Because selectively allowing horde to transfer to a new PvP server would just kick the can down the road to that new server. Now you have a fresh server that’s near 100% horde.
To solve it, you’d need to have transfers from horde heavy servers to alliance heavy servers… and vice versa.
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yeah I’m not buying that either. everyone knew going in that Horde would dominate all the PVP servers. which just caused more people to roll horde. most of the horde races are hideous with hunched backs but the trade off was worth it to be in the big majority
Funny isn’t it? Pvp realms become more faction segregated while pve realms are more faction balanced.
Good point. I’m new to WoW and if I knew that PVP servers would be a one sided unfair gank fest I would have gone PVE and just flagged myself. I like PVP when it’s even slightly a close match but almost every instance is a 5 v 1 gank or someone 10+ levels higher. Just a one shot your dead. Where is the “fun” in that?
They should only allow transfers at this time to pve servers.
If you want to leave a pvp server, whether its over populated or not, its only to a pve server.
This is the sole reason I chose a PvE server for my alliance toons. We all knew this was coming though, with the creation of so many servers…and PvP always being horde majority. I do hope Blizzard takes action - free transfers back to these servers for only alliance wouldn’t have any effect, locking character creation for horde wouldn’t do anything because people looking to create an alliance PvP toon won’t flock to a horde dominated server…I don’t see how they can fix this.
Yes. If they do I’ll take it.
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not shocking at all. Has been happening since WoW released.
PvP servers due to their nature attract those that want to be part of a dominate faction so they can avoid PvP (Ironic I know), Normal servers on the other hand with their main focus being PvE content tend to be balanced and leads to more balanced PvP situations when they arise.
Interesting. I’m on Smolderweb, and while I feel the factions are better balanced than other servers, in my experience (in STV) the horde seem to have the higher numbers. I feel like it’s 60/40 leaning towards horde.
PvP servers are a pipe dream and always have been. The idea of the perfectly balanced server with tons of great world PvP is largely a fantasy. Since the game’s inception servers have always suffered imbalance, some so severe there effectively was only one faction on the server at all.
The only way to get a balanced population is to create a server where the incentive to roll is equally high for both Horde and Alliance. That’s why I rolled Grobbulus. It was the only RPPvP at launch, so any RPer who wanted to PvP was stuck on it. Lo and behold census results all put it at 50/50.
Realistically you shouldn’t expect Blizz to do anything about this. It’s outside the scope of their control, and the solutions would be extremely bad for buisness.
- Artificial queues will just piss people off (potential for lost subs).
- Faction restricted transfers are self defeating (if the oppressed faction isn’t allowed to move off, they may just quit. Lost sub).
- Restricting new characters from one faction is a disaster in waiting (Essentially policing paying customers, extremely dangerous idea).
All risky moves. The alternative is much safer.
- Do nothing. When battlegrounds are released the problem is solved.
The thing that causes people to flee is the in escapable crappy horde behavior. We are all for PvP which is why we are here but camping instance portals for literally hours when PvP rewards aren’t even in yet is just greifing and shooting yourself in the foot. Mercilessly out numbering ally and camping them during the leveling process with no rewards will of course cause the “SCREW THIS IM OUT” move and then when PvP matters there will be none to be had. PSA Horde stop being that guy and camping lowbies/instance portals. Do it out in the world with lvl ranged chars. Will never happen but what can ya do.
You cant just blame the horde. I had to deal with this an hour last night trying to complete 1 quest.
After dealing with it because i do like pvp servers, to get 1 shotted by a rogue when the 1 farmer finally spawned, for it to then be killed in front of my corpse was enough for me to just stop playing.
Dont try and blame the horde, its not a faction issue its a type of player(s) that exists on both sides.
At this point of the game, they clearly spent 100 or 200+ more hours playing than the majority. They arent skilled, they just havent stopped playing. Or they cheated like a lot of players did with impunity.
This. I’ve played both sides over the last 15 years. They are exactly the same.
Except that’s not remotely true? Currently, there’s as much an Alliance skew on Classic PvE servers as there is a Horde skew on PvP servers.
Both types of servers are influenced by the meta game, min/maxers, streamers’ FotM, etc.
Its not one or the other correct, I am biased from being on a horde dominated server. I am sure the reverse is true on an ally dominated server. Still the same issue and the same argument stands vice versa.
Blizzard can’t stop people from rerolling and certainly not from quitting.
You cannot force people to continue to play when they find the game unplayable. Either way it’s game over, transfers or not.
Except there are no Ally dominated PVP servers. On PVE servers imbalance doesn’t matter.
I would consider it if there were payed transfers. Also just because you cannot think of a way to fight back does not mean there is not one.