You’re not wrong about heartseeker, it’s an alliance life raft and my main is stuck there and now I’m rerolling another mage on a different server because I actually want to Wpvp
Go to benidiction where the same thing but in reverse.
45 mage couldnt level for a week from the hordes of horde, moved to heartseeker and lol when i ride past the horde to scared to attack because in a second i can have 20 willing alliance to camp him and make his time playing as miserable as they use to make mine.
ie; standing in gadget 40 of them with me and another alli hearthing back to sw. Sucks huh? thats good, thats real good, i hope you enjoy your stay until you leave.
If you play alliance you better not go to benediction, this information is a lie lol.
Horde run in packs alliance sit in sw, and only horde level there outside of 5 man leveling.
Gl with it I left that horde dominated server 90-10 noones gonna make me see it differently.
want proof go to tanaris and see what quests you can complete hahahahaha 0
or 1 in 4 hours, I’ll pass, heartseeker is the alli server now and loving it!
Wow. That’s good to know. I kept reading posts about how Benediction was pretty even and all Alliance should reroll there.
I’m on Sulfuras still. I decided to stick it out instead of transferring to Heartseeker since the ratio was pretty even with a slight horde advantage. I just didn’t want to follow the crowd and hide in Eastern Kingdoms & dungeons when I wanted to stay in Kalimdor.
So I just rerolled on Westfall instead. I’ll probably go back to leveling my main and alts on Sulfuras some day. I’m not sure 100% if I want to transfer all 8 of my alts to Heartseeker yet.
In LFG chat everyone says benediction ally side feels good and balanced so I’m rerolling there regardless of what that dude says. Heartseeker for sure has at LEAST and 80:40 ratio in favor of alliance and feels more like 90% alliance. I know this because my main is fooking stuck there and there was literally 50 allies in gadget and 4 horde last night.
I will quote him again, can you prove any of this or are you pulling numbers out of your rectum?
Nevermind how math works?
You’re nuts. Go to school.
I was just generalizing about the situation.
You very well may be right about Heartseeker. If that’s the case it’s just as bad and I hope you get some more Horde.
The amount of people that have missed the /s in my post, let alone the dripping sarcasm throughout it is just absolutely delightful.
Is this a Fairbanks problem? I’m horde there and have been ganked quite often. When I am out in the world, I constantly see Alliance. I was thinking it had a fairly even ratio. Furthermore, nearly every zone I am in, there are call outs that Alliance is ganking. This is interesting. And for the record, I love world PvP, but I’m not much of a ganker. If I see you fighting a mob or have no chance, I’m not going to kill you cause that isn’t PvP. That is a dick move and a gank.
Incidentally, I’d say this is standard player behavior - not faction based. I’ve been camped for over an hour by Ally on Heartseeker at one time. 60 mage farming gets on epic mount when I run by and kills, then just grinds standing on my body. This has been occurring over and over to numerous players. What sucks about Heartseeker is that there’s nowhere to flee, you have to reroll or quit. Without server balance its a tough problem to solve, but in general griefing behavior sucks for the overwhelmed faction
Dude, just re-roll a PvE server already. You’re a mage, you’ll get back to 40 in no time with all the knowledge you have.
I just quoted him for that exact post and said basically the same thing.
Maybe because they just enjoy Horde more?
Rather be a hulking giant than some gnome or a manlet
Good to see people finally waking up to what WPvP in WoW has always been about.
How about a guerrilla guild of rogues and druids?
Personally I do not know why these devs even try to balance around this games FOTM “pvp” playerbase on retail 70% of bg battle groups are merc mode Horde some weeks. They have the data from Retail that shows “Hey maybe people are not trying to pvp they just wanna say they are to feel important.” Realistically I do not think they are trying to balance around this games pvp playerbase and I do not blame them whats the point in doing so.
BGs are going to be cross realm. Your realm could be 100% Horde and it would be irrelevant for BGs. You’ll get near instant queue pops.
I can guarantee that you dont see the scope of things from LFG chat.
ben is a train wreck of a server and if it would have been balanced we would have stayed because the community was decent.
That server is 90 10 horde and if it isnt it is 75 25 for sure lol
This is why i love heartseeker, not the camping part and sorry you are horde on a now alliance server.
I like being able to quest, you see, what you are going through is what alliance players go through on most pvp servers.
Just glad we have one that is alliance owned and operated =)