Alliance are fleeing via Free Transfer, faction imbalance worsened

This why my main will always be on a PvE server. PvP server sounds fun, and can be at times. But when you’re just trying to get something done, eff that. Good PvP is a delicate thing to maintain, especially when players have options to game the system.

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They liked it better because they knew they would be in the majority faction. That has a LOT to do with it. Most PVP players want to be in the majority faction. That’s why so many people are server transferring right now, and why just about every PVP server is going to end up either 90% Horde or 90% Alliance.


Pvp servers are amazingly fun, even as the minority faction…ever more so sometimes. It can be annoying while questing but some days I dedicate full play sessions (2-4 hours) of just straight pvping. I’ve been having a blast going to Satyrnaar in Ashenvale or STV and ganking horde by the dozen.

Its different for rogues/druids. PvP is doable


FACT: PvE servers have much better World PvP than PvP servers. Because even if a PvE server has unbalanced factions, the World PvP is still consensual and you more often than not have even numbers willingly participating in counter-attacks and defense.

Consensual PvP is actual PvP.

Ganking and ambushing is not even close to PvP. It’s glorified tribalism, harassment and bullying. Calling those servers PvP servers is an insult to actual PvP.

I don’t blame the lower population from transferring. There’s no reason to be someone else’s punching bag.


I wish they made a few PvP servers with enforced faction balance then anyone who actually enjoys good PvP has somewhere to go.


Does it really matter? If BGs were single realm then the faction imbalance being too high would cause problems when BGs start up. With single realm BGs, the BG queue times for the majority faction would suck bad. But BGs are going to be cross realm, right?

How bout you transfer your horde TO THE ALLIANCE server and be part of the minority faction and show your strategy to ‘fight back’ there tough guy.


I constantly ran census checks on Stalagg. The ratio was nearing 80/20. I cut my losses and re-rolled on Benediction. Census calculations of same return an even 50/50 split:


This is true. I’m on a destination server – Heartseeker and was standing in Gadgetzan yesterday. There were about 30 Alliance running around town, and 2 horde, including me. This is brand new after the recent transfers. it was slight Alliance advantage, but now it’s completely overwhelming. If my bro and I had decided to quest in Tanaris like we were planning last night, we would have been flattened by alliance standing around waiting for quest mob respawns just to make sure we didn’t get to tag any.

It’s gone from “buddy system to avoid ganks” to “screw it, just dungeon to 60” on Heartseeker.


Now you know what it was like for Alliance on Skeram and Stalagg.


But there is a vast difference between wpvp between someone equal terms and being outnumbered all the time. So many playing horde and people don’t want the imbalance so they go to where odds are more even.


Not initially, at least not if we are going the vanilla timeline. BG’s were single server for a while

Also, I don’t agree that “everyone wants to be on the dominant faction” that someone else said - first off, no one wants 30 min wsg and av queues. Secondly, I personally don’t find pvp fun when one side outnumbers the other. No skill in involved in gang banging someone. Sort of why I don’t see the point of ganking grey cons. Just makes you look like a bad player who can’t handle opponents near his level


Except I moved from Stalagg horde to Heartseeker where it would be slightly more fair and killing an alliance didn’t feel like an oldschool Southern lynching. Now it’s even worse balance-wise, but it the other direction.


or capping the population - having say a 60% cap on people for either side. If over you queue. Would get people to change servers or change factions.


what you’re saying isnt wrong but stalagg was far, far worse than just a 60/40. it would have been a hard decision to make if that was the case.

i won’t say going to heartseeker was a mistake because i don’t feel like it was at all. However, just because its in my favor now doesn’t make it any more right.

Honestly i don’t see why showing the raw data of the server is so taboo to blizzard. ive seen other games do it and it helped far more than it hurt.

Edit: sorry plops im not sure how i fatfingered the reply to you. wasnt meant for you.


See this confirms my point. Not everyone wants a completely lopsided server

Schmolderweb seems pretty even or even having more alli. Most hillsbrad wars end up at Tarren mill and now even the guards can’t save the lowbies from the 60’s

Nice b8.

It’s consensual on a PVP server too. You consent to it when you create a character there. It’s just a one time, irrevocable consent with no safe word.


As much as I would hate to have to sit in a queue for hours on end, I agree with you. It’s the fairest solution at the moment.


Free character moves are for queue times, faction balance is not a consideration.