What if Blizzard listed the ratio of Alliance:Horde on the character selection screen? That way players can see which side actually needs more players.
If players go towards the majority, then obviously the imbalance would be at the fault of the players, not Blizzard. I wouldn’t want Blizzard trying to force me to a specific faction like a ‘Faction Fascist’ that screams “NO WoW FOR YOU!” if you don’t do exactly as they say.
The faction balance on Skeram is out of control. Literally in the span of a few days 5+ Pretty good sized guilds have left. Mine has left for heartseeker. But I can see why though too because you can’t do anything without there being 20 horde everywhere. Most alliance don’t bother fighting back. I can’t even get a fair 1v1 without being jumped by several horde. I’m staying for now, but I don’t see it getting any better. Groups have been harder to fill in and the transfers have been noticeable. I don’t mind being on a dominated horde server but if I can’t even get a fair 1v1 or even a 2v1 what’s the point.
You mean faction imbalance gets worse when people can choose to transfer? /s
This is exactly why paid transfers would be a disaster. Faction imbalance would be even worse because the majority of the Alliance would end up on one server as they flee other Horde dominated servers. Word will get out that XXX is the Alliance server and people will transfer there. Then Horde on other servers will have no Ally to kill and crazy BG queues. So they too will transfer to that “Ally” server. Then you’ll have one mega server where most Ally are and the rest will be so skewed Horde that WPvP will be a legend. Oh…and that one mega server…gets a long queue. Back to square one.
I mean is anyone surprised by this at all? Alliance are a bunch of entitled cry babies. Once they realized they wouldn’t get free naxx gear if they cried about dying in WPvP enough on PvP servers, they decided to hop ship.
If true that would just be an accelerated version of what happened on 90% of retail PvP servers. Usually it took years to slowly happen as the minority faction migrated away. It could be a matter of, we’ve already seen this play out once, might as well skip to the end.
IE: on Illidan by, I think Cata, we drastically outnumbered them. Then in MoP+ you hardly ever saw Alliance again outside of xrealm zones from other servers. You could go months without seeing Alliance actually from Illidan.
Going to be worse when they implement honor rewards, horde think its funny now to ganggank people but when they get a 3 hour AV queue and no world PvP it wont be so funny.
I think the fairest PvP fight ive had so far in my 50 hours of Classic was 4 lvl 30 horde vs me at 37 and I beat them due to LoH and the fact they cant PvP properly due to mob mentality.
Is that what the carebears tell themselves these days? world pvp on pve servers is a pathetic. People playing both factions. People “tricking” others into getting flagged so they can get the jump.
It’s sad asf.
Is that what the carebears think good world pvp is?
OP and the post after OP are correct. Skeram was always slightly Horde favored until recently. The server transfers have caused the faction balance to get worse. I wish Blizzard would address this via faction-specific transfers. Hell, at least acknowledging it would be a a step in the right direction.
Hmm, Alliance fleeing from pvp that they signed up for? Who would have ever guessed it.
I know! Blizzard needs to give Alliance a weekly quest for a free piece of Molten Core loot if they spend 30 minutes in Stranglethorn Vale camping Grom’Gol. Surely that will teach those Hordies for signing up for pvp and actually pvping.
I think you missed the “who do not already have a character on the server part”. As for rolling with friends, tough luck if you wish to carry them with a high level. If leveling together, you can all roll on a available server together.
The transfers are to ease congestion, not to run from getting ganked. Transferring out to avoid your faction being in the minority just worsens the situation as noted in this thread.
You’re right, I did. But I think you missed authority you don’t have; “tough luck” is Blizzard’s answer to your complaints, not something you’re in a position to say to other people.
I made the change to Anathema and Im enjoying my time there, I couldnt get anything done on fairbanks once i got out of the alliance zones, along with what seemed like a really strong horde pressence in lots of quest hubs in the contested areas, There were alliance but it always seemed like horde had the upper hand.
On Anathema yes its got a Medium pop at peak but I can level a lot easier and I have encountered horde which is good but its more random encounters, On fairbanks i just had to expect horde to be at every grinding spot and outside most instances.
So i say come on over to Anathema its a nice place and seems balanced right now.