All Warriors Unsub!

Give the xmas gift to Activision, unsub. Warriors are actually bad in every spec. Not like Mages that are only bad in Frost!


Lol wut


Or you just delete your warrior and play a different class.


Prot is ok, situationally. Arms is good in PVP. Fury is trash. But I likely won’t unsub until my friends do. I just need some haste Blizz. It’s all I want for Christmas.

Umm what!? Lol. Arms Warriors are absolutely insane atm in pvp. Most mobile melee in game with such amazing support/dmg. Try pvp with a arms warrior with a bit of gear and come back and say that lol.

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Eh no, mines still good for dailies and covenant stuff lol.

There’s a nice little trick. The PvP haste trinket insignias stack… it makes arm even more fun.

Maybe it’s just me; Blizz seems to break every spec I play. :man_shrugging:

It’s called “Flavor of the Month” for a reason.

You just have to wait until it’s your turn to be back on top again instead of meta chasing.

Frost is good for PVP too, do you see anyone cheering for it?

I don’t follow the meta, but the way I do it it’s like the opposite of meta chasing. :unamused:

Yet Limit downed mythic Denathrius with a prot warrior and an arms warrior.


Well, monks have a long history of being non-meta. Feel free to join us :smiley:

Might as well; I’ve played Ret from MoP through BfA, so I’m kinda used to be disappointed.

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My Mage is literally laughing at you right now.

Warriors should be doing bad damage! Why do you think swinging an axe should do as much damage as setting someone on fire or casting a literal human-sized bolt of destruction?

Let me hit you in the head with an axe while you throw a burning piece of charcoal at me. We’ll see who does more damage. :slight_smile:


This is a fantasy game. Also that would likely do a lot of damage either way. I’m sure having an arm cut off by an axe or burned would not be a good time either way.

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Arms is great in pvp


Well, then Ragnaros should be immune to all Fire Damage right ?

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