Alliance AV Discord Premades are Great

Good news!

They are playing differently, they are all on discord!

You got what you wanted!


Horde PuGs are losing to organized Alliance groups. That’s not a bad thing. That also doesn’t mean the winrate dips below 50% for Horde, whereas it was 90% or so before.

You are ignoring the entirety of the discrepancy between Alliance and Horde on AV. When the maps are more balanced, the winrate naturally evens out, even taking into account the smaller population and far fewer dedicated and skilled PvPers on the Alliance.

What many predicted would happen did happen in AV. And Blizzard has done nothing but nerf the Alliance’s AV side, whereas nothing has touched the Horde’s. Alliance can’t even do their rep grind by interrupting Druids which was the only way outside of loss after loss grinding to actually get good rep.

Horde have near-constant wins. Now, suddenly, they’re losing. And they’re whining. This has been the case since the game first came out.


… is this… is this a real comment by a … horde player? You must be new to Classic, friend.


The funny thing about all of this is that the kind of coordination that is done with the premades are things that can be done by just using raid warnings.

The real thing the premades have done is gather the people who seriously want to play instead of just enter AV and say ‘lol turtle?’

So Horde will respond with, “sO AllI can wIn!?” And I respond with this: what’s stopping all of you from getting into discord yourselves once your team is made? Or in-game chat? Or using raid warnings?

The physical tools to play the game are no different. You can use discord. You can chat. You can do anything we do except form the groups. If Horde is really so great then link up in in-game chat and prove that you’re more than just the obvious map imbalance.


So let me if I have this right. After 18 months 9f crying about the cave rezz situation and basically being owned on a daily basis. U are coming here bragging about a av alliance discord that makes premades and is winning against alts of the horde?


Also that killing blow count for a premade sucks. Enjoy ur victories against the alts of the horde.

Yes he is the horde u are beating new people in greens and lvl 40 blues and then coming on the forums bragging about it.

U will probably the first one on the forums crying about scorched earth in TBC

The fact that alliance can drop and requeue has a lot to do with how little number of players queue on alliance side vs the high amounts of horde players queuing up.

Alliance wins encourages alliance players to queue up. That means shorter horde queues.

As for the premade, I wouldn’t go as far as calling it that. It’s just an organized team, we don’t care for composition or level. All we want is a team that works as one and goes to a particular map spot to attack/defend it when required. That is all.

Horde needs to step up their game and remember that their zug strategy is no longer going to win them games like it used to. Call your geared players, have them join the fight.

If you can’t defeat us now, get better like we had to in order to defeat you.

In return we will get a battleground that actually enforces battles.


I’m sorry, which faction did you say was whining QQ about Alterac Valley?
You must be new to these forums.

oops. I think you forgot about all the positivity

It’s really weird how Horde forget the events that led up to this.

The map is not balanced. Back when premades were rampant, it was still difficult to cap IBGY because of the spawn location (Horde has many waves that Alliance has to fight off before they hard cap). Until Horde hard caps SPGY alliance can’t even move south because of how easy it is to control the choke at IWB.

The Alliance has no point on the map that dictates the match like these few details. We have to band together and fight as a team in order to overcome the odds against us. Yes, that makes it hard for a pug to do. Horde can easily defeat this push with a couple of small groups versus a pug.

Blizzard fixed the matches starting with too few of players - which queue dropping exacerbated but the underlying issues was with the way it was designed/coded/etc.

Horde, despite winning endlessly for the better part of the last year, still play scorched earth. Chasing single players down across the entire map.

Horde are very much the entitled millennials in this analogy.


LOL. As if the horde hasn’t been trying to deny the alliance any and all bonus honor for 9 months. Get rekt by karma.


Yes if alliance a different but equally effective strat that would be fine. But they don’t. Premading is not a strat nor is RNGing into a hugely better alliance team.

Hence it’s a map problem.

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There is no map problem …the only problem is alliance finding new ways to get around Blizz’s ban on large premades working together in the BG.

Weak Alliance, atleast have some self respect and stop griefing.

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Which is exactly what horde did for the last year, driving so many players away from the game that we can now premade again. Get rekt


Weak alliance … bragging about cheating .

P2 was the best … when we chased you guys from one end of the world to the other .

Keep providing us with free salt please your posts are so hypocritical and ironic and I just can’t help but om nom them right up


Ya you cant understand the difference between playing the game as provided by the developers versus using underhand methods to get an advantage .

No wonder you rolled gnome .

Om nomnomnnom.

Yes. Let the butt hurt flow through you


Is there a story on how this came together ? It seems pretty sudden, I haven’t done AV in a few months though.

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A bunch of losers got together and decided the way to win is to use underhand methods … I imagine that’s how it came together .

When AV came out they raced us across the map and ignored us. We killed LTs and Bal and they typically won the games. Everybody got good honor and the queues were fairly short for all.

Then once the AV premade thing was fixed we fought back hard and started hunting them down and denying them ANY bonus honor and we did it for months and months. We still do if given the chance. You should know this.

Someone else was complaining about them killing horde alts in greens. Well, that’s interesting because the rank 12 and 13 horde have been killing the alliance alts in greens that sat there getting farmed just to get some rep the whole time. I know what I’m talking about. I’ve extensively played both sides.