If they open it up they’ll have to take down the bridge. Horde have to deal with a large group of Alliance in almost every game. If the bridge was made easier it would be a steam roll.
Though some have found a way to deal with the bridge problem. I’ve personally done it at least 40-50 times.
I’ll take your word for it that you have seen in BFA 10-15 Horde at IBGY, I don’t see it. Unless there is a Turtle, which is a strategy but rarely happens in BFA and is rarely a win for Alliance.
You really don’t understand the game and shouldn’t be making these comments. There are other Alliance much better qualified.
The rest of your comments don’t make sense and are just gibberish. Playing and winning AV is not Rocket Science.
This is from a post I made a while back when talking about AV. The team that does the basics better will win.
Here is a video that shows a typical AV in BFA. Alliance lost because they didn’t play good. It’s not any kind of Horde bias. How can Blizzard force Alliance to learn how to Cap a Graveyard?