Alliance Bias

10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm

Doesn't count. It was just a rebalancing for the biased preference the Alliance had gotten in Vanilla to Wrath in zones and questing, due to the Alliance being finished first and the Horde being added in as an afterthought. The one single time an Orc was central to the plot in a heroic capacity, Alliance crybabies threw a whiny hissy fit that lasted until the present. Meanwhile, Horde players have had to quest under: Khadgar, Anduin, Tirion, Turalyon, Velen, and Alleria. You guys have never had to quest under Baine or have Horde characters shoved down your throat on a once-an-expansion basis.

the second half of MoP

Oh, you mean where we had to raid our own city and kill our own Warchief? So much "Horde Pride". /sarcasm

the entirety of BfA.

HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, wait, you're serious... AAAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Let me see, here: Horde pride was shoved into another meatgrinder after we were forced to commit genocide for an evil tyrannical monster, our entire war effort has been curbstomped by 8.1, and the Alliance get to raid another Horde city as a raid zone...

SO MUCH HORDE BIAS! How unfair that we, the Horde, always get the "privilege" of having our characters slaughtered or killed off for the convenience of getting more Human Alliance heroes shoved our throats. Our cities turned into raid zones because Alliance players always cry about "bias" when the Horde gets its !@# kicked. You guys got Alleria and Turalyon added to your roster, in addition to killing off every single Orc of note and Blizzard only ever using the Horde as a cudgel to start another retarded "faction war", instead of actually giving that privilege to the Alliance for once.
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10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm

Doesn't count. It was just a rebalancing for the biased preference the Alliance had gotten in Vanilla to Wrath. The one single time an Orc was central to the plot in a heroic capacity, Alliance crybabies threw a whiny hissy fit that lasted until the present. Meanwhile, Horde players have had to quest under: Khadgar, Anduin, Tirion, Turalyon, Velen, and Alleria. You guys have never had to quest under Baine or have Horde characters shoved down your throat on a once-an-expansion basis.

the second half of MoP

Oh, you mean where we had to raid our own city and kill our own Warchief? So much "Horde Pride". /sarcasm

the entirety of BfA.

HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, wait, you're serious... AAAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Let me see, here: Horde pride was shoved into another meatgrinder after we were forced to commit genocide for an evil tyrannical monster, our entire war effort has been curbstomped by 8.1, and the Alliance get to raid another Horde city as a raid zone...

SO MUCH HORDE BIAS! How unfair that we, the Horde, always get the "privilege" of having our characters slaughtered or killed off for the convenience of getting more Human Alliance heroes shoved our throats. Our cities turned into raid zones because Alliance players always cry about "bias" when the Horde gets its !@# kicked. You guys got Alleria and Turalyon added to your roster, in addition to killing off every single Orc of note and Blizzard only ever using the Horde as a cudgel to start another retarded "faction war", instead of actually giving that privilege to the Alliance for once.

well if my theories are true, won't be too much longer now. will turn out nerzhul is actually the warchief atm. -and tyrande will make sylvannas look like a girl scout.
10/30/2018 03:50 PMPosted by Andrin
10/30/2018 03:08 PMPosted by Zeropointt
...Let that sink in.

We all know it’s happening

Got any proof?

Anecdotally: I see people selling Mythic Uldir runs in trade chat all of the time.
10/30/2018 04:30 PMPosted by Bludthundur
10/30/2018 04:26 PMPosted by Eleroleron
It's because all the Alliance does is complain.

They wont be satisfied unless they have constant victories.

Ignore the children.

I agree. The only reason Alliance is far behind Horde in competitive content is that the Horde players are just better. They could get more Cutting Edge guilds if they would actually try gitting gud instead of whining.

Method was an alliance Guild, as was a lot of the current top tier raiding guilds.

Method left because of racials back in MoP:

"There are classes that cannot be Pandas, or simply won’t be for the first tier of progress and this is the primary reason for the change. Horde racials have proved to be more beneficial and likely more suited to our play style in each past tier on boss fights that matter and this is a trend we expect to continue."
10/30/2018 08:26 PMPosted by Johaìs
this is a trend we expect to continue."

10/30/2018 08:37 PMPosted by Hypêrspace


Content is designed around Method's play habits. If they stay Horde, more raids will be designed with Horde racials in mind. The longer we play Alliance, the less content we get.
10/30/2018 08:42 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 08:37 PMPosted by Hypêrspace


Content is designed around Method's play habits. If they stay Horde, more raids will be designed with Horde racials in mind. The longer we play Alliance, the less content we get.

a single guild is determining what millions of people experience?
10/30/2018 08:37 PMPosted by Hypêrspace
10/30/2018 08:26 PMPosted by Johaìs
this is a trend we expect to continue."


