Alliance AV Discord Premades are Great

Makes sense. People actually talking and communicating with one another leads to victory. Map is clearly broken.

Nice so you don’t have anything valuable to answer apparently. I guess that’s what cheaters ends up like normally.

I have lost hundreds of AV games and never once accused horde of cheating.

You cannot explain how people are cheating, you are so used to automatically winning AV that when you loose you come here crying that people are cheating.


the fact that it takes a coordinated team to overcome the advantages should really speak for itself.


Not worth getting into it.

Sure it takes a discord of alliance to beat a non discord group of horde at 50%…

Go watch the youtube vids on AV balance, im sure youre amazing.

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Because horde was not cheating rofl.

On the other hand it is so obvious alliance is cheating by premading right now. It’s not even a secret, they are bolstering on the forum and making posts to prove they are good because they win … by cheating and premading. Wow, you’re good guys, Phase 6 cheating premading AV. LOL.

Some people always need an excuse. Just wait until TBC when the race meta takes over and the map drastically favors Alliance for that. The Horde qq will be immense.

I mean data is data…

its like if my frostbolts did 5,000 damage a shot and a horde mages did 500.

Then when he complained with data i just said “Nice excuses”

Data is data.

Not really gonna debate this with a trash can player.


hes to emotional to rationalize with


Not really because horde still have a decent win rate in that meta.

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Speaking as someone who did probably 2000 AVs during TBC and Wrath (on both Alliance and Horde)…LOL.

Horde did not have a sub 5% win rate in TBC, so sorry.


I never said they did. And Alliance have proven they can win this version of AV…with a little communication. But people just want to brain dead run at the enemy and win.

The difference between me and other posters about this thread is that I don’t see map imbalance as a bad thing. Adapt, change your strategy. Look…it works. Besides that, every other bg is a perfectly balanced mirror map. It’s ok to have one that works differently.

Sure its ok to have it in your favor.

I hope it massively favors alliance in TBC, then when all the horde want it fixed ima just be like basically Git Gud.


Except that’s all horde have been doing and their map advantages let’s them win.


Lol @ horde asking us to stop denying them bonus honor. You realize when we have a match where horde end with 0 bonus honor we celebrate in discord? Everyone laughs in voice, a screenshot is shared and we enjoy it.


I quit playing AV months ago when horde started blockading iwb every single game. Playing turret at spgy for 30 minutes just isn’t fun. So imagine my surprise when I found out premades are back! Most fun I’ve had since p2.

There’s just something so incredible about coordinating a mage bomb to break the zugs and push objectives. It’s like world pvp inside a bg! Never gets old.


But… why?

Horde started it



Just because you have to use a different strategy to win doesn’t make the map broken. As evidenced by all these horde qq threads about AV. Alliance can win just as well as horde. They just need to play differently.

But whatever. You’ve been wrong on these forums about AV since long before Classic launched. I can only chuckle at your posts, but I can’t take them seriously.

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