So it is only PvP servers that are horde heavy…THE PvE servers are mostly alliance…there are only a couple exceptions… I.E. Mankirk is the only PvE server that is horde heavy sitting at 57% vs 43%… There are 2 PvP servers that are alliance heavy, IIRC… but I would need to look and see which.
Mr participation trophy, how are you this fine morning?
Come play on Grobbulus, we almost have a dead-even factional distribution.
Getting the jump on someone else is the #1 “PvP” that happens on a PvP server. Which is why the term PvP is not accurate for that type of gameplay.
It should be called a ganking/harassment/bullying server. Or if that offends you, call it a hardcore server or something more appropriate for that type of gameplay.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m not even against the idea of that type of server. But it shouldn’t be called a PvP server, because IMO PvP is something that is done on equal footing and you can’t have that type of PvP without willing consent.
Tricking people into flagging for PvP is not relevant to the discussion. That’s not PvP either. That’s just a flaw of the flagging system in general.
Think they are all coming to Heartseeker, or so I’ve heard.
Faction imbalance is a real issue, and something I am seeing more of. It seems like these server transfers are making the problem worse.
Zerging wins outright 99% of the time. I rolled on a pve server because I dislike world pvp however I do enjoy bgs. Unfortunately I rolled horde pagle which is like 70/30 Ally/horde ratio. I didn’t mind the imbalance at first because I thought my server will have insta queue but now that I learned there are cross realm bgs…I’m screwed and will have to wait in queues even tho my realm is serverly outnumbered.
yo i did. My main was on oceanic yojamba. Horde literally everywhere in ss, arathi and stv. No point going to those zones youll pull your hair out. Thats the one thing killing the game the most for me no server balance. I partly blame blizzard for this. As others have said blizz should have helped from the start.
Also some of you have been asking why done alliance fight back in pvp or form groups? Well whats the point when i fight back then if i fight back 5 more horde come along out of nowhere, thats why
Y’all made your bed running in kill squads of 10 ppl wrecking lowbies.
Enjoying my new server quite a lot!
I will probably level to 60 on my current server (smolderweb). And get a feel for it and maybe try and get recruited to a guild on another server and transfer over if necessary. Getting a vibe that my server not going to have very much end game oppurtunities for alliance.
There definitely seems to be a large faction imbalance on Herod which makes it less fun to play Alliance. I just hope that Blizzard does not do cross-server BattleGrounds so that the Horde has to suffer in queues while Alliance gets to play more frequently. That is the LEAST that can be done to sway more people to want to play Alliance. That is something that could help with the faction imbalance issue. But I would rather just have it 50/50 while in open world. World Bosses will be more challenging for Alliance to down/win with the large imbalance.
How accurate is this after the last round of transfers and now that the census addon doesn’t work?
I started on Sulfuras. I rerolled on Westfall and seeing too many alliance scared to level in Ashenvale & Stonetalon (my highest level is 16 so I’m still in Darkshore).
But I still want to try out a PVP server. But my goal is to quest through all of Kalimdor (I want saber mounts for my humans). And Benediction seems like a better option than Sulfuras. Right now on Sulfuras, it seems Alliance are on on Eastern Kingdoms & dungeon leveling and I was worried about hitting level 20 and being the only alliance leveling in Kalimdor.
It is a multi-level problem. When I say people insert “in general…”
- People gravitate towards path of least resistance.
- People don’t like feeling the odds are against them all the time
- The vast discrepancy between number of people who roll horde vs. alliance on a pvp server. When so many are horde top heavy there will be ramifications
- When faced with adversity many will seek a more level playing field. Human nature.
If blizzard stays hands off the situation will deteriorate into servers which are vastly lopsided.
They have to allow transfers from overpopulated realms to sparsely populated realms. The goal of removing layings
BUT - if they do nothing regarding faction pop it will get progressively worse.
That said, the cure could be worse than the disease. If they put a faction pop limit on a server (say no more than 60% any faction at any one time) people will QQ about long queues to get in instead of transferring to another or changing faction.
This is the first big “oopsie” by the classic team in my eyes. I play on a balanced server but seeing this being implemented so poorly pisses me off.
On retail I play alliance on a server with over 90% horde and I perfectly understand what those people are feeling. If, as alliance, you don’t take this opportunity to move then you are a metric being set up for paid server transfers later on.
To be honest this does seem to be true. At first it seemed like horde had a smaller advantage, closer to maybe 60/40. Now any time I want to do BRD/LBRS or anything else I can expect to have to death run 2-3+ times to get into the dungeon. There are literal raid groups standing outside of dungeons and there is no way world bosses will be an option with this population difference.
From the Alliance perspective I would have to disagree.
We’re getting a bunch of new servers that are 55:45 in favor of the Alliance. This is a slight advantage, but much more balanced than the 10:90 Horde-dominated servers.
Free transfers were a Godsend for us.
That’s why you’re seeing all of these Horde-created threads about it.
Say what you want, but Heartseeker doesn’t look like 55:45 to me. Standing in Gadgetzan a couple days ago, I see literally 30 alliance jumping around on mounts and dueling each-other, and 2 horde, me included. We didn’t even try to start questing there, We just decided to run Uldaman 5 times instead.
Badlands also changed and you guys don’t even have a town there. Alliance have quest area mobs on farm, even the ones right next to Kargath. You’ll run by 10 Alliance while just trying to get to Uldaman as fast as possible. Alliance are constantly running in and getting rekt by the guards 'cuz they have no sense of direction.
I don’t think wowpop is a good source for numbers anymore since it gets its data from census addon and that was broken by Blizz. Don’t know where to get good information anymore.
Well, to be fair, this was a problem on retail too, until they introduced sharding. Blizzard didn’t do anything to fix that. Maybe Classic team will be more proactive.
I just hope that they open transfers from PvP to PvE servers so that those who made a bad choice could fix it.
I personally started on Kirtonos after blindly following the trend that PvP realms is the fad, but after venturing into contested zones and being ganked both times I quickly realized that I made a bad choice. I should have admitted that I’m just not into PvP servers anymore. I hope Blizz will allow me to correct the mistake without rerolling.
It’s definitely the better realm when compared with Herod