I don't know, I'm not method. But it has shown that they were right in their predictions. Troll, Orc, Goblins and Blood Elves have each been instrumental in dealing with certain raid bosses since then.
10/30/2018 08:56 PMPosted by Hypêrspace

a single guild is determining what millions of people experience?

Only so far as raids go. Quests, professions, story--those are all the demesnes of others. But Method brings in twitch views and legitimizes WoW as an eSport that Blizzard is so hungry for. The raids are designed with them in mind.
10/30/2018 09:02 PMPosted by Enekie
10/30/2018 08:56 PMPosted by Hypêrspace

a single guild is determining what millions of people experience?

Only so far as raids go. Quests, professions, story--those are all the demesnes of others. But Method brings in twitch views and legitimizes WoW as an eSport that Blizzard is so hungry for. The raids are designed with them in mind.

but doesnt it seem like it would be twice as good if they designed pve and pvp racials for alliance that were equally as good ? then there are even more twitch views.

like i said, i dont understand it. it's bizarre.
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10/30/2018 11:41 AMPosted by Enekie
Bones thrown to the Horde: Cataclysm

Here's an interesting factoid for you:

The Horde received all that content in Cata because IT'S WHAT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

The original Vanilla devs admitted that they knew the Alliance was going to be the more popular faction and thus their content got the majority of attention, and the Horde was consequently severely shortchanged.

Essentially it took three entire expansions before our base Vanilla content was finally finished. So if anything, that's an example of Alliance bias.
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10/30/2018 09:24 PMPosted by Porschea

Essentially it took three entire expansions before our base Vanilla content was finally finished. So if anything, that's an example of Alliance bias.

I've heard this argument before and I'm not convinced.


Because Vanilla doesn't exist anymore.

With the exception of a handful of quests, all of Vanilla is now Cataclysm. Now all of Vanilla content exists as a favor to Horde: every quest, every zone, every story in Cataclysm, and hence Vanilla, is made to make Horde players happy.

So if it really is about equality, then now it seems that the Horde has too much content. If you care about equality as much as you say you do, you should join us in protesting for better Alliance treatment.
10/30/2018 09:33 PMPosted by Enekie

Because Vanilla doesn't exist anymore.

What a convenient dismissal of reality...

10/30/2018 09:33 PMPosted by Enekie
Now all of Vanilla content exists as a favor to Horde

So, you didn't have any quests in Southern Barrens? Thousand Needles? Stonetalon?

Meanwhile, Horde players don't have any quests in Redridge or the Wetlands, while Alliance got quests in Hillsbrad in Vanilla.

10/30/2018 09:33 PMPosted by Enekie
every quest, every zone, every story in Cataclysm, and hence Vanilla, is made to make Horde players happy.

Or: you're a whiny and entitled brat that thinks the entire game should cater only to Alliance players like the "good old days" of Vanilla. In fact, it still mainly caters to you, yet you invent reasons to throw pity parties about nonexistent "ORDU BIASU!", despite none of your characters being killed off or your faction never having to suffer an identity crisis.
Even if you want to argue other parts of the game, Denying the absolute favoring in racial performance the Horde received for years is absurd as that's the main reason cited by the top players to go Horde. Is not even something that's a rumor, it's something that was literally explained.

10/30/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Doesn't count. It was just a rebalancing for the biased preference the Alliance had gotten in Vanilla to Wrath in zones and questing, due to the Alliance being finished first and the Horde being added in as an afterthought. The one single time an Orc was central to the plot in a heroic capacity, Alliance crybabies threw a whiny hissy fit that lasted until the present. Meanwhile, Horde players have had to quest under: Khadgar, Anduin, Tirion, Turalyon, Velen, and Alleria. You guys have never had to quest under Baine or have Horde characters shoved down your throat on a once-an-expansion basis.

Categorically false. BC has always been counted b y the community as a Horde expac, though I digress with that assessment, it was definitely never felt as a lesser experience for the Horde while WOTLK dealt mostly with the Horde story of the Forsaken.

While you may argue that Alliance experience in vanilla was better, it was recently admitted by a vanilla dev that pretty much the entire team was "for the horde", hardly an after thought of a faction, the only reason alliance stuff was better (and the only true highlight was the Onyxya chain that's now not canon) was because apparently creating human assets and other stuff is easier since we're all humans IRL.

Barring that, pretending that only Alliance players complained about Thrall during Cataclysm is not only false but laughably ignorant of the expansion. Pretty much everyone was tired of Thrall, but Cata being Thrall-centric was hardly the only problem with the expansion that showed dev bias to the point they had to promise not to do it again.

