All the human female names I want are taken

I almost never have problems getting my names, and the most times I’ve ever had to retry are about 2-3.

Try being more original perhaps? I know for a fact the VAST majority of players name them after things or look up (usually foreign) words with meanings they want and use those.

My tactic is usually go for a low pop server where the possibility of there being names I want that haven’t been claimed is higher…which is next to impossible on higher population ones. As others have suggested, try getting creative with spelling so it’s still the name you wanted, just spelled differently.

Me I’m usually lucky because I tend to just flat make up names for my RP characters, or use names taken from the made-up language in the series of books I’m writing. The only one who knows words from that language are me and the people who read my books, so I’ve never run into any of those that are taken XD

Everyone thinks they’re original until they try to think of a name in an MMO.

Really, how many Adomiraks do you know? :wink:

take my word for it and do the following:

add -ly to the end. so careful becomes carefully.
or add a special char alt code to one of the letters, for example

Ñasuuna or Nâsuuna or Nasuunâ

I feel your pain. I wanted to have 3 characters named after the fairies from Mothra; Belvera, Lora, and Moll. I once had Belvera and Moll, but Lora is always taken.

And no, I’m not going to change the spelling, it wouldn’t be the same.

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I see it as motivation to get creative.

Should have changed your name to Stinkyfingers.
Wait, why are the names limited to Human female and not any other race?

This is a good case for blizz implementing surnames.

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I steer clear of alt codes. I would use them if I needed a tilde or umlaut, but the need has not arisen where that is the case. When I see a name like that, it immediately implies that the name you wanted was taken, and rather than come up with something else, you shoehorned special characters into it. It says more about me than you, but still.

I see a few people mention about using translators for naming characters in foreign languages.

Just a FYI for people who trust Google translator for English → Japanese : I speak Japanese, and this is NOT recommended.

Not sure about how it is with other languages, but I don’t know how many times I ran into people with silly Japanese names courtesy of Google translate.

Please, oh please give some examples.

I named my Orc Hunter Ryoshi, but I think I used WWJDIC, and not Google. I server-transferred, and apparently the name was taken on the new server, so now it is Ryoshii.

Big shoutout to my boi Compactdisc who had his name reserved the day gnome priests were announced.

I mean alt codes exist I don’t know why people won’t use these you literally can have any name you want no matter what when you mix in alt code letters in there

Blizzard should give us surnames, all the npcs got em after all! Would solve your dilemma

The best recent example is someone I saw posting here on the forums but I don’t want to be rude by bringing up their name, so… lol

Here’s one - when you look up the word “curse”, you will get “noroi”.
Which is fine itself, but the problem is, “noroi” also means “stupid slow / dull / clumsy” using different Kanjis.

This may not be Google’s fault so to speak, as it’s more about people not knowing some of these words have different meanings, like how the word “spring” has several different meanings.

But you don’t want to be running around unknowingly labeling yourself “clumsy” when you thought you gave your character a cool name.

Ryoshi with an extra i is fine… I can take a guess that the name was already taken and you had to add another letter.

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I am fascinated by the names people choose. It reflects on their character so much. I definitely get very judgy when I see a name that is a common word misspelled. And it amuses me a lot when I see a name that doesn’t mean what the player thinks it means (unless they intended to look like an idiot, in which case, good job!).

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Baby name books can help find variations of names or suggest new ones. The New Age Baby Name Book is a favorite.

Pick a name you want and add a prefix like Von or De ect ect