Alliance are fleeing via Free Transfer, faction imbalance worsened

they love the imbalance. why do you think most rolled horde in the first place


I recognize this. But the direction of the faction balance is irrelevant, the issue of server imbalances needs to have a mitigation plan provided by Blizz. Either via publishing offical stats, offering paid character transfers, or potentially a grace period after FCM.

Trueā€¦ still gonna call em out though

This is world pvp. The only response you will get is re-role pve server. Also more reason when you are in the minority to role stealth classes. Or get some invis pots.


Who would willingly leave a server where their faction is the overwhelming majority?

My guild left stalagg because PvP just isnā€™t fun when your faction is 70%+ of the population. Now weā€™re on heartseeker, where the situation is basically reversed, and equally un-fun.


So basically all the alliance that finally gave up losing to the horde moved to heartseeker to take out their small man complex on a population of horde that had been playing on the realm for 2 weeks or so now?



Guild left Stalagg to Heartseeker to escape the queue times that was preventing most of us from playing. Ulterior motive was the severe faction imbalance. Leveling became more pleasant and we were hopeful that the server would be more even. It was for a bit, but now we could really use more Horde to keep things closer to 50.

Personally, Iā€™ve avoided attacking Horde unless they attack me. Donā€™t need to give them reasons not to stay.

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There are only 3 big servers the largest of them all is perfectly balanced. The 2nd largest horde favored but the best of the best alliance the 3rd is not so bad.

It could be like Dark Souls where you can only invade if you are close in level to the opposing player. They could make it that you only appear flagged for PVP if you are within 3 or 4 levels of the other player. Wouldnā€™t stop ganks parties but that would help a lot

Weird because Horde on Stalagg have been strangely nice in my experience. But the one time I was corpse camped I distinctly remember it was the OPā€™s guild in the Deadwood area in Felwood.

At the time it made me think, ā€œdo some Horde WANT Alliance to transfer off?ā€

Iā€™m surprised people are surprised this happen.

PvPers have always favored the horde, thousands of players are condensed into a smaller world, and you have no flying mount to hide on.

Classic PvP servers were a ticking time bomb from the start.

Itā€™s been a well known fact for years now that the majority of wow players have flocked over to the horde. It was also common knowledge that those same people would roll horde on classic when it went live. People had the chance to go against the grain and roll alliance, but of course they would rather have the advantage when going onto a pvp server.


I went against the grain and regret it.

Blizzard should allow transfers from PVP to PVE servers. I have yet to have a single fun PVP experience so far.


That and they made very few pve servers to begin with.

I enjoy WPvP, I have since 2006. If there is always four times the amount of an opposing faction camping zones, thatā€™s not really WPvP. I do play a stealth class, but when 55-60 players camp BRM at all times, from the FP to the instance portal, your stealth and every potion will not do anything. 60ā€™s see you clear as day. This is not a viable long term balance for many players or servers, and with no mitigation plan from Blizzard it will cause a reduction of the playerbase.

It is at the point where half of the groups Iā€™ve formed for BRD will fly there, then quit before getting to the instance.

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agree. I like PVP games in general. In most other PVP games if you get killed its usually because the other player was better or smarter. World PVP as it exists in WoW classic is just beyond stupid.


Iā€™ve said before, this would be a lovely test for an in game questionnaire. Allow each server to choose whether or not to force balance with the login queue. As incentive, servers who do choose to force server balance could be removed from cross realm BGs.

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lol. Itā€™s not their fault players make toons on pvp with unrealistic expectations.

I remember being on the boat between STV and Ratchet. Even odds. Horde priest was mcā€™ing Alliance off the boat while the rest of the Alliance players didnā€™t do anything. Pretty much sums it up, eh?

Faerlina will probably be one of the more faction balanced pvp realms because of the Alliance and Horde streamer communities. As long as they hang around, of course.