Let's start with the Horde getting a Zone shaped as their symbol complete with unique activities, rewards and achievements that are horde only while the Alliance got...a tree in Darnassus which doesn't even have any assets? oh and half of our races' storyline given to the Horde leveling as well, so if we wanted to know more about OUR race we had to play horde. Continuing with that the overwhelming destruction of Alliance assets in the cataclysm both by the Horde and external forces while Horde defeats were pretty much glossed over or were over "new" camps that had just been created to be destroyed, meanwhile iconic settlements of the Alliance disappeared.

Devs admitting they literally ran out of time to make Alliance content because they were fleshing out Horde content to the point we got a subpar experience was a staple of the expac.

Having your Warchief as the absolute main protagonist and central main character was just the cherry on top.

10/30/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Kelisaria
Oh, you mean where we had to raid our own city and kill our own Warchief? So much "Horde Pride". /sarcasm

The Half where Blizzard cut out Alliance content again in order to flesh out Horde content. Or do you even know how Varian became High King? you don't? well good news, no one does because Blizzard literally ran out of time to finish up that story so it just "happened" while the Horde got the entire Darkspear revolution.

Horde got a story of revolting and fighting for the Spirit of the Horde , losing nothing at the end of the Siege while the Alliance simply went there and liberated Orgrimmar. Getting nothing out of it.

10/30/2018 08:12 PMPosted by Kelisaria
HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, wait, you're serious... AAAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Let me see, here: Horde pride was shoved into another meatgrinder after we were forced to commit genocide for an evil tyrannical monster, our entire war effort has been curbstomped by 8.1, and the Alliance get to raid another Horde city as a raid zone...

SO MUCH HORDE BIAS! How unfair that we, the Horde, always get the "privilege" of having our characters slaughtered or killed off for the convenience of getting more Human Alliance heroes shoved our throats. Our cities turned into raid zones because Alliance players always cry about "bias" when the Horde gets its !@# kicked. You guys got Alleria and Turalyon added to your roster, in addition to killing off every single Orc of note and Blizzard only ever using the Horde as a cudgel to start another retarded "faction war", instead of actually giving that privilege to the Alliance for once.

- Literally copy pasted and less cosmetic rewards
- Horde gets a multiple millions of dollars cinematics about their feels after an entire Alliance race gets exterminated, Alliance race in turn gets literally nothing
- Horde gets the kickstart of gearing at a critical point making the division in performance even bigger.
- While Horde get 2 weeks of absolutely destroying Alliance territory without any opposition, Alliance doesn't even get to deliver a blow by themselves and is now fighting in Arathi much further south than whatever they supposedly advanced.
- Horde gets new free customization while the Alliance gets nothing.

Yeah let's keep pretending BFA is not Horde favored, is a pretty dumb joke.
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What a convenient dismissal of reality...

It doesn't, though. It was revamped in Cata. It's coming back with Classic but as it is now, the content doesn't exist as it was.

despite none of your characters being killed off

Maraad? Varian? Bolvar?
10/30/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Bludthundur
Why does Blizzard hate the horde so much? We NEVER got a raid against them, but they get TWO raids against us? You also kill off our warchiefs faster than characters in Game of Thrones while only Varian died in Legion. Alliance crys about losing Darnassus when NO ONE went there when we lost our iconic Undercity which was second to Orgrimmar. I could forgive that if you didn't always make us the bad guys when it's obvious the alliance is worse with exiling people for no reason and taking the most reckless and foolish race of all time (Void Elves). Seriously, THROW US A BONE FOR ONCE!!!

Lost "YOUR" iconic city? Lordaeron was ours.
Horde complains about Characters Killed. But Other than Cairne and Garrosh they haven't suffered loses for a long time.


Vol'jin returned, Nazgrim returned...even the blood elf from the pre expac event is returning.


Liam, Varian, Maarad, Taylor, all the night elves that fell , they are dead with no return or Horde now. Yrel was turned randomly evil? alongside every single Draenei in the AU. We even lost our Naaru.
WOTLK dealt mostly with the Horde story of the Forsaken.

Okay, you're just a blatant liar. Congrats. Forsaken "story" was dropped after the initial content after the Wrathgate. Everything after that is basically "Alliance of super justice and goodness".

While you may argue that Alliance experience in vanilla was better, it was recently admitted by a vanilla dev that pretty much the entire team was "for the horde"

Ah, yes, the baseless and made up fanon that liars like you spout to validate your constant pity party of how poor and "mistreated" you are, while you get all of the heroics, all of the character developments, and all of the actual faction pride.

