Alliance Bias

Who cares about some !@#$ty raid leaderboard anyway? Those capable of doing the content are doing the content -- from both factions. Those alliance who can't are whining about "faction imbalance".

In short, git gud.
10/30/2018 05:16 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Who cares about some !@#$ty raid leaderboard anyway?

The more one faction dominates, the more the feedback comes from only one source. The more the feedback comes from only one source, the more Blizzard designs content around that source. The more Blizzard designs content around Horde players, the less content the Alliance gets overall.

In short, git gud.

It has been 0 posts since a Horde player screamed insults instead of having a discussion.
10/30/2018 05:16 PMPosted by Mooncherries
Who cares about some !@#$ty raid leaderboard anyway? Those capable of doing the content are doing the content -- from both factions. Those alliance who can't are whining about "faction imbalance".

In short, git gud.

Seems to me that the Horde care since they can't do cross-faction raiding until Alliance clears mythic Uldir with 100 guilds and they aren't even close. But hey, no faction imbalance. Never mind the fact that pretty much every decent raider has gone Horde to either get people or get a guild, its still Alliance's problem since Alliance is obviously filled with "bads".

But keep convincing yourself that, ignore the fact that Alliance raid guilds are going Horde, and keep waiting for Alliance to clear mythic Uldir. Hope the devs don't back down and let Horde cross faction raid without those Alliance clears. Y'all claim Alliance whines when they complain about faction imbalance, then whine when that "mythical" faction imbalance affects them.

And no, I don't raid, it doesn't really affect me that much. But I really *really* get tired of hearing the Horde whine, then complain when Alliance "whines". Like y'all don't do it yourselves.
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
Cities lost by the alliance
Cities Lost by the horde

Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Actually it goes like this...

Cities Lost by Alliance:
- Darnassus
Cities Lost by Horde:
- Undercity.

Towns Lost by Alliance:
- Theramore
Towns Lost by Horde:
- Camp Taurajo

Cities/Hubs Gained by the Alliance:
- Boralus
- Vindicaar
- Telogrus Rift
- Shadowforge City
Cities/Hubs Gained by the Horde:
- Dazar'alor
- Thunder Totem
- Suramar

You forget that Mag'har doesn't even have their own hub. Just a corner in Orgrimmar...
10/30/2018 05:34 PMPosted by Alphon
10/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Saadet
Cities lost by the alliance
Cities Lost by the horde

Cities gained by the alliance
Cities gained by the horde

Actually it goes like this...

Cities Lost by Alliance:
- Darnassus
Cities Lost by Horde:
- Undercity.

Towns Lost by Alliance:
- Theramore
Towns Lost by Horde:
- Camp Taurajo

Cities/Hubs Gained by the Alliance:
- Boralus
- Vindicaar
- Telogrus Rift
- Shadowforge City
Cities/Hubs Gained by the Horde:
- Dazar'alor
- Thunder Totem
- Suramar

You forget that Mag'har doesn't even have their own hub. Just a corner in Orgrimmar...

What about southshore if you put a camp there ?
What about Highmountain if you going to put the Vindicaar, Telogrus rift or Shadowforge city who are all btw a corner of nowhere.

Edit : ok i miss Thunder Totem
10/30/2018 05:41 PMPosted by Halodin
What about southshore if you put a camp there ?
What about Highmountain if you going to put the Vindicaar, Telogrus rift or Shadowforge city who are all btw a corner of nowhere.

I already said Highmountain, Thunder Totem is the capital.

Vindicaar is beautiful, you have a front row seat to the world of Azeroth right below you. Telogrus is pretty neat too, you got your own piece of land that no one but void elves can reach. Shadowforge City is in Blackrock Mountains, by the way, so not the corner of no where.

Brill, all of Tirisfal Glades, some of Silverpine Forest, have been lost by Horde. Gilneas was lost by Alliance, but in BfA (offscreen) it's being rebuilt and back in Alliance hands.
I thought it was supposed to be a snickers

10/30/2018 11:51 AMPosted by Hawkéns
your hungry, your angry when hungry.
have some chili fries.

/offers chili fries.
10/30/2018 05:48 PMPosted by Alphon
but in BfA (offscreen) it's being rebuilt and back in Alliance hands.

That's nice, but it's not content.

If Blizzard released a patch that had an epic dungeon full of amazing encounters, loot and traps, but it all happened "(offscreen)", you'd sneer at them and you'd be right to do so.

