-eating ticks and demons.

Right, because the Alliance doesn't deserve anything after one of our races literally disappeared. How ridiculous.

Well, seeing as Night Elves still exist, that means you are completely wrong. You can still make Night Elves, you are just lying about them "disappearing" so you can whine, and you even get a new customization for them.

And just like with MoP the Alliance will just "forgive" the Horde and get nothing you mean. The one thing we got, Dalaran, was returned to Neutral by legion, how laughable.

Then maybe Alliance players should stop asking for faction wars for "justice" and learn the simple and valuable lesson that they will never give you guys what you want. Blizzard will never delete the Horde from the game. No matter how many crimes the Horde commits, the Alliance has to "forgive" (the Alliance are an army of bigots that hold every single Orcish child guilty for the crimes of Garrosh, so, storywise they have not and never will forgive the Horde) the Horde and let them live, otherwise half of the player base would be getting hosed.

So, stop setting your standards so high. The most you will get will be able to lecture the Horde and have the narrative crap on us for the rest of the game's lifespan. That should be more than enough.

I'm a draenei.

That, like all Alliance races, have vastly more customization options than their Horde counterparts.
Notice how the best arguments that horde have is about lore, meanwhile, we're stuck with a dwindling alliance population because of years of neglect from the developers in raids and pvp.
Also, while both need an update, Goblins still have a way more polished model, way more customization, and much more personality in their design than Worgen do.
10/31/2018 12:35 AMPosted by JohaƬs
Notice how the best arguments that horde have is about lore, meanwhile, we're stuck with a dwindling alliance population because of years of neglect from the developers in raids and pvp.

Even then, the lore argument doesn't work. Half the time it's wrong.
10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
And, yet, now the shoe is obviously on the other foot. Anduin and the Alliance are now the central characters of the game, yet you still bleat and whine about how awful you have it. All of the old devs are gone. There is no "Horde bias", and even the old devs, which at least liked the Horde, tried to give Alliance players something. Meanwhile, Alliance-favoring modern devs forgot the Horde existed for several expansions.

No it isn't: we don't even have a reason, lorewise, to be in Uldir right at this moment. You guys got all of that. We got some content cut in Trisgarde: why did I rescue the young Stormsong when his story does not tie into anything else? You got three unique mounts, and we got three horses with reused assets from an expansion that happened eight years ago. You got an entire quest chain for a brand new mount that has no alliance equivalent.

Several expansions? Do you mean MoP which was about the costs of the faction war on both sides, and about the Horde's identity crisis? The entire second half of the expansion was about you guys. The story was an interesting one to watch unfold. From the horde side. Whereas for the alliance side all we got was a robotic cat.

Or do you mean Warlords of Draenor -- the most over the top love letter to sweaty, greasy orcs since Cataclysm, that was, once again, about the identity of the Horde.

Sure, there were Draenei, but their story stopped after Auchidon. There was more Ogre content than there was Draenei.

Or do you mean Legion? Where one of the first questing zones turned into your Allied Races, and where the first half+ of the expansion was about your race, including a few of the raids and dungeons? Or is it because we got one zone of "TYRANDE MY LOVE," and one patch of Lightforged that makes it an alliance centered expansion? Hell, Void Elves literally came from nowhere.
10/30/2018 08:26 PMPosted by JohaƬs

here I saw what you posted. I don't see what you talking about. They said it was more balanced. the only reason they said that the transfer was the racial fit their raid style. that makes more sense they saying they went for better racial. that a total different thing. Style and better two different meanings. still say so you got one alliance guild that transferred so everyone followed them?
Care to explain please. I see some kind of argument my bee. But they was being shorted sighted if you think about. That bring up my issue with them having a access to raids before anyone else.

With Mists of Pandaria coming up and its Panda race, the balance in the ā€˜racials worldā€™ will become a bit more even - a result of the new Panda racial 'Epicurean' that grants your character double stats from food buffs. Both factions will get access to this new race and as far as we can tell right now, this new racial is among the best if not the best for the viable classes. Howeverā€¦ There are classes that cannot be Pandas, or simply wonā€™t be for the first tier of progress and this is the primary reason for the change. Horde racials have proved to be more beneficial and likely more suited to our play style in each past tier on boss fights that matter and this is a trend we expect to continue.
10/31/2018 12:54 AMPosted by Justfrosty
10/30/2018 08:26 PMPosted by JohaƬs

here I saw what you posted. I don't see what you talking about. They said it was more balanced. the only reason they said that the transfer was the racial fit their raid style. that makes more sense they saying they went for better racial. that a total different thing. Style and better two different meanings. still say so you got one alliance guild that transferred so everyone followed them?
Care to explain please. I see some kind of argument my bee. But they was being shorted sighted if you think about. That bring up my issue with them having a access to raids before anyone else.

With Mists of Pandaria coming up and its Panda race, the balance in the ā€˜racials worldā€™ will become a bit more even - a result of the new Panda racial 'Epicurean' that grants your character double stats from food buffs. Both factions will get access to this new race and as far as we can tell right now, this new racial is among the best if not the best for the viable classes. Howeverā€¦ There are classes that cannot be Pandas, or simply wonā€™t be for the first tier of progress and this is the primary reason for the change. Horde racials have proved to be more beneficial and likely more suited to our play style in each past tier on boss fights that matter and this is a trend we expect to continue.

They literally state that racials were the reason they transferred. What more do you want? They acknowledged that with the addition of the Pandaren epicurian racial, that the situation would become more even -- meaning there was a disparity before. And they acknowledged that their reason for transfer was that it would, " more beneficial...on boss fights that matter," and that, "this is a trend we expect to continue."


Also note: that when they transferred they began to become more competitive in the world first arena, wracking up more world first kills in MoP then they could ever dream of in Cata.
10/31/2018 12:57 AMPosted by JohaƬs
They literally state that racials were the reason they transferred. What more do you want? They acknowledged that with the addition of the Pandaren epicurian racial, that the situation would become more even -- meaning there was a disparity before. And they acknowledged that their reason for transfer was that it would, " more beneficial...on boss fights that matter," and that, "this is a trend we expect to continue."

That is my point it was heavy alliance side before. now they were balanced they switch side. Look at the word they used play style. Not better but play style. they said it was balance for both side. meaning equal. Once that become apparat that they no longer have a edge with racial. they then look and saw that horde for them had racial that fit them. it was no longer about the added perks as it was now balanced. They saw how it fit them in general. Thus , they changed because it no longer gave advantage given to them in past.
10/31/2018 01:06 AMPosted by Justfrosty
10/31/2018 12:57 AMPosted by JohaƬs
They literally state that racials were the reason they transferred. What more do you want? They acknowledged that with the addition of the Pandaren epicurian racial, that the situation would become more even -- meaning there was a disparity before. And they acknowledged that their reason for transfer was that it would, " more beneficial...on boss fights that matter," and that, "this is a trend we expect to continue."

That is my point it was heavy alliance side before. now they were balanced they switch side. Look at the word they used play style. Not better but play style. they said it was balance for both side. meaning equal. Once that become apparat that they no longer have a edge with racial. they then look and saw that horde for them had racial that fit them. it was no longer about the added perks as it was now balanced. They saw how it fit them in general. Thus , they changed because it no longer gave advantage given to them in past.

Except it wasn't.

Go through all of the expansions.
10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
And, yet, now the shoe is obviously on the other foot. Anduin and the Alliance are now the central characters of the game, yet you still bleat and whine about how awful you have it. All of the old devs are gone. There is no "Horde bias", and even the old devs, which at least liked the Horde, tried to give Alliance players something. Meanwhile, Alliance-favoring modern devs forgot the Horde existed for several expansions.

Developers literally post on twitter on their horde toons. Steve Danuser has a picture of him pretty much kissing Sylvanas calling her "his warchief" and Ion is well known for his horde background playing an Orc Shaman. There's no proof of any Alliance Dev other than Metzen who left, whereas proof of Horde devs is plenty.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
So, because you didn't get a zone turned into your Derp Lion, it's proof of evil bias? Kek. Pathetic.

