All Warriors Unsub!

Being fury is suffering. Just delete us.

Yes ignore the fact that unholy
Dk is top melee dps by miles and arms warrior is one of the lowest dps specs in the game. Could care less if you think Iā€™m bad or not especially when Iā€™m out dpsing people over my ilvl . Peace troll you arenā€™t even lvl 60 go play the game before you speak on it freak.

Soā€¦im guessing im only one that still injoys fury over armsā€¦i hate arms.

Iā€™d 100% be playing fury over arms, itā€™s legitimately fun, but itā€™s almost aggressively bad right now and doesnā€™t even have the benefit of being ranged like frost mages do.

Im still going to play it, if the numbers are so bad then blizz will tune it eventually but ive always seen fury best as an aoe trash slaughter festā€¦not really something that tops charts in st boss fights.

Oh look its pooskillets warrior altā€¦

I think warriors have good representation on 3ā€™s. Every time I fight one I get clobbered.

Feral is one of the top DPS right now

Just because I disagree with you doesnā€™t make me a troll.

Git gud.

I love playing my warrior in raid but everything else pve related feels pretty bad. Arms feels terrible to play in m+ imoā€¦maybe making cleave, dreadnaught or both baseline would fix some of its problems of how clunky it feels. You do ok-ish aoe every other trash pack and then youā€™re 2 target cleave until your cdā€™s are back up. Some classes are hitting one button and doing triple my damage

On top of our damage being garbage, we dont have an aoe stun or any meaningful cc. We actually contribute nothing to mythic plus. Even in bfa when we had good damage, i would still get declined for groups because dhā€™s and rogues just have better utility. Actually pick any melee class in the game and compare them to what warriors have. They all have better cc and group utility compared to us

Weā€™re not asking to be the best dps or tank in the game but holy sh*t, throw us a bone.

Nope! :slight_smile:

Arms is very good in PvP. Exceptional in Arena and very useful in Rated Battlegrounds. Performs decent in random BGs.

Arms/Prot is also decent for PvE content but certainly not ā€œbadā€

Bye. I love my Warrior, thank you very much.

Why did Limit use 2 warriors on their WF kill?

This is what? Expansion #7 or 8? People still havent figured it out? Warriors are ALWAYS bad at the start of an expansion because of the lack of secondary stats. Then mid xpac become literal GODS who stomp everything. We see this thread every 2 years. Itā€™s getting old.

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Wrong, Iā€™m a Rogue!

I know they are but before SL they were garbage for years

Why does this read like a tweet from a certain person.

ā€œAll Warrios Unsub!ā€

Eh, no thank you.

Umm, both Fury warriors and Frost mages need buffs. Both specs are pretty dead in both pvp and pve. I never thought I would see the day where I see a lot more fire and arcane mages in pvp than frost mages. Arms warriors still hit like a truck and most of the ones I know are doing okay.

im addicted to fury playstyle but the performances make me want to unsub :wink:

im too weak to actually unsub tho :frowning: