What ugly truth though…?
But it IS precisely what happens with every PVP server…
It sucks for new players like me because I didn’t know this is how it would be. Usually PVP is a blast in games. That’s why Apex and Fortnite and the like are so popular and fun. Everybody starts out even. Your skill dictates if you survive. Not the fact that you side with the overwhelming majority or you have no other life and get to 60 before everyone else.
What I understand (painfully) now is that WoW is a PVE game not a PVP game. I wish I understood that going in.
Gonna disagree. Both Alliance and Horde have great PVP racials. Alliance have Paladins, the best defensive PVP healer in the game hands down. Horde have shamans, an amazing offensive support.
PVP balance faction v faction is the most balanced in classic that it has ever been in the history of WoW.
Correct. It is a PVE game with PVP “attached”.
Source? Or a feeling?
That’s a good choice for them.
Will of the Forsaken says you have brain damage.
Oh yea I wouldn’t doubt. You have all the alliance from Stalagg who have been bullied looking to get payback
One thing that you read about working in behavioral health like I do, is that a significant amount of school bullies actually started out as victims of bullying themselves
Meanwhile stone form, and EA are over here removing diseases, poisons, cc etc.
WotF is great.
So are EA and Stoneform. Plus Alliance has fear ward.
Retreat is a viable battle strategy.
You’re almost putting out good bait.
You want to know how I know this company is run by morons these days? They opened up free realm transfers for everybody instead of just the overpopulated faction, making the imbalance worse.
Fear Ward makes PvE content easier. It’s barely useful in PvP, and dispellable. EA is a cast and doesn’t make you immune, Stoneform is useful in the same way WotF is (against specific classes) but other than the poisons (for Blind) isn’t as useful as it doesn’t stop hard CC.
WotF is great. Hardiness is better.
Hardiness is great, but I prefer things that are not random for my defense.
The cast time on EA is the very short version, its very strong in it’s current state in classic. Even when it was the long cast it was strong.
Being dispellable isn’t a huge issue for fear ward. Even then, you’re still eating someone’s globals to remove it.
A massively increased chance to resist the strongest form of CC completely isn’t something to downplay, it’s the strongest PVP racial in the game. You’re exaggerating how strong EA and Stoneform are (and Fear Ward in PvP) but trying to pretend Hardiness isn’t insane.
Are you a Horde/Orc player?
Arcanite reaper is one of the most even ratio realms, and its pretty empty.
Its sensational.
Alll should join ARCANITE!
Gnome for life. I think you underestimate just how strong EA actually is. For Warriors and rogues, it can completely alter unfavorable matchups into neutral ones.
Likewise for Stoneform.
If all the alliance transfer to escape hordes overpopulation, can’t you just transfer too?
According to you these transfer servers are all alliance, if so then lots of horde to be had there as well!
Oh it’s good, but it doesn’t provide immunity. You break a Frost Nova and they’ll hit you with a CoC to slow you. EA isn’t going to save you from a Mage, and I don’t think it’d save you from a good Hunter either.