Do I get to play it? If not, it's not content.
10/30/2018 05:15 PMPosted by Andrin
10/30/2018 04:44 PMPosted by Bludthundur
Why would I spend money and not be able to play with friends just to carry you scrubs?

Its because you're a troll and aren't nearly as good as you say not to mention horde has plenty of bads. Also all you ever do is troll people can you add something constructive for once?

You are the one being a bully when I'm just trying to tell people why the Horde have more Cutting Edge guilds.
10/30/2018 05:51 PMPosted by Enekie
That's nice, but it's not content.

If Blizzard released a patch that had an epic dungeon full of amazing encounters, loot and traps, but it all happened "(offscreen)", you'd sneer at them and you'd be right to do so.

Do I get to play it? If not, it's not content.

Hey, remember now, Blizzard is a small indie company and BfA was rushed. I'm sure in a future patch though you'll have Gilneas once again.
10/30/2018 05:53 PMPosted by Alphon

Hey, remember now, Blizzard is a small indie company and BfA was rushed. I'm sure in a future patch though you'll have Gilneas once again.

I look forward to seeing the six reputations and twelve questlines I have to finish over the course of three patches to unlock it.
Horde complains about losing Warchiefs.

Thrall stepped down as Warchief but then became the main character during Cata and WoD and a leader for the Shammies.
I remember that after we defeated Garrosh in MoP he came back as the main antagonist/pusher of the next expansion.
Vol'Jin died.....but now he's a main driver for a whole string of quests only for Horde to play--literally extra content for the Horde
Nazgrim died as a raid boss but then he came back alive as a Four Horseman.

Yup Variann is still a pile of ash....Yup Liam Greymane is still dead and gone, not even a motivating spirit character....Yup Taylor is still dead to a maybe necromancer that was maybe scourge who followed into Draenor? Still confused on that one but resolution is too much work. Yup Amber Kiernan is still dead to a dreadlord.

Oh wait, i totally forgot. Alliance characters do come back to life though.
Derek Proudmore who's gonna be mind flayed into to kill Katherine
Delaryn and Sira got murdered retaking their homeland from the Horde but were immediately raised and "willingly" joined the Horde because reasons....

When an Alliance character dies it actually matters.
10/30/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Rennekin
Horde complains about losing Warchiefs.

Thrall stepped down as Warchief but then became the main character during Cata and WoD and a leader for the Shammies.
I remember that after we defeated Garrosh in MoP he came back as the main antagonist/pusher of the next expansion.
Vol'Jin died.....but now he's a main driver for a whole string of quests only for Horde to play--literally extra content for the Horde
Nazgrim died as a raid boss but then he came back alive as a Four Horseman.

Yup Variann is still a pile of ash....Yup Liam Greymane is still dead and gone, not even a motivating spirit character....Yup Taylor is still dead to a maybe necromancer that was maybe scourge who followed into Draenor? Still confused on that one but resolution is too much work. Yup Amber Kiernan is still dead to a dreadlord.

Oh wait, i totally forgot. Alliance characters do come back to life though.
Derek Proudmore who's gonna be mind flayed into to kill Katherine
Delaryn and Sira got murdered retaking their homeland from the Horde but were immediately raised and "willingly" joined the Horde because reasons....

When an Alliance character dies it actually matters.

That's because on becoming Undead, they are outcasts so they want to keep their dignity with the bigoted Alliance.
Excellent thread to trigger allies. 10/10. Need more popcorn
10/30/2018 06:52 PMPosted by Urdrak
Excellent thread to trigger allies. 10/10. Need more popcorn

They get triggered when you point out their unfair advantages.
The horde continuously having these raids and conflicts within their ranks is specifically because of Blizzards blatant horde-centric story telling.

You're the focus, so you get the most conflicts. It sucks for Alliance who feel like they're getting used as a plot device at best, and for Horde who are sick of getting beaten with the villain stick every other expansion.

You wanna complain, quit pointing your fingers at the Alliance players. We don't write the story. Complain to the writing team.
I'll start by saying: Claims of bias, no matter from what side they come from, are silly, and I advice you loosen the hold of your tinfoil hat, it might be hindering the blood flow.

With that in mind, I'll say... no, they're not biased towards the Alliance, but they certainly listen and care more than what the players are willing to admit, because if they did, they would have nothing to complain about.

