Alliance & Alterac Valley

I decided to make this video after my reading the comments and my last comment in the thread, Give Alliance a +30% damage buff in epic battlegrounds. And so many other comments in threads about Alliance can’t win AV or other BG’s.

Alliance have a long history of ruling Alterac Valley. The problem, as this video will show, is not understanding the basics. This is not a BG video I cherry picked, it was the first and only AV I played yesterday after the reset.

The basics in AV:

  • Play the Objective-Play the Flag Always.

  • Target Healers and Protect your own.

  • Play as a Team.

  • Know when to guard GY’s.

  • Learn How To Take GY’s in Alterac Valley!

There are plenty of other things to learn about AV and other BG’s but until you learn these it won’t be fun.

This is not a self-serving video but it is selfish. Alliance need to win and have fun in more BG’s and WPVP to reduce queues and provide targets.

It’s not about KB’s, Damage, Fighting Fair, it is about-did I play the Objectives and did I Win.


AV is the only epic battleground the alliance don’t 100% always win at in my experience. :woman_shrugging:

They’re too used to just running to the end, skipping every objective, and trying to zerg the boss.

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You may have been confused about what Jugaa, inemia, and I were commenting on. None of it was on alliance can’t win, but the layout of the map, in the case of AV discussing the strategic points that when added up put favor for horde players.

AV by design is far more oriented around strategy and raid tactics than it is on simple basics. Your advice would be good for smaller maps where individuals make a bigger difference. When I was on horde side back when allys won the majority, the plan I laid out was simple.

15 ( 3 healers at IBGY to defend, rest take IWB and SHB. the 15 of us at the IBGY the strongest choke point would wipe the group of 20-25, because we had the GY advantage. Dead alliance players would then respawn up north since horde took SHGY, those at IBGY would move north leaving behind a couple to back cap from rogues, while the rest of the horde would group at IWB to create a second choke. Securing us two bunkers, Balinda and protecting all horde objectives.


This is not the way it goes now … Horde defends IBT. Alliance skip IBT and go to TP. But then 3/4 extend quickly south while the horde at IBT just go south and retake TP. Alliance in full disarray now as the people dying are spawning way up north as no one has bothered to take any GY. All this while the horde O is taking bunker after bunker without any opposition .

Alliance don’t play the objectives at all in AV… it’s a self defeating attitude at this point . They see AV , they see a loss coming.

The slight Horde advantage in AV is the same as the slight Alliance advantage in IOC but IOC is still 50-50 while AV is probably 70-30 in Horde favor . It’s not the fault of the map .


Dosao is right, in BFA AV is played differently.

The point to get from that video is, you can’t win if 3 Alliance players in 70 seconds don’t know how to Cap a Graveyard.

If Alliance had been able to take SHGY earlier, before I and others had spawned there, they would have changed the game and at least started a minor Turtle. If they had been able to keep SPGY they could have won or at least had a chance.

For what ever reason the players on Alliance don’t know the basics. This video was what typically happens AV, maybe a little faster.

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And you can’t skip towers since they buffed all the NPC, you absolutely cannot run past IBT because you see Horde there . You are gonna allow the group there to just start back capping.


You misunderstood what I am talking about. The entire discussion of IBGY is that it is advantage that the horde has over the alliance. Current win rates and current strategies used by pugs in bfa do not change the overall effectiveness of the chokepoint.

I don’t doubt that the alliance in bfa are throwing away their chance of victory and playing stupidly, The horde did the same thing for years. I am talking about how if two teams of equal skill were put against each other, the layout of the map puts a heavy advantage in favor of whoever is on the horde side due to a chokepoint that protects all major objectives.

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True but you can play around it like how Horde do with IOC. Alliance have a huge advantage in getting to hanger and the high ground to unload on incoming Horde . The alliance gunship can be used to defend the hanger flag . The win rates are still 50-50 there

People have been discussing/explaining the ways alliance can win AV since the prepatch (to BfA) - when the usual ‘PvE rush strat’ of Galv > IBT > IBGY > TP > FWGY > FW towers > RH > Drek almost always worked, mostly due to the horde choosing to not defend. The dumber horde of course will ignore the fact that when their premades did defend they mostly won in a beatdown fashion.

As I’ve mentioned before, if you are horde, merc to alliance side and play AV at least a few times a day for a few months. You may come to understand the issues related to playing on alliance side (more important) as well as playing AV on alliance side (secondary importance) if you put in that kind of time. Otherwise you’re just throwing out the typical, ignorant blather that “you guys can win if you just do this,” without really understanding what you’re talking about because you perceive the game only from the one side (horde).

Wanted to add for clarity I don’t support any damage buff for one faction in any BG. What needs to happen is faction populations to be balanced. I know saying that is a huge generalization and I don’t know the specific solution (though I still advocate mixed faction BGs). However, if faction pops can be balanced such that eBG win/loss rates are approximately 50/50, the entire game will be better for both factions. I do not know why anyone would not want this.

Not really, DKs Pallys anyone else with speed boost arrives at the same time as theirs.
Only problem is horde go on safari and zig zag their way up instead of hugging the rocks on the side and getting there sooner.

Also, it’s hangar, we don’t do Chinese Laundry :stuck_out_tongue:

You gave us a rant instead of any ideas on how Alliance can win AV.

Alliance must learn the basics of playing of AV or they won’t win. You can’t win if you don’t know how to Cap Graveyards. The video shows 3 consecutive-separate players in 70 seconds who tried to Cap a Graveyard who didn’t know how and died. Watch the video.

That won’t happen, 50/50 is a dream, it will never be “fair” or “perfect” someone will always be better. I have a winning percentage in the 60’s on my Alliance characters from past expansions. I never remember Horde asking for special treatment. Alliance would roll over Horde in AV and laugh about it.

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Just Merced and won AV… what a rush winning it on the side of the alliance !!



Should be some good fights I hope.


It was a good game …Horde was winning as usual till a bunch of ally used the insignia to port back and held up the horde O long enough for us to win.

All credit to the guy who spammed the message to get the insignia from the vendor in front of the cave before the game started . ( Mercs can’t buy it, I tried :sweat_smile:)

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I didn’t even know about the new Toy Insignia. This will make things interesting.

A very useful toy for stealthies in particular and to fight a desperate rearguard action for the rest .


How to win AV as Alliance:
Form a 5 man party 3 good dps with great sustain and 2 healers, stack in a tower and never let them cap, AoE it if overwhelmed have 2 classes that can B-Rez, simple as that.

Absolutely, this will add another dimension to BFA AV.

I like to look at AV in very tactical way. As in knowing were my choke points are and the best way to effectively use them. Most know there is a choke point just after glav. But I think the one that is under used the most is the mountain pass leading to the bridge that leads into the Alliance base. You have both the high ground and the only way into the base with spawn point close by it’s the best place to start your defense.

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Well I am done spamming AV for now … got my rep to exalted . Next target AB :sweat_smile:

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