It doesn’t save you in retail, even though it’s instant there, because everyone has 50 million ccs on repeat. But in classic, and to a lesser extent TBC, I’d play my Gnome Warrior over any other race, even ignoring faction considerations.
It does let you go up against Frost Mages and Hunters on an even footing.
All the Alliance piling on Heartseeker has hurt Earthfury, the other destination server, as well. Would be nice if some more of them went on Earthfury so both servers could be better balanced.
There are tons of options Blizzard can do, yet they choose to do nothing.
Do you know why ? Check out their earning report. The biggest chunk of wow revenue comes from character realm/faction transfer. That’s why.
They sugercoat it with “oh, it’s players’ choice and we don’t wanna intervene”, while making profit out of it.
I rolled on a PvP server expecting some cool PvP action but to be completely honest it’s been mostly meh… Getting ganked by people 10+ levels higher or just being caught by surprise with low mana.
I get it, I signed up for it so I just deal with it and move on, do my best to flee or fight back on the rare ocasions that it’s actually possible but all the way to level 50 I had like two, maybe three actual good pvp encounters, the rest was garbage, even when the Alliance is winning, it’s almost always a stomp or be stomped situation, never a fair match.
I will probably stay but it’s completely understandable why people are rerolling or transfering away.
I certainly hope that happens. This type of PVP just isn’t fun for me. If I had played before and knew what it was like I’d have gone PVE.
Seems like in PVE you can flag yourself for PVP if you feel like it. If you get ganked you can just turn it off. I realize that would remove the feeling of danger but would also prevent the troll ganking and camping going on now.
I transfered when you ask people why you get two answers. Queue times and faction imbalance. The last few days I’ve noticed the population growing on the alliance side, but not the horde as much. When I quest now instead of a ghost town like it was the first couple days there are a few alliance questing, but not a lot of horde.
If this is what keeps up it will end up a unbalanced server in the favor of alliance. There will be very few if any balanced servers.
I personally handicap my dps and my kill rate in order to stay above 75% mana in contested zones just so I can fight back against a potential gank. I would mention this as an option, it would mean probably wanding more than using spells and may not even be possible based on your spec. It has definitely caused me to win fights I otherwise would have had to run from or die, however
So it is bad if the alliance outnumbers the horde by a lot but not the other way around? I am not being sarcastic, I am honestly asking as this issue has been bounced around the forums a great deal but people only seem upset when it is the alliance outnumbering the horde.