I can see why some people would want to leave. The last few days have been nothing but level 60 horde in low zones one shot’ing every alliance they come across.
I guess that’s PvP to a horde. I’ve had (1) fight with a horde player who was my level (+/- 3) and it was a good fight.
Every other fight has been 3 on 1 , 5 on 1 or level 60 instant kill.
Now I’m not planing on going anywhere because I like a target rich environment. However, blizzard not implementing any controls is stupid.
That being said I dont think blizzard ever thought the classic servers where anything other then a temporary thing to keep people busy until the next expansion.
Couldn’t they make it so that you can only attack players within a certain number of levels from other players? Say + or - 3 levels. That would partially solve the problem
When the honor system comes out I believe if you kill other players that are grey to you it will give you a dishonorable kill. It won’t stop ganking lowbies entirely but anyone trying to climb the pvp ladder will think twice at least.
EDIT: Looks like I was wrong, I believe you only get DHK’s for killing NPCs from other faction
Why are people complaining about this on a PVP server? Everyone has known this is how it goes on a PVP realm for 15 years. If you don’t want to PVP (or be ganked and camped) you probably shouldn’t be playing on a PVP server. It’s what happens on them.
I guess Blizzard probably should have disabled the /who thing before rolling out Classic to avoid some of these faction imbalance problems.
I picked horde because I played ally the first time, and because Shaman can’t be ally.
Personally, I haven’t seen much problems on Rattlegore and it would be problematic if 60/40 horde servers turned into 95/5. However, I think transfers are happening mainly to dodge ques, not dodge overwhelming odds against faction imbalance. As I think the OP is either on a bad server, or B complaining because he got camped.
When being camped just afk 5min, they don’t have the attention to wait around.
This is my first time playing Alliance(Not by choice). I was out questing and joined up with a guy to kill some mobs. We Got jumped by two Hordies while fighting and my partner ran. HE FREAKING RAN!!! Never seen that before…
I like Dwarves but, I can just barely stomach humans. I can’t stand Nomes or Night elves.
This Faction, omg… The imbalance sucks but, it is the least of my concerns.
Noooo! Too much work went into getting to level 39. I almost have my mount! I’ll just stick it out.
Maybe I should just start ganking lowbies myself. But it just feels bad doing that and how is that fun?
Would it be fun to go back to the starting level and kill low mobs? Having a challenge is what makes winning fun. To socially well adapted people that is.
In my short experience on ally bigglesworth Westfall chat was primarily pearl clutching about entering stv due to horde. Confidence isn’t a trait I have seen on any ally chat. It’s sad too because I have seen some good fights by ally.
So I’m running across this field on the way to SM. Low level horde territory. I get hit by a bolt and immediately shield up and get ready to die. I see another bolt headed my way…from a level 13 horde. I’m lv 38. It does no damage. I run up to him and he keeps firing. I message “Why?”. He keeps firing. I message “Please stop”. He keeps firing. I let my health get down to half. He’s still firing. I got places to go so I hit my instakill button and he’s done.
During WoD I leveled 3 characters on Tichondrius entirely in dungeons to 100, including wrath timewalking, most of it the original PoS, horribly overtuned at that time.
Leveling in dungeons on PvP servers is not a new thing.
Sadly, this was my experience on my 1st PVP server too.
I was in Darkshore playing my human mage. And players were recruiting players to run BFD in Darkshore’s general chat, not Ashenvale’s general chat. Since us Darkshore levelers aren’t a high enough level to run BFD yet, I asked in general chat why they were looking for a group in Darkshore and not Ashenvale (this wasn’t the 1st person to do. Others were doing it over many days now).
The 1st reply to me was “Ashenvale is scary” (actually scurry was how they spelled it).
I replied that “Ashenvale is Night Elf lands. Go take it back from the Horde”. Nobody responded. I’m also only level 14 or 16 so I can’t go take it back myself.
Level 39? Just 1 level 39? I have 16 alts all level 12 minimum. OK, so I did reroll 8 alts from a PVP to PVE server. I didn’t delete them. I might go back and play on my PVP server if I think I can find Alliance players who want to quest all of Kalimdor with me.
Edit: I wrote a wall of text so I deleted half of my reply.
I do not want anyone to sit in queue - BUT which is worse - the underdog by 10-20+% on s server leaving exacerbating the situation or a hard cap on percentages of horde and alliance on a PvP server? At least one of the options would inhibit the underdog leaving and promote the other switching sides.