We will see them bringing up Cata, the xpac where Blizzard decided to fix the lackluster leveling experience for the Horde. They rushed and messed up in many aspects, (Yes, I know about the Twilight Highlands debacle). But they like to act as if the Alliance weren't present at all when that's nowhere near what it was like. I'm not going to say it was good, because it wasn't, but they were not missing nor unactive during the xpac. They also like to bring up Thrall, and ignore his status at the time as a neutral figure when later on, they will deem other characters with close ties to the Alliance or that had ties with the Alliance, fully neutral.

Ever since the end of cata and the beginning of MoP, we've seen the slow build up of the Alliance as strong and united super power but, for whatever reason, instead of seeing this, they like to claim MoP, where the Horde's divide that started with cata started widening. Apparently, the way they started to build up the Alliance as super power was not good enough, and thus for some reason, what really, truly mattered was that the Horde was facing inner conflict that resulted in a civil war.

Then WoD rolled in, the Horde is in shambles, the Alliance united, but some people will consider this a Horde xpac for no other reason that Orcs were involved as loot pinatas... when we all had to follow Joan D'Yrel and witness her journey from random acolyte enslaved by orcs to the strongest Vindicator in the AU, even to the cost of using other characters as stepping stools. And then it went from bad to terribad around mid-way.

Then in came Legion, we finally start to see this superpower that is the Alliance doing things, their leaders going from Heroic Martyrs (Varian) to fully fleshed characters (Genn and Anduin, although the quality can be discussed, particularly in the latter), we see Alliance leaders doing things, and Horde players even have to work under them for the grater good... much like it was in MoP for the Alliance, but, instead of doing this once, Horde players have to do this at least twice at the beginning but, despite having to deal with the threats from Tyrande, fomr some reason, this can't be compared to when Alliance players had to push Vol'jin to a corner until he essentially begged for help from them, of course, calling a Horde leader's buff, have them to admit it and then beg, means they were favored, but if an Alliance leader threatens you into doing what they want, means blizzard hates them and the faction. And then the Exodar happened, and it went as far that even Horde paladins simply could not continue their own class hall campaign unless they did this. But of course, having your leaders being proactive, fleshed out and assertive is not good enough, because Nightborne and Highmountain later became available to the Horde after both races also worked with the Alliance... despite the fact that Lightforged and Void elves became available to the Alliance after Horde also worked with them.

Now, here we are in BFA. Horde is divided again, being the villain again. The Alliance is being assertive, fighting and united, but is not good enough.

I'm not gonna say things are perfect over in the Alliance side because I would be lying, but ever since I've started playing again in cata, I've noticed this tendency of willfully ignoring the good points to focus on the bad points, and twist these bad points to call bias while ignoring the circumstances in the other side... and yes, one side seems to be doing this more often than the other, even if the OP in this one, (which btw, it reeks of bait, but I'm still replying in this way for a reason) seems to be one of those times where proof of the opposite despite the fact that it seems still rare.

To everyone: Bias is not a thing, look at the big picture and don't attribute to bias what can be attributed to incompetence.

/rant over cuz I gotta eat dinner.
1 Like
I agree with all of balance issues people have posted regarding racials and whatnot. As a game dev BALANCE is the most important part of the game.

But people here QQ-ing about the story. Please just shut up already. It's not your story it's how blizzard wants to tell it cause it's THEIR story. If they come and blow orgrimmar or silvermoon or whatever city but kept BALANCE from a game point of view you have 0 RIGHT to complain cause the story is theirs.

So sick of people crying waaah my home tree burned, waaah I don't wanna betray my warchief, waaaaah undercity is gone. Cry about balancing the game for gods sake.

Sure, we do. We remember Maraad, Taylor, and Baros Alexton all dying while the AU draenei never actually join us, leaving us down three characters and not getting anything in return.

So you are saying that MoP was Alliance bias because horde lost characters there and got nothing in return? Is that how it works?

Aside from Garrosh, who did you lose? Gamon became a hero, Nazgrim one of the four horsemen.

MoP's latter half was nearly entirely horde centered: you guys got a cool quest chain about taking Razor Hill and whatnot and we got...a robot cat that ran around.
10/30/2018 07:32 PMPosted by Midare
I'll start by saying: Claims of bias, no matter from what side they come from, are silly, and I advice you loosen the hold of your tinfoil hat, it might be hindering the blood flow.

