All Warriors Unsub!

The best guild in the world using it in the hardest setup of raiding means jack?

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Yup, I’m sure they had some of the lower speced dps in there to does that automatically mean that spec is doing well??. Like I said, utility.

Like which one? Because all i see when i check the page in RaiderIO is they playing top specs.

It seems you are just making of stuff to push a narrative, but feel free to show me a “lower speced dps” that they used.

I go off logs and logs show prot war is one of the lower preforming tanks in the game, you can deny that if you want to I really don’t care.

Fury needs help for sure, but arms in a monster in pvp.


Not everyone pvps, they could use some love for PVE

So, your narrative of “lower speced DPS” can’t be proven, just BS.

I go with practicality and if the best guild used a spec to do the top of the top of raiding, they that spec can’t hardly be called “terrible”.

So if they didn’t use a prot Paladin that means prot Paladin isn’t a good tank spec even tho it’s actually one of the best if not the best tanks in the game ?. Ok you stick to yours I’ll stick to mine.

Keep the class, feeling adorable tonight.,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg

Not at all, just because they didnt use a certain spec doesnt mean it’s bad but calling a spec they did use “terrible in all content of forms” is completely disingenuous.

They brung a prot warrior because they wanted to I’m sure they would’ve had an easier time tanking bringing a Bear or a Paladin. Prot warrior isn’t unuseable but why bring it over any other tank? They need some buffs, they feel clunky and ignore pain is practically unusable because it costs so much rage.

You really believe they didn’t think about that? Again the top of the top of raiding, come on something as minimum as a spec being 1% better is a huge difference for them.

It’s a pity Bliz won’t let me tell you what you can do with your Unsub Warriors advise. I’ve been playing this guy since I started and never had a problem with him, and I still don’t. If you think Warriors aren’t that good in Shadowlands maybe the problem isn’t the Warriors, a bad workman always blames his tools.

Nah , I have achieved my goal this patch and that was to defeat Sire as lfr is too slow. Now Imma just going back to my alts and gold :dollar:

I’d agree that prot isn’t terrible, but I think that calling it the worst tanking spec wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. Both survivability and damage got nerfed coming into SL and they’re still not quite where they should be imo.

There’s significantly less of a gulf between the best and worst tanks than there has been in past expansions though. So Limit bringing a warrior may just be down to a comfort pick, but who knows?

Arms is doing pretty good right now. Fury not so much.

Fury is ranked second to last in the game and arms is just below middle of the pack. Warriors objectively aren’t in a great spot, it could be worse though. They could be demon hunters.

Okay. For pve they have their niche in strong cleave. Once you get tormented kings, arms becomes quite powerful. It isn’t topping the charts like unholy does, but its not awful.

Inb4 muh warcraft logs

Class shouldn’t rely so heavily on a legendary. My ilvl 192 unh dk pulled way more dps in single target and AoE then my ilvl 205 arms warrior did, now my unh dk has his BiS legendary and it’s disgusting how much more dps it pulls. Foh

I think this might just mean your really bad at arms.