Frostwolf/Stormpike Insignia Toy

Anyone know how to obtain these toys? I still have the trinkets but I can’t seem to find the toy counterparts.

Yeah I don’t think they’ve been made into toys, unless there’s news I haven’t heard. There was actually a thread on this a few weeks back.

Oh okay. I just saw it added to the toy collection. So I guess it’s just not available yet then?

Oh I think I see what you mean. It doesn’t show up in my toy collection, but there’s a wowhead page for it as a toy.

Yeah I was really confused if it was in the game yet or whatever. I’m sure they answer will present it’s self over the next few updates hopefully.

It says it requires the quest:


If you have the insignia already have you tried taking it to the area where you get alterac valley quests(horde is hillsbrad foothills)? If it doesn’t work at any insignia level, perhaps it’s only for a character with a maxed out(exalted rep) insignia?

I’ve done that actually, and no such luck.

This is in the game and can be purchased within the Alterac Valley battleground from Prospector Stonehewer (Alliance) and Voggah Deathgrip (Horde) during preparation. They’re free if you have the rep.




The toy is available in the prep phase of AV, I had to uncheck Usable Only (in the Toy Box) for them to show up.