realistically you simply can’t fight back in almost every situation. You get instakilled.
I am very proud of the Alliance on Kurinnaxx, who are putting up a good fight. I actually got ganked a couple of times last night in the Searing Gorge, within respawn distance from the flightpath by 2 Alliance who were lower level than me, and held their own for a while (or at least I thought they were, until I realized all the ghosts in the area were from an MC raid that wiped, and it may have just been me they were killing. Anyway, thanks for making me proud guys, and making Kurinnaxx a decent place to call home!).
PvE is a different animal. I’m on westfall also (horde) and it doesn’t feel terribly slanted to the alliance.
Bro Alliance are just the worst. I was in a onyxia raid and like 5 out of 35 got ganked at the door by 10 horde while 30 of us were waiting at Onyxia.
I said let’s all go outside and wipe them out.
The answer I got was « you go, tell us how it goes »
Alliance deserve all the beating they have receive
What servers exactly are all you guys talking about that’s so unbalanced? Instead of solving the problem most of what I saw was complaining about a minor issue that resulted in that issue becoming a major one. Like a self fulfilling prophecy. So instead of one imbalanced server people used their free will to unbalance two servers thus spreading the issue and making it worse.
This is typical of the alliance players, to tuck and run. This exact same thing happened in retail with the whole warmode debacle of rewarding alliance heroic raid level welfare epics just to kill horde.
Heartseeker is now Alliance dominated after this round of transfers. I did a check this morning and there was 5x the number of level 60 Alliance compared to Horde.
Dude, several of the big PVP servers are 70:30 ratio or worse. that’s more than a 2:1 imbalance.
I love how all the people saying suck it up are Horde. the name is fitting. you all flock to be in the majority so it’s easy.
When we create characters how do we know what the majority faction is?
Either Horde, or a casual Alliance player who thinks they’re super amazing but don’t even play.
low pop new server. everyone from the 70:30 horde servers are bailing there. Lets see how it evolves.
If it would be 60 to 40 very few people would move because of that.
I moved because on Stalagg it was like 75%H to 25%A, and it didn’t bother me that much until I realized what will be there after the layers are gone.
True but Alliance make incredibly good victims too.
I transferred to Heartseeker. Every zone is owned by the alliance. In the three groups I’ve bothered to build for BRD, it took roughly 40 minutes to run from T. Point to BRM. Every person died roughly 6 times. It is anywhere from 2-3 ally groups of BRD/BRS to MC raid groups at all times. There is no strategy other than death run through every zone to every objective. I’ve rerolled my 55 toon due to the imba conditions of the realm. The meta for horde leveling is: kill 2-3 mobs, get ganked and run back, kill 2-3 mobs… This is a severe issue and needs to be addressed by Blizzard.
I’m ally and pretty new to WoW so I suck. But I thought PVP meant you would have some fun battles and probably lose most of them. Not just getting instakilled with ZERO chance and then getting camped so I have to log off. How is that even fun for the gankers?? Makes no sense to me. Grow up a little.
Normal RP servers in general are strongly Alliance dominated. I’m okay with that. We often roleplay being helpful.
Yesterday I helped a paladin kill a large number of turtles for some quest he was doing. I got to skin them. We both came out ahead.
People have to remember that the game can be very misleading in terms of faction balance. The other day I was killed 3 or 4 times by horde in STV and it seemed like red everywhere I turned. I spammed chat a little and got a group together and we turned the tide. If I had just given up questing, I would have logged off with the impression that the server is 80% horde which isn’t true. I think people have got to realize that this game CAN be played alone but it’s not really meant to be. You have to be in a group quite a bit for protection. This is just my experience and I could be wrong but I bet it’s more balanced than a lot of people think.
That’s the extreme minority. It’s swapped on most servers.
There’s more Alliance on Heartseeker than there is on Skeram now. The level 60 range is roughly the same but there’s about 30% more Alliance still leveling up. Blizzard handled this poorly.
So swap to alliance man dang.
You can’t expect 2 people to play 10 people in a football game and not quit when they have no chance to win. The answer isn’t to force them to play the answer is to fix the imbalance and the only thing you have control over is yourself.
So horde…
rise up and move to alliance
Fix the imbalance yourselves.