Funny how you decide to just ignore the fact that said zone has activities rewards and achievements unique for the Horde while Alliance gets nothing equivalent. You literally got more gameplay.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
The Alliance had hundreds of more quests, 2-3 more zones, and vastly more art assets than the Horde.

No it didn't. Difference in quests was never in the hundreds and it was one low level zone. Art assets? yes, that's true.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
I understand that that is the Horde "half" of the narrative. You do know that there are two separate narratives in this expansion, and not one, right? Alliance narrative is about how unified and perfect and morally righteous they are, and how the Horde needs to be exterminated. Horde narrative is... the Horde beating itself up. Again. We are getting a copy-paste plot from MoP. The Alliance is getting to be the heroes again.

We're talking about MoP here which focused on the Horde's identity. Our development was all about Varian but his story got cut so whatevs I guess?

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
Horde didn't attack you in WoD. PvP is non canon in general. BFA has you winning the war in the first patch.

PvP is definitely canon as its mentioned in novels and subsequent lore. Ashran nonetheless, was more than just pvp as it was a zone and a main feature.

We both know the war isn't over in 8.1.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
Oh, it's not a false equivalency. The super heroic faction gets horses, that's the price you pay for your glory and moral perfection. If you want ticks, raptors, undead horses, and wolves, the Horde is waiting for you. Because as long as you are the perfect and moral heroes, you don't get cool monster mounts, as good knights and hunters don't ride man-eating ticks and demons.

Completely false equivalency. Being good or bad in a videogame is not objectively bad, as many games , specially MMOs employ evil factions for players, is not a rare thing. Getting less rewards is effectively a problem.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
Well, seeing as Night Elves still exist, that means you are completely wrong. You can still make Night Elves, you are just lying about them "disappearing" so you can whine, and you even get a new customization for them.

Pre - BFA book mentions they are pretty much extinct.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
Then maybe Alliance players should stop asking for faction wars for "justice" and learn the simple and valuable lesson that they will never give you guys what you want. Blizzard will never delete the Horde from the game. No matter how many crimes the Horde commits, the Alliance has to "forgive" (the Alliance are an army of bigots that hold every single Orcish child guilty for the crimes of Garrosh, so, storywise they have not and never will forgive the Horde) the Horde and let them live, otherwise half of the player base would be getting hosed.

So, stop setting your standards so high. The most you will get will be able to lecture the Horde and have the narrative crap on us for the rest of the game's lifespan. That should be more than enough.

No one is asking for a playable faction to stop existing, don't get things to extremes.

10/31/2018 12:20 AMPosted by Kelisaria
That, like all Alliance races, have vastly more customization options than their Horde counterparts.

I'd need a customization assets count to prove that.
There's no proof of any Alliance Dev other than Metzen who left, whereas proof of Horde devs is plenty.

There was one dev who had an alliance themed twitter picture, but was forced to change it to a horde side because Horde players took offense that she was developing, "their content," and that it was proof that she'd be bias in it.

Which was changed to what it currently is: the same picture but with Horde characters instead. Nice and balanced.
Man, if Metzen is the most Pro-Alliance developer people can think of, that ought to be evidence enough that the deck is stacked against the blue team.
Sorry let just disagree and call it a day. Equal no matter how you spin is equal. Once that was done. they it boiled down to player. far I am concerned if alliance still had op perks like it had from the first two expansion horde still be doing better. See horde had a massive culture shift at end TBC. They started to really just say ok fine. We do what alliance said and get good. Method an dither alliance just jump on the band wagon.

The horde has been nothing but a punching bag since MOP and still they held heads up high. No matter how people spend it. Horde have not be given anything but you are evil and thus made into a revolving door. Yet no ones has broken their sprit to be the best. For some reason no one can see this.
10/31/2018 01:22 AMPosted by Justfrosty

The horde has been nothing but a punching bag since MOP and still they held heads up high. No matter how people spend it. Horde have not be given anything but you are evil and thus made into a revolving door. Yet no ones has broken their sprit to be the best. For some reason no one can see this.

We literally just saw these forums set ablaze with Horde players absolutely frothingly furious that they had to do a good deed and couldn't stay loyal to Sylvanas.

Horde complain just as much as Alliance. They just stop sooner because Blizzard gives them what they want.