Alliance are fleeing via Free Transfer, faction imbalance worsened

Nope. I know of at least two servers with near perfect 50/50.

So how do you know that isnā€™t why most of them transferred? Youā€™re just assuming.

Iā€™d like to see the math on that one

100% of servers are 90% Horde
Are all of the alliance players deleting their characters? Canceling their accounts?

I woke up today and my Night Elf was an Orc. I was shocked - SHOCKED! - and appalled!

Welcome to the 90%!

Blame yourself bruh.



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Iā€™m just pointing out that trade off. If you want balance realms, you are going to have to give up the freedom to play in specific factions on specific servers.

Limiting character creation is the least disruptive option.

Soooo, how many Horde have taken advantage of the transfers? They must all be rushing to go where there are lots of Alliance to hunt ā€¦ right? /s (And how does this do anything positive for the destination realms? Limit transfers and it would just make another Horde dominated server. Congrats?)

So no one bothers to roll on the realm - those who want to be Horde because theyā€™re blocked and those who want to be Alliance because they have no desire to be the underdog and will seek out a realm where theyā€™re more even or have the upper hand.

Seriously, if itā€™s such a massive problem, start telling your fellow Hordies to transfer to reduce the excessive population or to reroll. (I get tired of the people on the majority faction blaming those who flee, when not ONE of them would willingly reroll Alliance to create more balance.)

Language Type Realm Alliance Horde Total Alliance % Horde %
English PVP Anathema 7010 4153 11163 63% 37%
English PVP Arcanite Reaper 3313 2897 6210 53% 47%
English PVP Arugal 21424 35084 56508 38% 62%
English Normal Ashkandi 11256 9061 20317 55% 45%
English Normal Atiesh 63510 32230 95740 66% 34%
English Normal Azuresong 22990 10860 33850 68% 32%
English PVP Benediction 37766 35227 72993 52% 48%
English PVP Bigglesworth 31946 40638 72584 44% 56%
English PVP Blaumeux 30849 30944 61793 50% 50%
English RP Bloodsail Buccaneers 53375 27575 80950 66% 34%
English RPPVP Deviate Delight 20164 14484 34648 58% 42%
English PVP Earthfury 4297 5228 9525 45% 55%
English PVP Faerlina 37321 33778 71099 52% 48%
English PVP Fairbanks 29765 43563 73328 41% 59%
English PVP Felstriker 6934 9569 16503 42% 58%
English RPPVP Grobbulus 37467 36379 73846 51% 49%
English PVP Heartseeker 5515 4618 10133 54% 46%
English PVP Herod 25419 40697 66116 38% 62%
English PVP Incendius 31480 38249 69729 45% 55%
English PVP Kirtonos 26087 45899 71986 36% 64%
English PVP Kromcrush 31387 33538 64925 48% 52%
English PVP Kurinnaxx 17108 25108 42216 41% 59%
English Normal Mankrik 31805 47044 78849 40% 60%
English Normal Myzrael 39896 22743 62639 64% 36%
English PVP Netherwind 16962 15018 31980 53% 47%
English Normal Old Blanchy 35017 25676 60693 58% 42%
English Normal Pagle 73633 26373 100006 74% 26%
English PVP Rattlegore 29993 35020 65013 46% 54%
English Normal Remulos 33661 16787 50448 67% 33%
English PVP Skeram 22670 41426 64096 35% 65%
English PVP Smolderweb 18345 20890 39235 47% 53%
English PVP Stalagg 25309 51909 77218 33% 67%
English PVP Sulfuras 35231 39902 75133 47% 53%
English PVP Thalnos 30243 52435 82678 37% 63%
English PVP Thunderfury 24242 32984 57226 42% 58%
English Normal Westfall 63005 22285 85290 74% 26%
English PVP Whitemane 34103 42053 76156 45% 55%
English Normal Windseeker 15254 11404 26658 57% 43%
English PVP Yojamba 22744 34764 57508 40% 60%
Total Normal 390027 224463 614490 63% 37%
Total PvP 607463 795591 1403054 43% 57%
Total RP+RPPVP 111006 78438 189444 59% 41%
Total 1108496 1098492 2206988 50% 50%

Like most realms seem 45-55 ā€¦ this is from wowhead btw

Transfers are to ease congestion. Nothing more.

If a server to too crowded and is imbalanced. It make sense to allow only the majority faction players to transfer out.

This is why I use ratios like 55/45. Itā€™s not too bad yet. Corrective policy should go into effect then.

I ā€¦ donā€™t really care to be frank. Iā€™m on a PVE server. LOL

People want a solution to faction imbalance ā€¦ so I proposed the least disruptive one that I can think of.


And the question is - would Horde transfer out if they were the only ones with the option? After all, theyā€™re not transferring in large numbers when itā€™s open to both.

To be fair, so am I. The only PvP character I have is on Grobbulus - RP-PvP - which has a really nice balance and realm pride. (That name kind of made us Grobb mob gang up and build pride even before release.)

EDIT: I just donā€™t think there is a real solution because of human behavior. The idea that gating would magically lead to the majority faction transferring and people rolling on the minority faction ā€¦ is overly optimistic.

Working as intended.

im horde i Left for heartseeker. I donā€™t like one faction dominating another. Im fine 55-45 at best any direction. Once its 60/40 it begins to be a little crappy.


No of course itā€™s a ganking zone with an 80:20 faction balance.

If they want to avoid the queue enough ā€¦

At the very least it will prevent the situation from worsening.

Frankly, locking the players into a faction based on their characterā€™s race is, in hindsight, a pretty dumb way to do faction PVP. If players could switch faction on a whim, Blizzard could change the rewards given out to players of each faction and let ā€œmarket forcesā€ do their thing.

How did blizzard fail? They didnā€™t put a faction cap. Iā€™m from whitemane and itā€™s flooded with horde. Every turn you make there is horde. If you look at census, itā€™s not accurate because of layering. I can tell you now, Whitemane is 7:3 horde.

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Love it! Quoted for Truth!! LoL :slight_smile:



PVP happened on a PVP server, and people who werenā€™t having fun left. Maybe if you let them live a bit more, they wouldnā€™t have left. Thatā€™s PVP.

: )

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Iā€™m on heartseeker where all the alliance transferred. I came to the server to avoid ques but now every zone iā€™m in is reading about alliance everywhere in general chat complaining about being ganked 5v1, the rumors are definitely true and i hope pops can balance out on servers it really does kill the fun for everyone with all servers being so lop sided.


If you are outnumbered 5 or 6 to 1 and you want off that server and are told ā€œno, only the dominant faction can do that,ā€ you are going to be furious and likely quit. Assuming otherwise is diningenuous at best.