With that in mind, I'll say... no, they're not biased towards the Alliance, but they certainly listen and care more than what the players are willing to admit, because if they did, they would have nothing to complain about.

We will see them bringing up Cata, the xpac where Blizzard decided to fix the lackluster leveling experience for the Horde. They rushed and messed up in many aspects, (Yes, I know about the Twilight Highlands debacle). But they like to act as if the Alliance weren't present at all when that's nowhere near what it was like. I'm not going to say it was good, because it wasn't, but they were not missing nor unactive during the xpac. They also like to bring up Thrall, and ignore his status at the time as a neutral figure when later on, they will deem other characters with close ties to the Alliance or that had ties with the Alliance, fully neutral.

Ever since the end of cata and the beginning of MoP, we've seen the slow build up of the Alliance as strong and united super power but, for whatever reason, instead of seeing this, they like to claim MoP, where the Horde's divide that started with cata started widening. Apparently, the way they started to build up the Alliance as super power was not good enough, and thus for some reason, what really, truly mattered was that the Horde was facing inner conflict that resulted in a civil war.

Then WoD rolled in, the Horde is in shambles, the Alliance united, but some people will consider this a Horde xpac for no other reason that Orcs were involved as loot pinatas... when we all had to follow Joan D'Yrel and witness her journey from random acolyte enslaved by orcs to the strongest Vindicator in the AU, even to the cost of using other characters as stepping stools. And then it went from bad to terribad around mid-way.

Then in came Legion, we finally start to see this superpower that is the Alliance doing things, their leaders going from Heroic Martyrs (Varian) to fully fleshed characters (Genn and Anduin, although the quality can be discussed, particularly in the latter), we see Alliance leaders doing things, and Horde players even have to work under them for the grater good... much like it was in MoP for the Alliance, but, instead of doing this once, Horde players have to do this at least twice at the beginning but, despite having to deal with the threats from Tyrande, fomr some reason, this can't be compared to when Alliance players had to push Vol'jin to a corner until he essentially begged for help from them, of course, calling a Horde leader's buff, have them to admit it and then beg, means they were favored, but if an Alliance leader threatens you into doing what they want, means blizzard hates them and the faction. And then the Exodar happened, and it went as far that even Horde paladins simply could not continue their own class hall campaign unless they did this. But of course, having your leaders being proactive, fleshed out and assertive is not good enough, because Nightborne and Highmountain later became available to the Horde after both races also worked with the Alliance... despite the fact that Lightforged and Void elves became available to the Alliance after Horde also worked with them.

Now, here we are in BFA. Horde is divided again, being the villain again. The Alliance is being assertive, fighting and united, but is not good enough.

I'm not gonna say things are perfect over in the Alliance side because I would be lying, but ever since I've started playing again in cata, I've noticed this tendency of willfully ignoring the good points to focus on the bad points, and twist these bad points to call bias while ignoring the circumstances in the other side... and yes, one side seems to be doing this more often than the other, even if the OP in this one, (which btw, it reeks of bait, but I'm still replying in this way for a reason) seems to be one of those times where proof of the opposite despite the fact that it seems still rare.

To everyone: Bias is not a thing, look at the big picture and don't attribute to bias what can be attributed to incompetence.

/rant over cuz I gotta eat dinner.

well personally, i hadn't noticed any discrepancies in the horde / alliance storylines. i enjoyed thrall in cata. he was actually a bright spot. enjoyed doing the quest chain for his soon to be wife and cried like a baby when they got married. liked rescuing his elements and reforming them. loved the new cloak you get for finishing the quest chain. i thought it was very personable and romantic.

what i didnt like as far as storyline goes, is the changes to the aspects in the dragon raid. i thought that was a hollow victory. many of them were just introduced to us in game in their non dragon forms, and no sooner said, were sacrificing themselves.

the varian death scenario was heart wrenching. was epic but sad. i was shocked at how vol'jin was taken out of the picture so abruptly and what seemed like unceremoniously until the crowning of sylvannas.

enjoyed yrel and velen in wod. cried when velen sacrificed himself for draenor and maraad saved yrel at the last moment. loved this scene

"together" /sniffles

enjoyed following illidan around in well of eternity. granted there are some things i havent seen yet because i didnt get to raid in legion.

my complaint is almost entirely centered on the struggle for things like allied races and the strange decision the devs made to continue ignoring racial discrepancies. i will never understand that. its almost entirely ruined alliance raiding and pvp. so weird.