Are they to raise enough quick cash to hire someone to actually look at shaman for TWW?
Nah it’s to add more special content for DHs and Warlocks since they don’t have enough yet despite having more than everyone else
I own some MS stock, I’ll raise a concern at the next shareholder’s meeting.
They invite people to meetings with 2 shares, right?
Thank you for your service.
I wonder how long it will be before Blizz sells Warlock and Hunter pets on the shop? Just cosmetics, right?
They have to fund the next 3 shadow priest reworks somehow. Redesigning that void every few months gets expensive.
True. As we know, the void is an amorphous thing. Constantly changing
And shadow priests need constant reworks to reflect this.
It’s a subtle nod to their class fantasy.
I assume they’ll hire somebody who will walk past a monitor at some point and see that yes, shamans still exist and go back to ignoring them.
What are you talking about? They have to expand the art department for more druids cosmetics.
Implying they actually care about someone looking at Shaman.
Come on now, we all know most of the money goes to shareholders/CEOs/bean-counters/etc while the game gets a “bare minimum” maintenance budget
Could be worse, they could pawn it off to Gamigo
i think its there to make ur friend feel better
Ok this was a joke.
But after seeing that there were literally zero shaman pve changes in the beta tuning today.
Its not funny anymore.
The funny thing about being a WoW fan in Brazil is that while you all are having Summer Sales and adding beach themed armor, I am freezing cause when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere it’s winter in the south lol
meanwhile heres a live feed of shamans playing their class.
Honestly surprised it hasn’t happened yet already. That same with druid forms, totems, and paladin mounts
(I’m still miffed I lost and have yet recovered my ability to post images.)
Here to support hiring a shaman dev!