Alliance AV Discord Premades are Great

Actually got a picture of release AV with how much honour each side got for a game.

Horde: 2376 bonus honour

Alliance: 594 bonus honour


Keep the salt coming Hordies. More screenshots for us to laugh at in the discord. :crazy_face:


I can’t speak for everyone obviously, but in my observation the folks who end the game by the IWB choke “scorched earth-ing” are usually the ones who have been doing all the bunker and flag defending until they cap/burn and doing turn ins and all the other things that actually bring victories so that the zuggers can zug north and bash their heads against SPGY for a half hour. We sat in 1 to 2 hour queues so we want to maximize what honor we can get and chasing down that one leaker to get 200 honor is a pretty big deal. We’re not trying to grief you Alliance types for the sake of griefing, we’re just doing what we have to do given the queue imbalances (and yes, I realize that the Alliance does have the bad side of a map imbalance right now).

Ya this … however if you join that AV discord you can hear them talking about how to prevent horde from getting any honor . I mean why … Horde never set out to grief alliance instead was just trying to maximize our honor . Farming Horde in cave as a strategy is just griefing .

It hasnt been the case as of late but for many months horde would patrol the area from Galv to Tower point to kill the 3 stealth doing LTs. There were horde I knew by name that were guaranteed to be waiting there when I saw there names on the opponent roster.



What are you talking about? We absolutely set out to prevent Alliance from getting any honor. That was literally the entire strategy from January 2020 until roughly August 2020. The only thing you have said that could even remotely be considered griefing is the cave farming. Denying all objectives? That’s how the game was played by Horde and to be quite frank, that’s exactly the way Alliance premades should be playing it.


eh i dont know what to think about that

I love this thread. Payback is a b*tch.

I can’t even tell you how many times we were farmed/camped at our cave and couldn’t even leave. Cry more.


And yet doing this results in less people Qing and a longer q time. Thus less honor in the long run. You guys deserve every premade you q into


I don’t need screenshots to laugh of you no skill cheater

Get ready to cry again when blizzard stop you again from cheating

Wow mon you good, you cheat and win, how high you must think of yourself. And you’re proud of you lol

Absolutely amazing. This thread is the absolute height of entertainment.


When coordination between 20 people is considered cheating.

The absolute state of the zug brain.


If you have a brain use it to understand why it is forbidden to premade AV with more than 5 people

Blizz broke premades because they do consider it cheating .

Queues have only been like twenty minutes for me, which is great. I don’t actually care if we win I just like to PvP in AV, so the fast queues are better even if it’s resulting in losses.


It’s not a premade though, the most we can group is 5 people, after that it’s just coordinated queuing (and not even that coordinated- there are so few people playing that we often have a 5-15 minute window) and having a chat channel (which there is also an in game function for). We don’t control composition, outside of individual groups. There is no gear requirement or mount requirement or even a level requirement. All that’s asked is that people joining be there to play the game.

Most of the in game commands are relayed through raid warnings as well since the “premade” group is usually only around 20-25 people, sometimes less. Nothing super complicated about that and honestly the horde should be perfectly capable of organizing in a similar fashion once in game. Step it up.

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I kindly ask you to illuminate me with your wisdom.

If there are only 4 active AV battlegrounds with a total of 160 alliance and 160 horde players in game, but 160 horde waiting in queue and only 10 alliance PuGs queuing, what will happen if 30+ alliance players in discord voice decide to queue?

My understand is that the 30 man premade will indeed get into a new AV BG. Please share your immense wisdom and elaborate how Blizzard can stop this.

You made your own bed.

Ab map favors horde because farm is a better base than stables. WSG both sides have different advantages and that comes down to having a druid do crazy jumps so not so much a thing in pug v pug but it does matter for premade vs premade.

alliance got fed up with the unfair map so they took it into their own hands, i can’t get enough of this


It’s scorched earth when Alliance do it. Well deserved, I might add.

You mean like you claiming there is no such thing as scorched earth, just playing the game as intended?

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