Pretty much everyone was tired of Thrall

Blatant lies. They didn't even use Thrall, or any of the big racial leaders, until mid-Wrath. No one was "sick" of Thrall, certainly not during Wrath or before that. Thrall was practically worshipped by Horde players back then. People don't like "Go'el" because they ruined a perfectly good character just for "change".

So, yeah, you're talking from your butt.

Let's start with the Horde getting a Zone shaped as their symbol complete with unique activities

Really? !@#$ing REALLY? This is the depth of fail you will dredge up to whine? Pathetic. The Horde was given that zone to make up for the questing imbalance that the Horde had suffered from the Alliance loving devs.

Devs admitting they literally ran out of time to make Alliance content because they were fleshing out Horde content to the point we got a subpar experience was a staple of the expac.

Gee, so you got a taste of what the Horde had already been beaten with, and threw a childish temper tantrum over it? Shoe's on the other foot, time for your medicine.

The Half where Blizzard cut out Alliance content again in order to flesh out Horde content.

You mean where the Horde lost all sense of pride in itself? I don't see you Alliance players losing characters or suffering an identity crisis. Until then, Alliance have nothing to complain about. Ever.

Or do you even know how Varian became High King?

They cut that because Alliance players, like you, threw a tantrum because you didn't want to be lead by a Human. Especially after the Tyrande scenario.

Horde got a story of revolting and fighting for the Spirit of the Horde , losing nothing at the end of the Siege while the Alliance simply went there and liberated Orgrimmar.

I really want to know what you are smoking to get to this conclusion. The Alliance got their usual storyline of being the good guys of pureness and light and the Horde got turned into evil monsters for the glorious Human Alliance to destroy for "justice".

The Horde got nothing out of the Siege but the destruction of our entire identity, meanwhile the Alliance got their power bolstered and got to put the Horde on a leash.

10/30/2018 10:53 PMPosted by Averyx
- Literally copy pasted and less cosmetic rewards

Either you get the moral high ground, or you get cool mounts. It's a trade off.

10/30/2018 10:53 PMPosted by Averyx
- Horde gets a multiple millions of dollars cinematics about their feels after an entire Alliance race gets exterminated, Alliance race in turn gets literally nothing

You left out how Horde players got kicked in the junk storywise by forcing us into being "villains" for an Alliance-centric storyline. Again. We deserve a little compensation for Legion and having our image and characters slaughtered to prop up Alliance fist-pump moments.

10/30/2018 10:53 PMPosted by Averyx
- Horde gets the kickstart of gearing at a critical point making the division in performance even bigger.

"Everything is biased, everything is Horde, and you have to point it all out!"

10/30/2018 10:53 PMPosted by Averyx
- While Horde get 2 weeks of absolutely destroying Alliance territory without any opposition, Alliance doesn't even get to deliver a blow by themselves and is now fighting in Arathi much further south than whatever they supposedly advanced.

Gee, it's almost like they are making the villains win a slew of early victories, in order to make the Alliance win utterly in the end. Just like with MoP.

10/30/2018 10:53 PMPosted by Averyx
- Horde gets new free customization while the Alliance gets nothing.

I'm a Nightborne.

10/30/2018 10:53 PMPosted by Averyx
Yeah let's keep pretending BFA is not Horde favored, is a pretty dumb joke.

It isn't. You just blatantly ignore how favored the Alliance is by the devs, so you can push your victim narrative.

Meanwhile, Horde players don't have any quests in Redridge or the Wetlands, while Alliance got quests in Hillsbrad in Vanilla.

...have you actually played through Redridge?

Or: you're a whiny and entitled brat that thinks the entire game should cater only to Alliance players like the "good old days" of Vanilla. In fact, it still mainly caters to you, yet you invent reasons to throw pity parties about nonexistent "ORDU BIASU!", despite none of your characters being killed off or your faction never having to suffer an identity crisis.

And again with the screaming insults and namecalling.
10/30/2018 11:17 PMPosted by Averyx
Horde complains about Characters Killed. But Other than Cairne and Garrosh they haven't suffered loses for a long time.

We also had far less characters to begin with. It's why killing so many Horde characters hurts far more: they never develop new Horde characters or leaders, and only ever develop Alliance characters.

10/30/2018 11:17 PMPosted by Averyx
Vol'jin returned, Nazgrim returned...even the blood elf from the pre expac event is returning.

It's really pathetic that they had to kill Vol'jin just to be able to "use" him as a character. Nazgrim is neutral.

10/30/2018 11:17 PMPosted by Averyx
Liam, Varian, Maarad, Taylor, all the night elves that fell

Good. The Alliance deserved to lose some characters, for once, considering the massive Alliance character bloat that has existed since Vanilla.